As time goes by, marketing through social media actually becomes easier to accomplish.
Such a statement may conflict with whatever the lead stories on the nightly news present to us generally, just as critics of social networking platforms preach of the diverse but disparaging ideological polarities enlivened throughout social media specifically. Marketing naturals however, see how those critics miss the bigger picture, how no such group might exist without individuals, be it a religious fundamentalist sect or political party or workers union or some other fan-club of brand loyalists. Divides exist in the realm of public opinion, but those divisions are individually tailored online, with the function of the social media sites themselves being necessarily dependent upon a DIY segregation of all users, by all users. Every social networking profile exists in the service of that which pleases and comforts the account holder. The pleasuring or comforting of others where regarded at all is accepted merely as methods for entertaining others or for being entertained by others, as if life consisted of nothing save the one luxury. Online and off, assistance is limited by everyone to helping others know what to praise and what to be offended by. Thus marketing need only do what marketing has always done, convince consumers that nothing in life matters but the personalized pleasures and comforts to come of their private thoughts and feelings being prioritized by everyone and personified by everything. The ego already believes everyone unwilling or unable to cater the ego’s fancy is evil, and that everything which unflatters the ego’s fancy is fabrication or falsehood. Marketing neither invents or creates anything.
It could be said that what comprises both Church and State have already claimed many of our thoughts and feelings for their own, entitled privilege informing the population of what our thoughts and feelings could be and should be by the sanctioned standards of Church or State. But what comprises Industry is not as likely to result in those displeasing or discomforting stories from the nightly news, if only because those platforms too are as owned as every other. The basis for marketing has always at its core been to inform the masses of what their own thoughts and feelings could be and should be. And as the subsets of peoples online are those most eager to follow or be followed, then they have already revealed themselves most susceptible to the needs of Industry. You can have codependency without addiction, but you cannot have addiction without codependency.
Essentially, finding egos to feed has never been simpler, because everyone today is made to think and feel that their private thoughts and feelings always take priority in all concerns and in all situations. And with that belief as sole focus of the masses, then nothing else need be addressed by the marketer. In spite of a world competing for our attentions, competition perpetually hungry and thirsty for chances to decide which strangers deserve life and who they would do without. The divisiveness of alignments online has only grown those numbers of susceptible individuals, idealizing subjective fantasies conquering the unfortunately objective reality as though salvation acts independently of sacrifice, while the actual catalyst for the divisiveness is the yearning of those same people to be told themselves what to think and feel, in order to escape the invariable stagnation of their self-assured yet always unnatural physical or metaphysical gated communities; gutless positive reinforcement allowing marketers more and more kindling for what fires lucrative tomorrows. By all means can you sell hope regularly and eternally, because it never actually solves the problem, in the sense that a job finitely well done amounts to no repeat business.
Were any ideologue ever truly whole and complete, they’d have no cause to recruit.
Capitalists coolly debase the value of human life through their grotesque phraseology of ‘human capital’. Too many modern conservatives still rationalize the 3/5 rule, disenfranchising the civil liberties of anyone not friends or family. And too many pro-choice liberals are overeager to rewrite their own bad decisions at a cost to life, cowering behind the victims suffering circumstances actually beyond their own control. If they see no value in death themselves, why aren’t they pushing for science to develop the means to safely extract fertilized eggs as quickly and as safely as possible? My own sister is devastated by her inability to have kids of her own; she’d gladly take in as many as she could. Her emptiness makes the pro-choice crowd seem like self-possessed monsters. Whereas pro-lifers fine with gun ownership, supportive of wars and enraged by prospects of welfare, free education and free healthcare, do not frankly need to ban books as they are so oft to do, for they already lack the ability of putting two and three together. Ideological consistency doesn’t belong in marketing, or else nobody can be made to feel special. Nobody anywhere under any circumstances whatsoever gets to set limitations upon what constitutes human life, and nobody anywhere under any circumstances gets to ever determine the value of any life not their very own. But it requires such minimal efforts from effective marketers to convince anybody otherwise. Real equality is not the sharing in metaphorical riches but the sharing in quite literal burdens, as enrichment does not exist without entrapment and/or extortion and/or exploitation of someones here or there. No matter the justifications from opportunities to resources, those possessing more than yourself are never the ones burning candles for life-saving assistance regardless of the appeal in your wishing to befriend them, to fuck them or to be them. Economic inflation could be permanently halted simply by capping maximum wages, always the root of the problem, but nobody proposes such a thing because the actual well-being of others means less than personal fantasies. People will die forever, but syndication only lasts for so long.
So, the marketing techniques that work best perpetually are in fact the distillation of marketing itself: To sell your product or service, reach out to the public as individuals and not as any collective, so that their choices in what they think or feel about themselves can be regarded as most important of all things, and people will line up to give their all. Indeed will today’s people regularly abandon everything for nothing else, even memberships obliging what their very identities are manufactured around.