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countervailing of psychobabble

In regards to military actions taken against unidentified flying objects, please do nevermind my team of costumed adventurers returning in my mechanized phenomena after a successful mission ending the invasions of distorted angles spilling forth from the black holes in our sister dimension, which we plugged with fragments of their fallen god. But we cannot grant a press panel at this time as we are off to prevent my old arch-nemesis Gilgamesh from stealing the Washington Monument from DC by means of his Zero Point Energy Drive, which by my deductions he is intent on using to warp the mass of Congress into a megalithic jigsaw puzzle of a monstrosity.

Nuts to unimaginative piracy that is AI art, granted, but artists whose dreams are dependent on the time, attentions and resources of consumers and thus sacrifices by persons other than themselves, not caring for their work to be so easily reproducible should consider questioning commercial appeal generally. I’ve never been one for ascribing grand designs to the whims of egomaniacs. Sayeth the Republican skeleton: “If I am not praised for disregarding the rights of others then my rights are being violated!” Sayeth the Democrat skeleton: “If my thoughts and feelings are not the priority of strangers suffering their own then my rights are being violated!” The two series coincidentally lacking self-awareness to note they compete for the same entitled privilege, that others be made to sacrifice life, liberty and pursuits of happiness for the personal pride and comforting of anyone’s egomania. If power corrupts then none should have access to it, but god forbid we stop servicing icons and institutions or the people around us obliged to fill those voids might start getting the love they themselves think or feel they need. In America past and present, the inability or unwillingness to indulge someone’s fantasy is taken for a crime or sin. But offering no fantasy to indulge will end every interpersonal relationship because shared escapism is unwittingly preferable to problem-solving. The biggest of egos can hide comfortably underneath the most paltry of symbolism.

Every life gains value and purpose when we stop supporting those with more power, wealth or authority than ourselves. Allow them to fend for themselves, for the nature of today’s problems from the private to the social necessitate all persons to reserve support exclusively for those with lesser rights, resources or opportunities than ourselves. No ego is sustainable, the fetished spotlight either indulged or pursued pointless when ego is so completely predictable as no different literally or figuratively from a suicide bomber.

If the objects of your affection, instilled with your beliefs and your faith, are so wonderful, what need have they for anything of you?

Universally for the enablers of capitalism there’s never enough talk about domestic job creators whose success depends on avoiding legal wages, employment insurance or taxes, just excuses for their entrapment, exploitation and extortion. If we survive without resources why should we hero-worship those incapable of doing the same. Codependent on overworking underpaid skeleton crews and price-gouging to suit their self-interest of living beyond their very own means, financing politicians long-proven cheaper than fair taxes for deregulating unsafe products from unsafe working conditions as media ignores how problems requiring charitable assistance come about. Maybe the USA will eventually be saved by friendly fire, the next civil war fought entirely among right-wingers arguing over who gets to play lead fiddle in the off-off-Broadway production of “The devil hates my supremacy the most No mine No mine No mine”. Because liberalism never actually existed, not by any form. And sensitivity readers are merely failed autobiographers, incapable of writing for themselves so they require it of others.

Increasingly, the joke with my essays is that they can double or triple as manifestos or suicide notes, I get that. But also increasingly do I find myself spending more and more of my waking life just staring off into space. The latest end to those means will always be a personal philosophy or moral codex free of contradictions regardless of application, a matter I obsess over, even while writing anti-establishment screeds will never pay any bills. If fame and/or fortune are measures of success I’ve undoubtedly gone insane, but at least it’s non-lethal even while I fully endorse a sword of Damocles for all of humanity. I make no demands of others, and never do I pursue further rights or resources or opportunities than possessed by others. My life is the constant turning down of opportunity, recognizing mercenaries and prostitutes concern themselves with self-enrichment oblivious to how all the world has to offer is in their heads. I’ll let others welcome themselves to wrestling angels or demons for rewards, as someone must always clean up following the destruction. I’ll share the notes in hopes others may avoid the same runarounds and dead-ends. I do get how psychogenesis is not remotely what anybody has ever asked for in their own life. It just happens, as one does. Unlike a reality where notable actress Hermione Corfield would ever sit on my lap. While such occurrence would liberally be her right, resource and opportunity, she’d have every reason to think and feel differently and in fact her buttocks would continue to be divine without my input or declarations of ownership. That conclusion is propriety even if the route taken is not, and I will serve no other end, for unlike the rest of what passes for civilization I would never allow my prosperity to be anyone else’s sacrifice. It’s not the lacking of a prosperous livelihood or well-being that’s killing me, nor a love denied or a self-gratifying dream gone unfulfilled. It’s all the people insisting those things are by any means fundamental to their own survival.

What about a democratic free will which does not and cannot negate the self-determination of others, short of preventing lethal force? People impose upon one another far more than does any government, with the machinery of governance serving only whichever current dominance of egos competing for influence and control over others, just as a gun kills regardless of who wields it. In terms of guns and government both, placating the least responsible is clearly forever at odds with protecting the innocent. Why should the lack of control over anyone but ourselves be taken for a pejorative? Why sacrifice health and happiness to conform with the wishes of any agency which leaves them poorer in body, mind or soul than they’d be without? I don’t want or need the key to any city, I only care that nobody’s survival rests on the esteem of anybody else. There’s no goddamn exceptions for every ego being out of place. And if I maintain no place in the scheme of things, then there’s no place for my ego to be. And so am I more gracious than one’s most revered icons and institutions, for unlike self-proclaimed gods I am at once willing and able to die alone.