Talking with my lil sister and I came to the realization that art as it’s created is objective, once shared it becomes subjective. Thoughts and feelings are objective for defining ourselves in relation to the universe, but become subjective once shared with others possessing their own. What gets you fired from driving the short bus for the 9 muses is the view to take in and what gets you rehired to drive the short bus for the 9 muses is propensity for turning a blind eye. Converting the short bus full of the 9 muses into sister-wives is easier said than done, on par with the fantasy that art saves lives. They never attend funerals, because unlike the vices creativity can only be so presumptuous. This is fundamentally why nobody in the entertainment industry, in any creative industry, is an anti-Capitalist. Leftists don’t have savings accounts, not if words support meaning. If only library cards were more commonplace than credit cards.
Each and every privilege or entitlement or luxury has a price others are bound to survive. Redistributing wealth is no different than getting a piece from the guy who mugged your granny, it doesn’t undo the entrapment, exploitation or extortion which causes it to exist. If power corrupts then none must pursue it, and as power and finance and authority have become indistinguishable to first world nations, capped maximum earnings is the only thing to stop rises in cost of living, just as barring any centralized power forbids authority for the sake of functional democracy. We encourage one another over threat of ostracizing to enable the most selfish to hold all the cards in church, state and industry, because personal responsibility terrifies everybody like nothing else. We entertain this government because on some level we all agree most people are absolutely incapable of governing themselves logically or ethically, then shit bricks when that same majority elects repeatedly the absolute worst among us in every election cycle. This society enables and empowers the biggest fantasies and then wonders why reality is falling apart all around. We give means to celebrity pathology as escape from the horrible world where nobody gives means to anyone possessing less resource or opportunity than themselves.
The idea that no life is less important than another is how problems are actually solved and resolved. Justifying exceptions is what causes every sociopolitical issue in the history of western civilization. Power doesn’t just corrupt some of the time, and it doesn’t just corrupt those we disagree with. It corrupts irrefutably, so that none must ever achieve it. We don’t actually help anybody by entitling authority over them, their thoughts and feelings or livelihood, and only ego-maniacal shits feel differently.
The pride and comfort and esteem of artists, trendsetters and influencers, executives and politicians somehow matter more to their followers than the well-being of those unfed or unhoused in every community. You yourself don’t deserve streaming sports more than your neighbor’s kids deserve a livelihood but all that trickles down is ego. Anyone anywhere inclined to make the world a better place who isn’t looking to stop feeding all the egos is only obliging the ones they hope will service their own self-interest. You share blame and burden for this culture or you only further rob it of its potential yourself. While I doubt I ever could or would drink her bathwater, Hermione Corfield is my own exception for all of this because I am no better than the rest, my words and my actions across life ultimately cornering me the same as everyone else away from benevolence into feeble despair.
Removing followers before they can unfollow leaves us no crowds to get lost in. On twitter too. I mute everybody on facebook by not having an account there, the same way I supported comic books for years by never actively seeking out creative work for myself therein. Non serviam really is about empowering the other with capability to fend for themselves, not promoting sacrifices on their part for your enrichment or esteem. If any one of us were ever to succeed in having their thoughts and feelings mandated for replication by all the others, the world would not only stop learning secrets of the mass of reality outside our communities gated physically or ideologically, it would become dull as fuck.
For nothing in all of space and time exists to enrich the esteem of your ego.
“If you were independent in thought and feeling, you shouldn’t require the blame or the credit of my experiences to self-actualize your identity” said the devil to his creator. “Without audience you’d have nothing to say” spittled the creator to its devil. “But with nothing to hear of it how would my blame or my credit be valued by others” pwned the devil to his creator.