To be fair, what happened in DC yesterday was the invariable culmination of abject denials of reality, of accountability and of personal responsibility. From months of raging towards no other end publicly across Parlor, the chan sites and news platforms aplenty, to the Q freaks and more blatant white nationalists live-streaming themselves on Facebook, Twitter and TikTok as their own actions unraveled while goaded by their segregated communities of echo chambers in real time, to the lax but complicit law enforcement witlessly endangering the lives of the very public they are tasked with serving and White House officials abruptly resigning after the fact as though actions possessing an affinity for consequences were some new trend they were still adapting to, what happened was not only altogether predictable, but spelled out ad nauseum beforehand high and low.
Even the shock and awe of the ordeal’s ongoing aftermath is regarded by the mainstreams of self-fulfilling punditry as somehow a peculiar or otherwise abnormal occurrence, rather than fundamental designs. Self-righteous idiots with scores of followers eager to be informed what to think and what to feel, such as Glenn Greenwald, struggle for words after spending months asserting matters such as Q are no more than liberal red-herrings. That the home team is always in the right. That decency might be personalized, but never socialized. That Americans never prove capable of undoing America, when favored symbolism of capital, god and country or any other passing persuasion ultimately serves no other purpose but to mask private bias, private fetishes, private quirks, private whims and private fancy from the unflattering reality of cause and effect. That some element of authority can be well-intentioned. That bad things can only possibly come of the convictions of others, and never one’s own.
Pinning any iota of the insurrectionist blame on some preconceived operation orchestrated by antifa or foreign agitators overlooks the Proud Boys declaring just weeks earlier how they would be attending incognito explicitly to agitate the situation further. As well it overlooks the thousands of maskless demonstrators marching directly from point abc to point xyz, and it overlooks the tens of millions of voters who have been giving their neighbors constant headaches throughout this administration, growing angrier and angrier for no better reason but for not getting whatever they want, angry over how their selfish ignorance and selfish malevolence do not immediately go rewarded by all of time and space.
And instead of doing anything to confront them directly be they friends or family, neighbors or co-workers or persons who have inherited pillaged resources or pillaged resources themselves, the constituency waits for invested authorities to make their decisions for them, egos bowing only to greater egos, as ego services only ego and nothing more.
Nothing about the melting pot has ever been clearer than its inflammatory insistence for ego to come first in all matters, for entitlements to infringe upon the civil and basic human rights to life, liberty and pursuits of happiness for all others to be regarded as the one and only sovereign right. For all persons great and small beyond the closed circuits of American eccentricity to forever be made to cope with the very ramifications which said eccentricity obsesses over avoiding and yearns for avoiding, indeed lives for avoiding to its dying day as though nothing else in all of creation down to the thoughts and feelings of friends and family or innocent bystander strangers could or should matter. Running with scissors whilst running from themselves.
The actions and the inactions of USA citizens are at fault, and to deny this is to confess the powerlessness of individuals before the prized symbols of pomp and circumstantial evidence.