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not a eulogy for Simone Weil

If you believe that your brand loyalty is earned and earned to the extent of existing somewhere beyond reproach, verifiably no different from believing that your faith is the one true faith or that your political party enacts the will of the good guys, you reveal for all you encounter how cowardly you inherently are, to seek shelter beneath the most maudlin of contrivances, defending what holds power over you. The concept of safety in numbers rests on those closest to you serving you as human shields, such is western society. Actual problems are not sorted with fantasy, no matter who is doing the fantasizing.

Murderous police are such a predictability, we have a term representing the practice of swatting. We have dozens of nonfiction network and cable TV series with specialized focus on murderers. Newlyweds who kill each other? Whole series about those cases, not to be confused with the series about newlyweds who murder together. Families who kill together apparently warrants its own series, as do people who kill their families. And murderous twins, murderous neighbors, murderous kids and families who find murder victims under their yards and another series about all the other wacky places murder victims have been hidden away; series focusing entirely on employees who kill their bosses and others concerning employers who murder their workers and yet more persons who escape murder charges to murder again. There is a series which focuses entirely on murders occurring in the American south, and another focusing entirely on murders in wintery locales, and around a dozen focusing only on small town murders. Many hundreds if not thousands of hours of content by now, for the harmless indulgences of the true crime fetishists. None of it is highly rated, just that it is the easiest filth to shit out to appeal to the lowest common denominators of axes to grind, of frustrations to vent. More than ever before, there truly is nothing good on television. “Anything goes” is hardly a matter of supply meeting demand, but in this country demand has always been manufactured to meet preordained production.

The functional purpose for regulations is to keep workers, customers and everyone else safe on the company’s quest for profit. Regulatory laws exist because the natural inclination of all Americans, but especially the many who knowingly pursue profit regardless the extravagance of costs pushed elsewhere upon persons used and abused, and so left to their own devices would continue their proclivity to justify their own pride and comfort as more important than the health and safety of others, than the well-being and livelihoods of others. Hence, there is neither an ethical or moral reason to ever deregulate. I’m not suggesting the executives and shareholders are subhuman for their nefariousness, as the eagerness to watch one’s fellows suffer is perhaps the most human trait today. But any corporate body hesitant toward regulation should not play recipient to government grants and subsidies, not tax breaks or tax leniency or tax forgiveness, not if they care to continue using infrastructure. Likewise with the life-saving necessity to regulate industry is the need for regulating with checks and balances both church and the state itself. To say nothing of the altogether unwholesome and nonproductive relationships explored between church and state and industry, although the voices finding logic in separation of church and state feel very differently when it comes to Israel.

Israel deserves no money from the USA federal or state governments, most of whom freely hand over more every year than they spend on their own homeless issues or the like. Regardless of weapons sales presenting half of the USA revenue, we should not be selling or giving arms to anyone, anywhere. Diplomacy being limited by the political parties means the parties ruling themselves out of office, if this were indeed a Democracy. There are absolutely occasions where violence is the lone option left for certain life-endangering problems, but as the last resort and never with lethal force. But as calamitous as is the plethora of one on one killings occurring seemingly every moment somewhere in this country, the lethal force utilized by elected or appointed diplomats showing themselves incapable of finding diplomatic solutions regardless of the problem at hand, is only ever a magnification of that same calamity. I think it was Einstein who said that peace is a frame of mind and not the opposite to war, and I myself insist the opposite of war is actually wisdom. If governmental leaders are unwilling or unable to wisely avoid magnifying catastrophe, then at the utmost least they simply do not deserve for themselves rights or resources or opportunities denied the rest of the population. Particularly not when the only platforms offered by either party of my lifetime are pogroms of a fashion, platforms which entail suggesting or more commonly insisting that whichever subsets of the national or global population warrant lesser rights and resources and opportunities than their own. Going by the state of the nation or the world at large, voting the lesser of evils has never helped any majority of persons.

Despite your own personal heroes among church and state and industry, each and every associate of Jeffrey Edward Epstein continues to lead an easier life than you.

The 200 missiles purportedly launched by Iranian forces into Israel on the start of October was billed by the Guardian and the Drudge Report alike as a military failure by the Iranians, when the reality is that none of the nations bullied by Israel are actual threats. Unlike Israel the Iranians have permitted UN watchdogs to check out their nuclear facilities. I presume the 200 missiles launched could have itself been a retaliation for the 200+ consecutive months of Israel shooting unprovoked missiles into Iran, the same Israel with a law on their own books permitting its own police forces to shoot small Palestinian children suspected of potentially throwing stones. Of course, there has not been a standing army in my lifetime which maintains a higher annual body-count than the domestic law enforcement of the USA, whose leadership undergoes specialized counter-insurgency training by the IDF, which is constantly portrayed as such powerless underdogs they are flown halfway around the planet to get brown-nosed religiously by like-minded sadists who are enabled and empowered to learn varying methods for undermining the humanity of persons they just don’t like. Currently Israeli forces are bombing at least half a dozen nations, not one of which has ever been so bold as to attack as many enemies of their own like gentrifiers circling their wagons to protect their jerks.

Sure, most Americans remain ignorant to most governments of the Middle East not actually existing prior to the aftermath of World War 1, where British and American forces installed more than their fair share of conceits and pretenses to provoke what they would presumably never wish upon their own neighborhoods, strictly for the purposes of helping themselves to what is not theirs to claim. As well most Americans bluntly refuse to wrap their noggins around the reality that theirs is the largest and most expensive military apparatus in world history, with all other militaries of all other extant nation-states combined offering less than half as many soldiers, less than half as many bases and less than half of the financing black budgets and all. But Americans predominately if not entirely are ignorant to anything and everything not appealing to their own conceits and pretenses, even as the very things they support and allow themselves to be made dependent on are manifestly THE roots to their own problems and those faced by any hapless other. The worst that anyone who ever knew me can say of my character is that I refused to indulge their fantasies. Which for American voters and their deeply deluded allies is a far greater crime, and sin, than is making allowances for irreversible devastation of the individual or broader genocide.

I’ve yet to encounter the exception.