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Ego’s justification brings life’s only complications

The Trump administration requires an intervention.

Not of the military sort, as even the more modest stats assert over 90% of all military bases on the planet are owned and/or operated by the USA, meaning that over 90% of all military bases on the planet are guaranteed to be staffed entirely by persons arrogant or ignorant or both and nothing else; all the more dangerous for reasons other than prowess. It needs an intervention of the Alcoholics Anonymous stripe. Which can not happen, because the one unifying principle to Americana, the fabled American dream itself is the conviction that nothing can be more rightful than to have one’s fantasies indulged and nothing can be more offensive than to not have one’s fantasies indulged. People have every right to damage themselves, but not others, no matter the story. Yet every American wants to be praised for their desires no matter the cost, no matter how many others must be made to suffer from it. Every American. Every American cannot be more useless, thinking they deserve to get rescued from problems they empower and enable. Every American believes devoutly that achieving congratulating validations for the peculiarities of their personal choices in church and state and industry is itself forevermore pressing than actual survival for anyone, anywhere. Any reasoning to stay oblivious, any old excuse to never help anything but themselves, while insanely giving everything to anyone already possessing more but who may be willing to part with a passing compliment to oblige the self-perceptions. Only ego may be recipient for proceeds from anything, and the bigger the ego the more it gets to expect, as ego is the greatest emptiness beneath the heavens.

Creative industries have everything in common with cults, but I don’t think there’s ever been a bigger cult in the world than the United States of America.

The people with the firmest grips on reality are never ones for blocking out what’s unfamiliar or uncomfortable from their sensory input and firsthand experiences. This is precisely why teenagers are universally regarded as idiots, for they are too limited in the world to justify or rectify their thoughts or feelings. Whether physical or ideological each and every folding circle of a gated community is just substitution for the womb, for the production of infancy. Alternatively, anybody can surround themselves with lepers, whores and thieves. Then you get to learn that when others try explaining who and what such persons are, they will always be wrong. Also, Mockingbirds aren’t songbirds they are cover-songbirds.

When all those unwilling or unable to grant a self-importance absolute importance meet demonization and demonetization for having any other priorities than said fantasies of self-importance, what imaginary hero would dare pipe up? In this culture it’s always been the case, that the most hero-worshiped are also the least likely to sacrifice anything of themselves, for themselves but especially for others. Strangely replicated in how the rest of the world perceives the states, which is why this intervention will not come from abroad. Decent peoples, wherever their low profiles stand, must give their all to themselves and those around them staying alive, not toward obsessive-compulsions for feeling good about themselves. The only conscious decision Americans make is choosing to continue existing in a baby carriage beyond their means in open evasion of personal responsibility, while others know only real torment and loss. Every American begs for the Trump administration, and I would fight tooth and claw to keep the man alive because he deserves what all deserve, a long-enough natural lifespan to find salvation from his “innocence”. No matter the pain to arrive from it.

Mayhaps your god is not dead; it just learned the hard way how meaningless is your love.