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insubordinate for whom

What we know as evil is merely the pronouncement of a fantasy indulged. There are no good people, only rare moments where some ego is lapsed. As for myself, I proselytize for nothing, as I seem to have been born with the sense that promises and apologies are the foundational stones of devilry.

It upsets me when credit and blame for things I say or do are divied out to persons and movements I’ve no associations with whatsoever. My actions are not to provoke praise from cowards or to provoke condemnation from cowards. I act because I refuse to believe anyone anywhere warrants lesser rights, resources or opportunities than myself, and as such I oppose lethal force, no matter the circumstances. There is a world brimming with options that fall short of indulging the ultimate in sadomasochistic fantasy. The most fundamental of basic human rights is that of self-determination, and the taking of a life is the most extreme manner of denying that right for others. When ambition is entitlement, and it most assuredly is, then every authority is an ego fed, whether coming from a militarized police force or a policing military force or the predominance of masses deadest on believing that what comforts them is by any means necessary to their own survival. The executive privilege lusted after by power-mongers is the qualified immunity already granted to law enforcement by the supreme court. And quantum disentanglement assures us that antiwar protesters are never in the wrong, though UFOs could well be cuff-links of the puppeteer, and Coffin Joe should have directed a Vampirella film. When people say of themselves defensively how they are just trying to get by, what they turn a blind eye to in that regard is personal responsibility, and consequences. Despite all claims by the Council of National Policy (or the comparable Israeli government), absolutely nobody’s survival truly depends on others having less opportunities than themselves, less resources than themselves or less rights than themselves. Writing people off to tragedy should be taken as intrinsically more offensive than allowing them to stand on equal footing, but most everyone prefers melodrama to growing, to changing, to learning or evolving.

The only occasion in which the will ethically, morally or logically must be exerted upon others, is to stave off lethal force, but every persuasion of church and state and industry exists to proclaim exclusivity for who deserves entitlement and privilege encompassing life itself, and as such, the inability or unwillingness keeping one from gorging on the marketing is at once the removal of their own civil and basic human rights. As nobody is allowed to exist without belonging to whichever persuasion of church and state and industry, failure to live in devotion to consumer culture means abandoning all perceived rights necessary to survival, leaving us with the reality that the imposition of one’s will upon others is the root to every problem we might meet with in this or any life. Liberty is not the ability to prohibit the civil or basic human rights of others, and the inability to do so is not itself any infringement of rights. Nobody’s comfort or convenience matters more than someone else’s life, no matter who they may be, but there is no more un-American sentiment conceivable. Leftism in theory if not in practice is about putting the needs of others before any private interest, namely self-interest. Whereas rightwing ideology is about putting private interests, especially the wish-fulfillment of self-interest, before the needs of others. So then, this idea maintained by everyone for deserving a thing simply because they want it, is in fact rightwing. If the partisanship clarification bothers anyone, consider it as the gateway to all evils then.

I make no demands of the world around me. I’ve zilch worthwhile memories, there’s no places I’ve ever been that I miss and no persons I’ve before encountered I wish I could reconnect with. As much violence as I’ve played a part in over my years, I would kill myself before seeing logic to any other death. Justifications for lethal force ring to my ears no differently than the hogwash spewing forth from flat-earthers. Yet if we are only to help those whom we love, then at day’s end for Americans, every other American life and certainly the life of all foreigners around the world, is expendable. The will should never be exerted upon another unless to save a life. Every nightmare would vanish if that were the norm. Capitalism would cease to exist, along with authoritarianism and militarism. As well as whatever prospects you hope to have for getting rich at the expense of others. Using religion to justify violence is no different from the Calvinists justifying bullying in pursuit of their own satisfaction. The more afraid of change people are, to extents of promoting whichever replacement theory, the less capable they are of addressing themselves as the prime source of their own problems. Am I the arbitrator for what defines as good? No, but I understand that actions do not meet with differing consequences or causes with alternative effects, simply because you support them or agree with them. I think and I feel that good people do not put themselves in the positions where they must offer up promises or apologies. They won’t even provide rationalizing for the deaths of children anywhere. We don’t need permission to help others, we don’t need to give or receive explanations and we don’t need to take a bow. All problems created for others would no longer exist. It’s not at all over-simplifying, the masses prefer to have their thoughts and feelings prioritized and replicated by everyone else rather than contribute to a society or culture free of deadly conflict.

The root function of church is lying, the root function of state is cheating and the root function of industry is stealing; arguing otherwise is to not share in the burdens made manifest by the collective of your ideal, it is helping yourself to imaginary rewards through the decimation of others, sacrifices by their entrapment, their extortion, their exploitation. Irreconcilable institutions birth irreparable harms, the way badges and guns are not needed to help anybody, though by design are they the very tools for punishing all those who do. No celebrity is relevant, no art saves life and all entertainment is the avoidance of problem-solving. Genuinely satisfied customers have no use for hope or prayer.