Opinionated is only ever used as a descriptive when the opinions are disagreeable for passersby, as if those persons we cherish haven’t an idea of their own.
We’ve taken to the DIY segregation of virtual gated communities so much, hiding behind avatars and proxies as do our icons and institutions, we expect the same in news media and schools, vigilant safeguarding from all things personally unfamiliar or uncomfortable like what constitutes the mass of reality. The opposite of diversity in economics is self-devouring snakes of monopoly just like the opposite to diversity in genetics is inbreeding, so the opposite to diversity in knowledge is likewise a tunnel-vision leaving oneself no options or opportunities. But the opposite to diversity in culture would be boredom, which I’d take to mean that no matter how wonderful is paradise or how horrible damnation, any afterlife’s eternity would be not such the big deal before too long. Either we blink out of existence or it’s limbo, folks invariably breaking down and seeing their pleasures or their pains in the madness of forever gray solitude.
I’ve been broken and bloody for less than 30 pieces of silver. Acknowledging the small fact of janitors having keys to the kingdom means acknowledging you are so filthy, purportedly inferior others must regularly clean up after you.
Apolitical is never a thing inside the spheres of politics or law enforcement or corporate boards, as authoritarians depend on partisanship to disguise their deals with devils made strictly for esteem, and side-effects to their private biases as good intentions. First world nations are defined as Capitalist, but then are they nation-states where partisanship doesn’t actually exist to hold sway, only capital. Team colors are packaging to distract from the simple truth that people caring to help others do not seek out authority over them. Trusting in authority figures is what provides for the corrupting influence of their powers. Here in the states the only field more prone to domestic abuse than law enforcement is military, with a huge drop-off before third place. Guess it’s universal, those willing and able to dehumanize bringing it home. Homeless people don’t start international wars. Accepting the excuses of our most trusted icons and institutions is why sociopolitical problems persist, not because others fail to observe the supremacy of our most trusted icons and institutions through denying their excuses. Blaming anyone and everyone who has infinitesimally less power over your livelihood and well-being than do the people you just give it away to, is what gives misery company. In most any context I find it’s easier to be alone than wrong. And one doesn’t require confinement for solitude, just as one doesn’t require crowds to find purpose or value for themselves.
Not to defend any for-profit portal, but I think what’s happening with tik-tok right now is a rerun of vine from a decade back, folks increasingly using the platform for more than silliness are freaking out the authoritarians dependent upon public gullibility. We don’t need more drugs or a new social network or frankly anymore TV shows. We need more facing reality. Though legalizing and retroactively decriminalizing pot would kill nobody. Might help the screamers in the back to settle down enough to realize they’ve a life to lead.
Absolutely infuriating of me to never advance any person, place or thing while being critical toward some other. Every faith, every political party and every brand has caused undue hurt. Survival unto itself isn’t actually reliant on enlisting in orgies or personality cults. The people, places and things you believe in with all your might were powerless or complacent for stopping all the bad things that ever happened to those you love.