Our mix of birdies emptied the feeder outside in record time this morning, now the rains they feared are slamming down a change of plans to everyone’s day.
I’d imagine as inner peace is obtainable only by way of disconnect, then outer peace by contrast would necessitate some connection, but then I honestly waited my whole life to be a curmudgeon. “We won’t argue that anybody deserves more than you, but we shall argue that nobody deserves less.” It is that easy. Or it would be if most parties to society were not bound by the intangible straps of ego. As a powerless nincompoop I am as pure as the driven snow myself. I’m letting the Pope slide, until he gets back to me about whether or not Padre Pio being able to bilocate might not mean the other him’s dead too. I mean, imagine a real-life Madrox the multiple man clandestinely working for the Vatican’s underground. “I am legion and a half!”
The adage “Don’t hate the players, hate the game” is never allowed application toward politics in proper society, to my mind proving how horseshit both the adage and proper society inherently are. How bad is it when our political leaders are the highest paid actors. What unites our elected leaders is their obliviousness for how to go about avoiding the taste of other people’s spittle when dining in public. They can take our land, they can take our lives, but they can never take our shit. C’mon, folks, the pre-twitter world left us mathematics, philosophy and Democracy. And the Twilight Zone. All funerals are surreal, but any funeral is unreal without the full range of emotion. When everyone is now entitled to fan-fic reality in real time, it’s hard for the entertainment mediums to compete. People became their cosplay/avatars/proxies, so why would they need the more immersive online experience of meta? After the war, anything real life depends upon should be free, from education to healthcare. Charge for the movies, the comic books and sports tickets and latest fashion, whatever. Pay for nice restaurants, but have a regular allotment of necessities to keep us all alive. As opposed to fisting (not to read crass) or peace-fisting either one. Open-handed piety, the irresistible force left hanging whereas fisticuffs of any stroke are the meeting of immovable objects.
By choice or by fate, the further outside society’s confines one is obliged to be, the less susceptible to its marketing that one becomes.
I do like the idea of a currency self-destructing or vanishing back to the Fed or wherever after x amount of time unspent though. But I gather cryptocurrency fanatics are noticeably no more fans than bankers. Messaging however, devoutly never changes with medium. Society has absolutely got to drop the hangup that truth holds no grander design but to jack you off. I don’t need leaders to give myself a superiority complex, I need leaders to help keep perspective above and beyond the confines of my ego. Having fun at the expense of someone who can afford it was good enough for Bugs Bunny and that’s good enough for me. Please I beg you everybody remember to vote last tuesday.
Yin-yang/virtue and vice/political duopoly. To be angelic is masochism, wanting to suffer and sacrifice for matters beyond ourselves, what theorized leftists represent. To be demonic is sadism, wanting others to suffer and sacrifice, the wish-fulfillment of all things rightwing. When I write about this stuff in my essays, people say I’m over-simplifying, but I say that complications only arrive from people needing room for exception. You learn what people are really about when talking one on one with them, as many of them as possible, not by entertaining gaggles of crowds to get lost in for peer pressure to fake a safety in numbers. There’s always more between the lines than gutters.
Refusing to believe that our esteem has no business being the priority or responsibility of anybody else is where most of our heartache in life comes from.