This country is full of monsters, the sort who cannot live out their supremacist fantasies unless others are made to suffer and die directly, and those who have no qualms with others being made to suffer and die so long as they themselves enjoy pride and comfort of their own skins saved. Those running from mass-shooters allow for as much harm as the shooters themselves. All of them choose their favorite icons of church and state and industry based ultimately on which grants them the more hapless of scapegoats for themselves to avoid responsibility, for the dreams they believe they deserve no matter what cost presented to others, who in turn run toward self-entitlements as though their life as well depended on it.
I’ll help anyone with what they need, not what they want, but Americans can’t tell the fucking difference. I’ve no obsessions for others to have lesser rights or resources or opportunities than myself. Nobody’s pride and comfort mean more than the survival of others, and yet even the Drudge Report, consistently one of the more trafficked sites across the web, sees the USA cutting off all foreign aid (aside from Israel) as a non-headline, back page matter. Americans readily get more cross over entertainment not being redundant enough. As though the slightest hint of the world not existing to cater to their pride and comfort explicitly is just too dark a potentiality to ever take under consideration, unless taken as an excuse to use and abuse others in retaliation for their having their own shit. I don’t understand how they take themselves seriously, and I don’t understand how foreigners take the United States of America seriously. They should impose trade embargoes against the states regardless the trade, and ban all travel to or from. Let America be the closed circuit it cannot help but be, as redeeming quality, as any perceived good to ever come of it is merely another fantasy indulged. Which is categorically the opposite in each and every fundamental way to saving a life. Dreams either starve you or they starve others, but you don’t need to dream at all, not if you actually want a better world. From a time and place where even sleep is luxury, the dreams of egoists are granted such rights, the only conclusion is that the rest of the world is no better, for permitting the problem of America to grow til no borders might contain its fleeting passions.
You may disagree, but
“Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving…Not until the creation and maintenance of decent conditions of life for all people are recognized and accepted as a common obligation of all people and all countries – not until then shall we, with a certain degree of justification, be able to speak of humankind as civilized.”
― Albert Einstein, The World As I See It
All I’ve ever done is just this, cleaning after lepers and whores and thieves all contributing to this joke of a culture and society deny being, as they willingly invest their life in nothing but the proliferation of madness.