Everyone, it’s okay if the abyss gazes back. Eventually it will turn away to check itself in the mirror and then you win the staring contest. I mean if gumption were so easy why can’t estate taxes be more of a thing? First world nations all have this in common, their downfall of managing national resources for the lucrative benefit of the few rather than the maintenance of the many. Ego ergo ego.
Capitalism is nothing but legalized entrapment, extortion and exploitation, just as the stock exchange is legal gambling. What if entertainment itself were a luxury, with the time and resource better spent in service to the god of your choice. People who put no consideration into what they say or do reeeeeally don’t care much for those who do. Take for example suggestions to cap maximum wages. Inflation occurs when we culturally allow persons living beyond their own means to underpay workers while price-gouging consumers. Raising minimums, even the popular universal basic income idea, does jack to prevent gluttony of the most codependent from raising costs of living. There’s no ethical or moral reason for billionaires to *not* be made to live as millionaires. It really is that simple, as all complications in life come from exceptions shoe-horned past ethics and morals. I don’t want or need more than other people for survival and enrichment are not remotely one and the same thing, I just don’t see why anyone deserves less than me. I’m not saying anyone deserves more than you. I’m saying nobody deserves less.
But if anyone thinks they themselves deserve Netflix more than fellows deserve to eat, they are not actually a good person, a Christian or a patriot. If billionaires were Christian, or moral/ethical, they would not be dependent on matters like wage theft and tax breaks at cost to others. If they were patriots, they would not hold so much wealth hostage in offshore havens and shelters, just sitting there while millions suffer. I really do think that we can cripple inflation permanently by disallowing insatiability from controlling the wheel. Capitalists may not understand the concept of “enough” but fate sure does. Too many people want to believe their fantasies indulged will solve all problems, the American dream, but reality shows time and again how fantasies indulged are the source of problems, the catering of ego. Each and every comfort holds a cost and only so much blood can be given. I will never justify anybody anywhere knowing lesser resources or opportunities than myself. If those claiming ownership of the sun, the moon and stars want autonomy and self-determination, they must allow it in the world beyond the confines of their thoughts and feelings. It is marketing to underestimate the scale of monies kept outside the economy. If allowed reentry, welfare would be unnecessary, free education and healthcare would be for everyone, working less hours while earning all the more. The money to cover it exists. Gods among men sit on it. And as Pelosi remarked of everyone in DC at day’s end, “We’re all Capitalists”. It’s just competing brands now, allowing themselves insider trading and gold toilet seats while more Americans are homeless today than died in WW2. Federal currencies belong to we the people, not the most dependent among us. If corporate entities would like monies, let that come from whatever merit or mettle to their goods and services effectively meeting whichever preexisting public demand. They do not need the welfare of grants or subsidies or tax forgiveness, not when their goal is enrichment. Even the mass hallucinations of god and country come before the whims of billionaires, but when so many are experiencing hell on Earth, maybe the people with the power to make that happen should be held to some authority higher or not.
The notion “Let’s save everybody” being regarded as an impossibility or impracticality or even taken as some degree of evil by everybody, says so much about everybody. If what your god wants of you and what your country needs of you both play second fiddle to billionaires you will never know always getting what they wish, you are not actually serving any god or country. Honestly none of these are necessary. But when marketing does all thinking for everybody, pop culture filling the voids of identity, etc, any crutch will do. We could have a society where everyone earns more money while working fewer hours. If we must maintain illusions of a society. We don’t have to love or kill anybody to have a functioning society. Every subset of our population believes otherwise, but that’s just ego talking, wanting respective fantasies to be praised above all the rest.
The sums sitting in tax havens and tax shelters, or as with long-term gains in the stock market numbers which are somehow legally never taxed at all, are so astronomical that nobody would have to pay any form of taxation again beyond a minimal sales, maybe 10% on every dollar. We could install a death tax as well, for anything and everything over one million. Then everyone could have the time and money to actually live some kind of life beyond supporting the habits of billionaires. The fact Bezos makes a thousand times more than any of his workers doesn’t mean he works a thousand times harder or does the work of a thousand employees, it means he pays smaller sums of emoluments to politicians so that they refrain from taxing him the same as everybody else. And when he is provided tax leniency above and beyond, his tax-paying workers and customers pay the difference themselves. Only an ignorant ass would support such framework. Your personal supremacy is only another fantasy to be indulged. Anybody and everybody is encouraged to lust after power, it’s not a race thing or a sex thing. All that trickles down in this society is the ego of those you do accept as your superiors, who sincerely do not care if you live or die. It’s not the differing identities making your life less than ideal, it’s the people you give your trust to, the people you allow control over what your life could be and what your life should be. Don’t hate the neighbors or co-workers, hate those you all answer to.
If we insist on giving so much currency to currency, then hoarding and monopolizing it must be regarded as working against society. Bogarting anything life-sustaining, even just slapping a price tag on it be it knowledge or medicine, limits access to the future of humanity. If a thing cannot actually save a life, by all means charge whether it’s a candy bar, comic book or plane ticket. But taxes must cover utilities fully rather than any going to corporate welfare, as people have been made to require utilities where corporate interests drain them. To be a first world nation is to be a capitalist state, and when the dollar sign is granted more weight than any and every life, when any symbology cross or flag is given more gravitas than what it symbolizes, what it symbolizes is what gets sacrificed.