If your life is undergoing physical threat, by all means must you dream for all you are worth, dreaming a pathway to long-term survival by way of stormbraining introspection (fight) or dreaming a pathway to short-term survival by way of impulsive escapism (flight). But should the only danger be to your dreams themselves, then the dreams stand revealed as a copacetic past-time of convenience, enabled culturally with ever-increasing frequency by the wish-fulfilling promises of organized religion and of free markets alike, to be misguided leaps and bounds away from any conceivable problem-solving of life-saving fantasy, to self-congratulatory expectation.
And in such concerns, what is being required of others to have your dreams ever come true?
You want to be rich and famous, what must others part with to make that a thing? Their time, their resources, their undivided attentions and affections? What must others lose for the beliefs which hooked you to become the mass consensus, their livelihoods and well-being, their own autonomy? If principles or convictions were situational, why do all interpersonal communications depend on illusions of fostering their permanence, by the purported standards of Church, by the purported standards of State and by the purported standards of Industry?
If your life is not undergoing physical threat, then how can your dreams be regarded more highly than life, liberty and pursuits of happiness for threatened others, and how might such justification whether personalized or generalized be of any difference from justifications entertained by the most deadly personages in history? Fleeing these questions avoids self-awareness, and the personal responsibility to come of it. The idea of equal rights encompassing shared sacrifices never dawns on persons expecting equal profit shares, because ultimately everybody contributing to society wishes to wield the proverbial whip for the sake of what pleases them rather than see it abolished finitely.
Recently, Bill Maher made statements on his TV show upsetting to users of the gaming platform Twitch, saying that what they do was a waste of time. While his writers proved incapable of expressing this effectively, the intent likely admonished wasting of time in that gamers heartlessly and thoughtlessly indulge while people starve. They have decided that they somehow deserve to give their time, energy and money to those who want them, profiteers of non-essential goods and services, rather than to those who need them, people facing entrapment, extortion and exploitation by financial interests of the same executive class claiming ownership of their interests, their thoughts and prayers. It goes for all pop culture. Keeping up 2-dimensional appearances to hashtag noncommittal, non-confrontational grievances at interns running the social media profiles for the hoarders of wealth pillaged or inherited from pillagers, to end the very same poverty rendered by the aftermath of monied nonchalance, with it never occurring to the plaintiffs how their own comic book money might keep somebody else alive for another day. You can have real talks on Twitch? Why do you need a privately-owned platform for that? What prevents grownup dialogue away from gaming consoles or streaming accounts? I think enthusiasts taking offense with Maher on this matter are pridefully leaping to the defense of their own susceptibility toward marketing. Identities contingent upon products are masquerades. Problems endure because everyone gives more of themselves to entertainment, when and where entertainment is inherently the avoidance of problem-solving. As though there were simply no other options in life but to entertain or to be entertained, no other choices for us but to enrich or to be enriched. If consuming could or should fill any voids, it would never be so unrelenting. And if dreaming could or should fill any voids, it would never be so unfounded.
Four years and some days into this web portal now, and with rare consistency have I neither requested or provided applause.