Dozens of self-righteous businesspersons in Colorado are publicly announcing that they have no intentions of abiding by any pandemic-related lock-downs, that their workers and customers are welcome only to get fucked. Rather than reporting them to useless governmental offices such as the BBB or OSHA, they deserve to get boycotted judiciously, although some old-fashioned firebombing is not uncalled for. But only after business hours, as I’ve no desire for patriotism when evidently one is not a real patriot unless proactively willing and able to endanger the lives of fellow Americans, justifying any deaths as somehow necessary for personal pride, for national pride, as though pride holds supreme value, much less any value at all.
An obstruction from impeding the life or liberty of others is not a violation of any civil or basic human rights. Failure to get what you desire is not synonymous with a threat to your life. And yet some commenters are so outraged by the inconvenience of not having a cheeseburger in public, that they are threatening to shoot people for objecting to unnecessary deaths of Americans. When keeping everybody alive is no definition of tyranny. Opposition to traditional, non-corporate welfare is tyrannically endangering lives of Americans. Opposition to free universal healthcare preexisting conditions and all tyrannically endangers lives of Americans. Gun ownership tyrannically endangers the lives of anyone in shooting distance. Being pro-war no matter the casualties tyrannically endangers the lives of Americans. And all for profit, for ego-appeasement, but when no chain is stronger than its weakest link, where is the concern for keeping all of us alive, those purportedly god-blessed workers and consumers and tax-payers? Don’t be angry with people who don’t care to suffer permanent side-effects from exposure, be angry at the system holding as little regard for your own livelihood as you do unto others. Personally, I do not require a government to remind me to avoid the opportunism of primadonna melodrama.
It’s not at all about abiding by this or any government. It’s about the people electing to do for one another what the government cannot and will not.
Do these people opposed to pandemic restrictions just not know how to cook for themselves? Are they so terrified by prospects of being left alone with their thoughts? Are they not capable of existing outside of crowds or lines or clusterfucks? America’s bloated sense of self-worth is no different than the regard Trump shows for himself. We’ve the most expensive government on the planet, the largest military apparati in world history and are further in debt than the debts of all other nations combined and multiplied many, many times over. In fact, the debt of most nations is due entirely to the USA forever raising its own debt ceiling, like your landlord missing a car payment because your rent was late. And should any of them take issue, four-fifths of all nations together host approximately 1000 U.S. military bases largely without permission. As with Presidents themselves, the USA is not actually helping anybody, but rather obsessively insisting that they are the best without finishing the sentiment that they are the best at disdaining and disrupting all life.
Right now, Americans are banned from all but a small handful of nations, 100% due to the completely selfish disregard for the well-being of others as displayed by these business-owners, predispositions which are quite commonplace nationwide outside of pandemics as well. Despite being further in debt than any nation in the history of the world, this government plucked two trillion dollars from thin air, not for concerns regarding small business owners or their employees, but so that billionaire contributors to political campaigns can maintain steady profits. Republicans pushed it and Democrats did nothing to stop it from happening. I think the hundreds of millions we are about to waste on bombing Iran would be better spent *not* empowering business models that require risking the health and safety of underpaid workers and overcharged customers. The majority of outlets for assistance were gutted prior to most people ever hearing about coronavirus. Trump nixed millions of households from food stamps and unemployment benefits, for no better reasons but to make national statistics appear less problematic while redirecting those resources for rewarding the biggest tax-dodgers with additional tax breaks. Before him, Obama slashed federal funding for all homeless shelters not exclusively supporting felons and junkies, and he robbed WIC to instead help boost Twitter taking its IPO public. Now that the bulk of Americans vitally need these resources, the monies are long gone into private coffers. The billions Jeff Bezos alone avoids in federal taxes could all by itself fund unemployment, food stamps and WIC every year, but it’s cheaper for him to just drop a few well-placed bribes, emoluments or campaign contributions than to be a contributing member of society, a relegation all those unable to afford are required by law to strive for and to adhere to like our lives depended on nothing else. The poorest have been supporting the wealthiest all along, working to the bone to further enrich them, buying their predominately unnecessary products and services while paying taxes on their behalf; the bulk of society patterned entirely to pleasure recipients of unearned wealth. If you’re an American reading this, no matter who you are understand that you paid more taxes over the last decade than did the wealthiest man in the country, and that this has been the case all your adult years. It’s somehow unpatriotic to feed and house everybody, to keep everybody alive, but patriotic to feed and house only the more ego-maniacal among us, to have them live larger than life. That’s servicing the egos, not what constitutes the actual country and certainly not your own best interests, or better angels.
Contrary to the popular memes of Facebook, matters such as Social Security, widow’s benefits and government housing do not arrive from capitalist ideals, as there is no profit there for the born wealthy, but without these matters millions more would be dying in the streets every year. Even Medicare and Medicaid are technically just government loans, with copious loopholes in place denying coverage for all those calculated as incapable of someday repaying, of compensating for the generous tax write-offs awarded to the wealthiest by leaders theoretically elected to represent more than simply the wealthiest, yet who across the imaginary aisle habitually write-off the expenses of those who can afford them, but never of those who cannot.
In America, as citizens we’ve no choice but to pay for our own demise. That is precisely what those proud business-owners want of you.
If justifying the death of just one person, U.S. citizen or not, makes you feel patriotic, then your pride can get fucked. I’m not really sure what god was blessing here, as he was fairly explicit about how the whole “Thou shalt not kill” bit affords no room for exceptions, not for unwanted children, not for people who look or act differently than you, and not because you wanted to show off how cool you think you look to strangers but were tragically denied the opportunity during a global pandemic where asymptomatic carriers are a thing and guaranteed immunity is not. I oppose all wars, I oppose capital punishment. I oppose abortion for my body, my choice sayeth the unborn. I have personally escorted too many friends to abortion doctors to believe the majority of cases are anything but poor decisions misaligned with victims of circumstances actually beyond their control. If we have the technology for performing cosmetic surgeries over a lunch-break, then why can we not have safe alternatives to abortion, like removing an embryo as immediately and as minimally intrusive as possible to be finished along the lines of a test-tube baby, with nothing more required of the biological mother. Life devalued by some is readily valued by others. Because believe it or not, it’s not that difficult to exist without conflicting ideals or mulligans. In a just society, none should have access to the means or methods for ending the life of another under any circumstances imaginable. Unlike manifestly all others in this country, especially the many assholes citing religious belief as reason for denying lock-downs while unironically preaching love, I entertain no self-contradictions. Greater than any ego is the dire need for everybody without exception to stay alive, to suffer this life for as long as humanly possible.
I want desperately for you all to live, to suffer this hell your participation has grown to your dying day.