I’ve spent time in more states of the USA than most folks will ever experience for themselves, Peace Pilgrim is life, but Dallas by far has the weirdest weather. The bluegrass still has a taste of each season but they coexist daily in the land of the Dealey Lama. Observing produces every self-assurance that pontificating dissuades.
Saying something is woke is insisting any person, place or thing with purpose other than transcribing your passions is somehow in the wrong, as though you and you alone are the world’s audience. On that note, unused toilet paper has more character than Elon Musk, while used has more moral fiber. Used toilet paper has never fired thousands of people with or without reason, never technically overworked or overcharged or underpaid anyone and has never made billions in other people’s money vanish, or paid for sex. Used toilet paper is superior to Elon Musk. In fairness used toilet paper is also superior to Jeff Bezos, as used toilet paper never flew through enough money to feed millions to instead launch itself into space to cause the world to forget how its own tech failed to protect its own dick-pix. The world needs help because American business interests entitle themselves to all of its resources and opportunities and none of its burdens. There’s no courts in heaven or hell because the light and the dark mutually agreed for all the lawyers to fuck off to limbo forever. If god were anymore unreliable he’d be an American. But how Musk’s ignoramus fanboys see him is how immigrants see America, and how Musk sees his followers in turn is the exact same as how America sees immigrants, those immigrants who are not beating cops with flag poles and smearing feces on walls and calling for Mike Pence to be hung. People who take liberties never return them. Woke is anything with a purpose other than enhancing your wet-dream. I have Elon blocked and can still see all of his tweets, so I figure the 3 employees left have access to all the micro-doses everyone else left behind. Thus is the shortest distance between two points a molecular rearrangement.
Always thought Tom Petty’s headstone should read “Think of me what you will I have a little space to fill.” Whenever David Gilmour goes, hopefully not for awhile, his could read “Leave but don’t leave me; look around, choose your own ground.” Jeff Buckley’s would be “Stay with me, under these waves tonight; be free, for once in your life tonight.” Which sounds weird as he did drown but I think his listeners would be least offended by the poetry of circumstance no matter how horrible a hurt. Ideological foundations with no grounding in reality are as impermanent as home for the mass of humanity.
To that effect the Butlerian Jyhad would be a more apt comparison than Luddites anyhow for how to stage a revolt, as Luddites actually took risks where Butlerian Jyhadists were works of fiction. Ideally the people would not necessarily care all that much to be spoonfed anything coming out of a machine programmed by god knows what, yet there they go one and all. It hit me a few years ago and really stuck. I think there was a whiff of it when cyberpunk couture was building steam in the 80s, but today anyone without a personal drive for insular worlds is considered loony. I was homeless for some years, like not couch-surfing but the real deal, and throughout I wondered if the legal ostracizing and societal demonization didn’t boil down to just lacking the wherewithal to be an active consumer for the machine. How dare I. Paid media means paid to sell something or other, usually souls. Like life and liberty depends on giving tech moguls a big thank you for all the ways they’ve dumbed us down or enabled our indulgence in DIY segregation online. Aaron Swartz said tech was our biggest boon and bane all at once, but his death made a choice his life could not. For all too many, the closest they travel to self-awareness is ever seeing how much a fault it is believing the hype. I think in most any context forgiveness is enabling.
Faith is just bias dressed up in casual wear. I’ve been ready to die all my life but god will have none of it. Twitter is postscript to a life that is fucking done. Sharing experiences, we give one another more to build from than when we share opinions, which is giving each other more bricks for our respective self-confinement safely from the purple people-eaters outside our esteem. That’s why online social media never had a fucking chance. There was an old meme about Christ-cycles, encouraging Xtians to voluntarily undergo cryogenic freezes to wake into doomsday all the quicker. It’s a fine justification for public utilities.
Bending time is no different from bending space, you just grab it by either end and close it like a book. You can sit on space-time for better leverage against it, just don’t rotate while doing so as only god is welcome to do that. The reality is that all of the emptiness of space onto deep space and the antimatter round back comprises one giant grave, and when god is finished with existence he will fill every corner with what remains of his ego. Again, time is filled the same way.