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buffalo stance not superhero landing pose

Automatic opt-ins are not supply meeting demand, it’s tech CEOs being invasively codependent under the bizarrely acceptable guise that you cannot think for yourself. Every foreign influence scandal makes me wonder if blaming the buyer more than the seller started with the drug war, patterned to not resolve the issue, at least in how it gets publicly addressed in recent years. Meanwhile the one vibe pushed insists everything is subjective as long as we are all buying the same bridge as opposed to selling the same bridge.

“Every accusation is a confession” like the pathology of the gun rights people terrified there might be folks out there crazy enough to ever consider shooting someone. The textbook definition for heroism is self-sacrifice. When the perpetual greater number of peoples are living without safety nets, why give your support to those already possessing more rights and resources and opportunities than you yourself? Where exactly is the self-sacrifice, by persons with more wealth or power or authority than you even by mere margins of error, requiring anything of you at all to warrant such hero-worship? By your patronage and esteem, what in fact do they lose of themselves, to qualify as heroic?

The American rightwing of today, they’d never just use the hundreds of millions of firearms to take over the country, because tough guys though they may all be, every last one believes to the core of their being that it’s someone else’s duty to make their dreams come true. I’d say both of the attempted assassins of Trump were of the subset furious that open war hasn’t been declared upon their mildly less self-serving neighbors and co-workers yet, and were letting it out at the guy who wasn’t right enough for their dreams.

Presently, unless pertaining directly to the immediate appeasement of Trump’s esteem, no two Republican politicos can unite for more than 5 minutes anymore, because each one thinks themselves the heir apparent to the MAGA movement which he has always inferred goes with him to the grave, but also because each thinks of themselves as the most subjugated yet unironically also most capable and deserving of calling the shots. It’s why the militias never really unite for anything beyond a facebook like, because each one thinks of themselves as alpha. Based on how North Carolina conservatives are reacting to hurricane-related lies from the rest, I predict much more right-winger on right-winger violence in coming weeks. But can anybody think of a single rightwing policy of the past decade that did NOT involve taking away rights or resources or opportunities from whichever subset of the national or even global population? How is a supremacy dependent upon crippling others not the most dangerous variety of codependency? Here in reality, every Republican president of the last 40 years or so got fewer votes than the Democrat candidate, but was handed the title by the Electoral College, which exists to guarantee returns on investments of politicians relentlessly proven cheaper than taxes or regulations. And the only reason Reagan won, by that point the last of the Dixiecrats had been welcomed into the right with open arms. Numbers of Conservative voters have stayed the same ever since. News to FOX viewers no doubt, who should be furious with the programming if they knew anything but what pleases them.

The dust-bowl was a full decade of documented American history showing an entire generation that industry can produce deadly consequences on the environment. They the people of the day knew the cause early on and were helpless to do anything but ride it out, and nobody has ever had cause to doubt the obvious. Politicians ignorant to what government does and how it functions are disastrous enough, but politicians who don’t even know the history of the people and places they deem themselves worthy of representing are cause for cease and desists from the Insane Clown Posse.

Herding cattle is the proposal, because educating more Americans so they can understand that free speech does not magically guarantee an audience or social acceptance for whatever conveyed would mean pulling politics and religion out of schools, and perhaps putting news media under the jurisdiction of the Department of Education. Means agreeing on an objective reality together though, which is made difficult when people expect schools and news media to present them with nothing but the same DIY segregation experience as online social networking, where everyone encourages themselves to block out all things unfamiliar or uncomfortable, it produces the most inconsiderate and by all accounts dumbest people to ever live. “How dare the world not contort to align with what is familiar and comfortable to me!” being such the common sentiment shows how this country predominately is really just competing shades of not putting the needs of others before wish-fulfillment, like Pelosi saying of everyone in DC at days’ end, “We’re all Capitalists.” Decent people generally don’t want chaos, or control over others.

As such, what possible harms would ever come of roundly regarding celebrity worship while others struggle as volunteering for Hell? Killing time is merely the avoidance of doing good. Escapism is escape from problem-solving, but seemingly everyone accepts the easy out of powerlessness when it suits them. Granted, morbidly, it’s easier for the camel’s whole nuclear family to pass through the eye of a needle than for an adult player of computer games to prove merit or mettle or usefulness. Traditional junkies understand quid pro quo .

New art says only that a thousand generations of it was ineffectual, that the universe created by god only knows what is incomplete and uninspired without this one lady’s pastime. As vile and unasked for as Artificial Intelligence is, editors publicly most vocal about the harms to come of it ultimately do not want the competition, for already doing themselves all that they charge. By all means art has a time and place, but I can’t fathom when or where the unwashed take for granted. Consider art like a journal, people should have a stab if only to help sort themselves, but sharing it is not possible without insultingly presuming others somehow lack their own or must have obligations toward interest, which goes against their own freedoms of expression. Creatives are outraged by such sentiments, because it condemns what they feel are their best chances at fame and fortune, their frustration thus revealing neither the art itself or any message to come of it as the point.

Americans need a humbling, something to make them grasp that avatars and proxies are online masks and not psyche or identity, and that their most favorite cosplay of militiamen or drag queens or whatever getting appreciated and idolized and replicated by strangers is genuinely laughable as any measure of concern in the face of people with nowhere to live or nothing to eat, etc. If they’re honestly sharing in a society then no interior supremacy is legit, no matter how good it makes someone feel about themselves, because sharing in entitlement and privilege but never burdens is never sharing, it’s taking. American Dream is just further ego-justification then, for turning a blind eye instead of the other cheek. Yet the USA government has always only ever been another form of gun. Foolish people believe it can save lives if they agree with whoever is wielding it, but it is built for no other purpose but to mandate personal preferences of the most selfish over the life or death needs of everyone confronted by it.

I don’t think people carry daddy figures on high to hear them preach, they carry them so others have to hear it. If any majority of Trump followers actually listen to him, why do such the noticeable majority rarely believe he’d say such chaotic and groundless things when repeated by others. The very appeal of fantasy is its lack of basis in any reality. So many of them earnestly or ignorantly are unaware of what’s on their shoulders, they’re just totally captivated with how big their shadows look in the gutter.

Which is broader humankind in the end, just so impressed with the shadow it cast.