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Lacking affectations immiserates the saviors

I was actually homeless for years, constantly shoefly’d from neighborhood to neighborhood, city to city and state to state, just migrating circles around the country to the extents that I doubt the census could effectively hit such moving targets. I knew so many who were not junkies or felons, they were just done with the game. In fact, if homeless were as prone to lying, cheating and stealing as fancied by those nullifying their own guilt complexes, they likely would not actually be homeless. Most Americans live beyond their means, because they’ve allowed themselves to believe that subscribing to anything is necessary to one’s survival or that buying tickets for whatever is necessary to one’s happiness when a thousand generations prior say otherwise. And as such, people don’t consider how all those not voting incorporates all those capable of remembering mere moments ago.

Insisting whichever subsets of humanity sight unseen somehow deserve lesser rights, resources and opportunities is not governance, it’s psychopathy. There’s 0 good guys in politics, for legislators and judges are cheaper than taxes. Nobody is helped by giving up power and authority over themselves, but those pursuing it sure do help themselves, and they get away with it because more people are codependent on ego-waxing than not, fan-bases for whichever most-appealing promises all too happy to never show a sign of doubt. Nobody admitting to any wrongness personally or socially unless they think there’s money in it, or something else to benefit themselves. Or benefit their icons as token sacrifices and thus validate their loyalty oaths or pledges of allegiance. But seeking out any luxury in life only manifests all the more burdens for others, to cover its cost and to cover for its harms. Requiring a following is not prioritizing the needs of others. At best that’s just codependency, and at worst, entrapment, extortion and exploitation. As though everybody else has no angels and demons of their own to milk for a saving grace. Self-expression might mean something, if those obsessed with it had anything to say. For sure, can we find value in the experiences, thoughts and feelings of others, but seeking financial compensation for the sharing is bupkiss, as is the aligned presumption that those granting them the time of day wouldn’t possibly have experiences, thoughts and feelings of their own. For giver and for receiver sharing is ideally voluntary, so that mandating receptacles detrimental to alternatives is the starting point of fascism. Because somehow the real victims are those blocked from maintaining a dominance in rights, resources or opportunities over whichever subset of the greater whole. Discrimination of civil or basic human rights is not a matter of failing to garner applause for discriminating freely, for the failure to be loved is neither crime or sin.

The biblical devil’s entire spiel was supposedly about temptation, yet so many religious only see him in all the things which they conveniently already dislike. How could the devil ever possibly tempt anyone with what they don’t care for? If you only build your belief and faith on foundations you trust, how can people, places and things you hate offer alluring appeal for the actual tempting? If they are suggesting that they can be tempted by things which they do *not* want, are they not confessing the things that they do want are lacking in sufficiency or adequacy or purpose? Do they understand how tempting that is, to laugh in response?

The USA has earned its place as the largest seller of arms in world history, manufacturing a tempting demand to meet designated supplies whenever and wherever applicable. At best, Presidents are figureheads serving only to deflect, like some fast food mascot. At worst, they promulgate every war round the planet, sacrificing everything for profiteers of governmental business interests. Power just doesn’t corrupt some people, or only corrupt some of the time; rather it’s the root function going nowhere without it in tow. The commoner should be furious with all of its public servants for complicity enabling directly or by incompetence indirectly the most expensive, death-dealing military apparatus in recorded history, claiming many a life’s better angels in appeasement of the most broken monsters to ever have lived. What the Pentagon has “lost” in the last 2 or 3 decades alone could finance all the traditional welfare programs of its federal government for a century. I can’t even wrap my head around lethal force as a last resort, just as its proponents are proven incapable of wrapping their heads around anything short.

For too long now, the most vocal believers live by the pathology that one cannot be a real compatriot unless willing to co-sign their own suffering and dying needlessly, outsiders suffering and dying needlessly made automatic to the programming for no supremacy can stand without casualties to rest on. No on free education and universal healthcare that might save lives even if only by degrees, yes on gun ownership, instigating wars and nixing traditional welfare because lives will unarguably be lost. I imagine it’s all taken for granted due to some hybrid crossing of a subservient susceptibility toward marketing generally, and a mass hysteria likely stemming from the slow-burn insanity of peers. It’s not China reporting your yard to the community board or Russia auditing your taxes. It’s not North Korea that makes you waste a day in traffic court or Venezuela that denies your coverage claims over preexisting medical conditions or Syria hitting you with overdraft fees and late charges. What holds the power to pose and impose threats to well-being and livelihoods of believers is what gets the faith, the stars and stripes of egos carried aloft. That’s why escapism is such the thing.

If the USA was anything approaching the goodness it preaches to its tone-deaf choirs, its entertainment industry would never have become anything more than a trifling reward for dutiful children. Culture represents a shared identity, the psyches of all participants contributing openly to it, and thus is it shared openly so that anyone might benefit from its lessons learned and achievements made. But what we have here are enticements of salvation informing identity, leading masses to believe that their demands have been met simply by way of passing nods in their direction assuring them how special they are, too trusting of the system in place to accept that authorities of personality cult centerpieces in fact will not be landing a helicopter on the premises to fly the people you truly depend upon out of harm’s way.

With my meager life have I proven myself useful for the people around me, but I will never contribute to persons with rights or resources or opportunities beyond my own, for I refuse to contribute to the problems of those possessing less. And I embrace what burdens to come of that. I do not require fantasies to get me through the proverbial day, because I condone what sacrifices I make, as what sacrifices I make allows no ego be fed.
