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No place to know, no place to speak

If we genuinely want to be educated, to have a culture and society each filled with better than utter nincompoops, if we want the best for future generations, then partisanship has as little place in education as does religion, which is none. Back when I was running the lottery party, I reached the conclusion that news media should be under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education. If people pursue higher learning, they put in their 2 years for an associates or 4 years for a bachelors, or if they want a masters or are going to medical school it’s an additional 3 years or so, but then you get the degree and that is strictly for the job market. But education should be viewed as an endless thing unto itself. As opposed to what we have, where persons are entitled to learn what they are already familiar or comfortable with in accordance with the DIY segregation practiced by their avatars and proxies, or with their politics or religious beliefs or the politics or religious beliefs of their parents. Filters of politics and religion are disingenuous to the goal of education just as they are disingenuous to informing the greater masses through news media. And aside from ego, nobody stops learning until they are dead, like it or not, and both schools and news media absolutely must be objective or else they fail entirely. Ideological gated communities are no different from physical gated communities, in that their lone purpose is to block out the mass of reality naturally objecting to the rationale that truth’s function is flattery.

The immured state of Kentucky could (and likely should) drop dead of irritable bowel syndrome, for example, and years would shuffle past before outsiders might care to notice any change having occurred. Likewise, I loathe the manufactured demand for the product of AI, but if artists do not wish to be replaced by it, they should perhaps not strive to be so replaceable. If their goal is art they cannot be, but if their ultimate goal is fame and/or fortune, those sorts are legion; the choice to contribute to creative industry allows the decision to be made for you by those whose goals absolutely are their own benefit. Besides, people have their own dreams to stress over.

For that matter, nobody seriously deserves to be loved. It’s not crass to make such a declaration, although it is quite crass to insist otherwise. Love and respect are similar only in that to give either love or respect unearned is enabling by the worst connotation. Demanding love is the stuff of fascists, to be sure, whereas who one gives their love to and how they convey their love can and generally is the most defining characteristic of any personality. To give it freely is to give it no weight at all. Nothing defines someone more than tragedy, but falling miraculously short of that, how someone understands and relates to the world evolves with the experiences of loving whichever persons, places and things, and specifically learning from the mistakes of doing just that. The persons I have loved the most in my life are all gone from this world now. The many more people besides who I deem unworthy of my own love tend to make me yearn to have conveyed more to those lost when I had such chances. Loving monsters on the other hand, does not make them better people. It only grows the banes of their own humanity, empowering the thickness of their self-absorption. I do love my younger sister, but that does nothing to better her world. And yet were I to grant that love instead to some god or celebrity, her world would be made all the worse, for that much less deflection from the powers granted to them by all those incapable of learning from mistakes, or even learning to read a room. Promises and assurances, they only feed into fantasy, and by no stretch of the imagination is the world suffering for lack of that.

So eager are persons willing to be taken in and qualified as equal or better by those they wish to be, to befriend or to fuck, the incapable Elon Musks of the world barely even pull strings anymore. Masses line themselves up to get transformed with theoretical riches into sacrificial personae for demolishing the 500,000 trees for the needless expansion of ego. Personae ignorantly loving or respecting for prospects of salvation from such a world where the only threat to ego is competing ego because god forbid proverbial boats be rocked. I say, the more love one has for this world, the less attention they are paying to it. Which says much about love, explaining why nothing in all of time or space can be more subjective. Be wary of what blanks you fill.

As I observed here almost 3 years ago, sacrificing for what others need solves problems, where sacrificing for what others want alternatively manifests them; and happiness is only ever possible through neglecting or shunning the needs of others. Selfishness will inform you of exceptions or exemptions, as selfishness concerns itself with nothing else.