The purported pipeline of people fleeing California for Texas are right-wingers desperate for a safe-spaced comfort zone to echo their chambers with gurgling bubbles of news on how badass they are. Meanwhile, of all the liberal politicians in the country, who actually gets the ball rolling on impeaching Trump? A Democrat representing Texas. Libs in red states have no place to hide. They are 10x tougher than New England literati-types.
Which would mean .001 vs .01, for still allowing the concept of executive privilege to enter the public lexicon; the self-declared resistance only engaging paths of least resistance as though appearance trumped content. I personally believe both lust and wrath to find their occasions, but that comes after survival is maintained, and is not the path to survival or the result of obtaining it. Too many Americans have spoiled themselves to such the degree they are no longer willing or able to wrap their heads around survival pertaining to anything but doing what they want, and always getting what they want. Liberals will cry to the contrary, conservatives resort to violence and none of them really stopping to ask themselves how exactly they deserve it.
Take their own line of thinking to natural ends, for they refuse to. Nobody honestly needs, say, over a million in total holdings more than some other needs food or a roof. That’s living beyond one’s means. Survival tends to occur without wealth so the one and only thing jeopardized is lifestyle. And should the only persons who garner help be those who, say, dress like you, then eventually those will be all that’s left to employ or be employed by you, to buy from or sell to you, to fuck or be fucked by you; and to that effect the markets uplifted over the consumers themselves will no longer be able to support your eyes being larger than your stomach, certainly not while grasping something other than reality.
The opposite of virtue is vice, so those opposed to the one enable and empower the other, and despite all the brow-beating by modern Christians to the contrary, this was understood by the old Roman-Catholicism from which every variation of Christianity branches from, each variation along with the Powers That Be of the Holy See itself branching further and further from that duality for no other cause but to pardon their own vices. Spiritual horseshit aside back and to the left, you help people or you hurt them, that is what most options in life boil down to. The smallest of acts can be making things easier for persons not ourselves, or can be contributing to the burdens they carry, even when symbolically putting your foot down about following or being followed on your lopsided narrative. Without exception, to not see this is to be looking at something other than what is real and true.
This current Presidential administration declaring embargoes and sanctions against the International Criminal Court for observing human rights abuses by Israeli Defense Forces (alongside Hamas leadership), is at once declaring that Trump and by extension his supporters oppose the very court which tried the Nazi command. And from which proceedings sprang the value that the pathway of least resistance inherent to simply following orders can be no pardon for one’s own damnable choices made. You sign off on entrapment, extortion and exploitation, or you’ve never contributed to American society. The most appealing persuasions of grey in-between supposed extremes, nothing but smoke obscuring what you reflect.
I for one am grateful that pop culture was never intended for me.