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in contrast to faith-healers, psychic surgeries and sloth

Tariffs are not paid by foreign businesses or governments, they are fines pushed onto domestic consumers as punitive measure for the commerce of goods and services to or from said foreign businesses and governments. They are not an alternative to taxes, they are in addition to taxes and a bigly one at that. The only people on the planet who don’t understand this are the one-fifth of the total American population that voted for Trump. Either he himself as well doesn’t grasp this, or he does understand, although along with the nuance that his followers will never question any syllable to gurgle forth from his pill-hole. If America is ever to be a functioning home to anyone, nobody can be allowed such power. While four-fifths of the nations on Earth suffer ongoing USA military presence within their respective borders, four-fifths of the USA population did not vote for Trump to indulge his debtors with absolute control of them. As such, I reported the sumbitch to the United Nations. Don’t get me wrong, I find no institution on the planet worthy of trust, but words and spirit solve no true problems and any effort is better than American pride. What was typed into the contact form is this-

In light of this breaking news story (and everything alongside), I implore your assistance.

I make no claims to speak for anyone save myself, but clearly, having an unelected and unvetted billionaire “lock Federal employees of the US Office of Personnel Management from the agency’s computers” while also demanding “access to the systems that the U.S. Department of the Treasury uses to distribute Social Security and Medicare benefits, as well as federal employees’ paychecks, payments to federal contractors, grants, tax refunds, and a slew of other functions” will break the very machinery of domestic governance. The side-effects of which would be felt the world over, unfortunately and quite miserably so.

In my own essays published elsewhere online, I have proposed that the world beyond USA borders “should impose trade embargoes against the states regardless the trade, and ban all travel to or from. Let America be the closed circuit it cannot help but be, as redeeming quality, as any perceived good to ever come of it is merely another fantasy indulged.” Which I understand could and likely would only endanger more lives. Thus is that no solution. Einstein himself wrote in his The World As I See It, “Every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving…Not until the creation and maintenance of decent conditions of life for all people are recognized and accepted as a common obligation of all people and all countries – not until then shall we, with a certain degree of justification, be able to speak of humankind as civilized.” This is a perspective I strive for, as do many others here and abroad who lack power or authority or wealth, surely by no coincidence.

As global press is well aware, our national and regional media is not performing the one necessary function of the Fourth Estate. Even the extant tribes of Native Americans are being given unprovoked justifications to exist in fear, the only confusion being in the palates of informational gatekeepers. 

More so, Trump’s declaration of there being 30,000 beds waiting at Guantanamo Bay for the untried “illegals”, despite the blunt reality of the facility’s capacity never having detained more than 800 at a time infers a concentration of victims. Deportations have averaged one-thousand per day since the behind closed doors inauguration, with millions more intended to be abducted from their lives. Obviously this administration is learning how expensive it is to fly them out to unwilling nation-states by the mere dozens, or else Gitmo wouldn’t be on the table. But we’re expected to presume they will just reinvest that unjustifiable sum into expanding the place, and as ever without condoning by the Cuban government itself?

Is the United Nations expecting an official announcement from the White House for the construction of concentration camps? The executive privilege none dares challenge means there is no legal pathway to self-defense for ANYBODY, ANYWHERE. Surely, the one-fifth of the total USA population that voted for the current President have made their own beds, pardon the colloquialism, but I beg of you, please, please intervene, for the sakes of everyone else on the planet. While you still can.