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comment to a political blog

Declassification doesn’t come by way of magic wand, there’s a process about it which none in Trump’s ever-folding circle are claiming he indulged. Rather are they insisting the thousands of taken documents were declassified simply because he said that they were. While simultaneously asserting the FBI planted the dozens if not hundreds of boxes full of classified files around the properties, which Trump kept only because a non-lawyer associate of his said it was alright though Trump also had no idea what was in the boxes as he was just too busy to ever sort them himself. Suffice to say, the Presidential Records Act is about declassifying for public consumption through the National Archives, not declassifying for personal possession.

Overlooking that pivotal detail is on par with saying the January 6 rioters were merely sightseers, despite the fact that because of the gravity of the day’s proceedings the Capital was actually closed to the public. Hence the barricades.

It’s an ugly thing to be so arrogant or ignorant that awareness of being insulted is lost in translation. It’s far worse when people do it to themselves. There are too many who can justify Trump’s documented 10,000 lies while in office just as easily as justify his eligibility for a leadership role anywhere. There were people who could as easily justify his many more occasions of publicly mispronouncing or misspelling words while in office, too. And every single one of those people are so terrified of being less than ideal that they waste their lives countering reality itself just to spite any and every other interest it may contain. It would appear by all accounts that the more someone believes in anything, the less they honestly care about everything. Every symbol to believe in is a shield promising safe passage for absolute emptiness. Every gaggle of followers regardless of what’s getting idealized comes across as childish to outsiders and naysayers, and it is no less childlike to believe our very own does not. Love the Simpsons for sure, but pay no mind to the South Korean animation studios operating on what’s quantifiable slave labor. Fandom for anything enunciates a profound retardation of self-awareness, and personal responsibility.

Bringing up Hunter Biden to counter whichever of Trump’s fallacies, crimes or sins is crap whataboutism. A better contrast would be comparing Hunter to Jared Kushner. Jared was repeatedly denied White House security clearances because of his financial stakes and liabilities, until Trump over-ruled governmental protocols, later resulting in the Saudis gifting Jared two billion for matters which no party is willing to discuss. Which makes the worst claims against Hunter sound like small potatoes, especially when we recall that unlike Jared Hunter never worked in the White House. Is Hunter a pampered and irresponsible piece of shit? Inherited wealth can be nothing else. But every criminal charge on him is a projection, as the flame in his crack-pipe is manifestly smaller than the dumpster fire raging from sea to shining sea, thus kindled by every ego claiming legions of followers in compliance with the illusion that is civilization.

If any of Trump’s followers would ever stop to ask of themselves, why would a former President need to hold on to military records pertaining to nuke programs, perhaps other small though blunt details otherwise trampled over might gurgle forth. Such as the ongoing presumption that their voice represents any majority, contrasted by the reality of less than half the population voting, and less than half of voters voting Republican, with half of conservative voters not inclined towards Trump. One half of one half of one half means less than one-eighth of Americans are fans of Trump no matter how loud they are. It’s the same vein as how the biggest cable news channel FOX’s biggest hit was Tucker Carlson, whose best numbers nationally were comprised of fewer persons than half the population of New York City all by itself. The number of people who regularly watched Carlson were fewer than the population of Louisville. Twitter still somehow has millions of users, yet since Musk’s takeover no trending hashtag ever consists of more than a few thousand tweets, and nobody observes that. Maybe partisans are so used to meat that the basic concept of bones evades them hopelessly, like with the Florida governor repeatedly saying that his book bans from schools and libraries are about fighting indoctrination, which world history shows is the sales pitch for those fighting to indoctrinate always rely upon.

The more validated someone thinks or feels themselves to be, the less they will ever prove to be. What is life, but letting go? Realizing the hardest way possible that no person, place or thing is worth believing in, or worth instilling with faith. What problems in our lives or in our society, whether public or private, arrive from anywhere but the centerpieces to personality cults, or from those subscribing to cults of personality? The things people do for their own esteem or for the esteem of others, results in every problem we may ever experience for ourselves from the bad day on a minimum wage job to global war, some ego of a tragicomedy vaingloriously proclaiming that all the world’s a stage but somehow they alone are to be the beneficiary or audience.

How differently would the political landscape become, were we to bar from all spheres of politick every voice willing to argue on behalf of a tax exemption for whichever person, place or thing. How different would the social landscape here become would this internet brimming with sales pitches vanish entirely from view, for shunning all things unfamiliar or uncomfortable means none ever truly will understand needs to be met by their closure. How different would industrial landscapes become were goods and services produced to meet existing demand as opposed to projections of inferiority complexes for validating the superiority complexes of whatever subset at grave cost to all the rest. And how different the religious landscapes, if people stopped idolizing themselves, or the most empty promises they happen across. It’s a soulless ordeal, so many people so casually acceptable to the idea that what interests any particular self could or should ever be the catalyst underscoring anybody else’s life or death, for every soul foolish enough to think or feel what interests them is status quo or superior only guarantees the incompleteness of their love given and their love received.