Free will means that you can decide who you work for, as long as you strive to enrich freer wills with your livelihood. Free will means you can freely and willfully pick and choose which products and services best sustain your roles as worker, consumer and taxpayer. You can pick and choose what pop culture is superior as though the American dream was never really anything better than escapism from problem-solving. You have the power and authority to elect everything comprising your identity with no basis on what’s definable, measurable or quantifiable; your persona gratified not on merit or mettle but by thoughts and feelings. The avatars and proxies and Halloween masks to conceal identities are barriers between intent and accountability, just as religious symbols, flags and corporate iconography generously bestow the masses with costuming exclusively for shielding their own vices from comeuppance. You can edit each and every little facet of what constitutes your spirituality, because faith in matters greater than ourselves can be no less susceptible toward self-ingratiation than choose your own adventures, fan-fiction or fantasy football. You can authorize what exactly comprises the realities of your political belief system, so that if others fail to address your favorite whore-master as the rockstar god-king to end all false messiahs then those others are clearly in the wrong. What appeals to you personally and privately must appeal to all others, because you are never, ever in the wrong. Your ego is infallible, every bit as harmless as the egos of whichever persons you like, because exceptions to rules only pertain to you and to whichever persons you like, for we all know that anything and everything unflattering in this culture or society toward you or toward what you like, is simply an evil plot from malevolent actors threatened by your goodness. Only your most idealized strengths and righteousness might be observed by friends and foes and strangers altogether, yet your enemies and competitors and innocent bystanders only by their fallacies and faults, their crimes and their sins and weaknesses.
If the unarmed person objects to being shot dead by you, perhaps that is not the greatest example of you being oppressed or suppressed. If a free will cannot exist without actively and proactively endangering others be they friend or foe or strangers altogether, it is something other than independent or unique, as nothing is more common than burying all the many persons, places and things which for whatever reasoning do not exist solely to make you feel right. Free will wordlessly signifies a will having the freedom to treat itself while others suffer. Because it’s not your fault, you already kinda helped by forwarding the meme or boycotting the slightly less ethical goods and services or whatever, and if those sorry bastards don’t want to die then perhaps their gumption needs to pick up some bootstraps and start using and abusing whoever they can legally justify using and abusing, right? As if a friendship or a romantic relationship, a religious sect or political pact or business trap, could or should ever find more lasting common ground in anything so subjectively up for interpretation as a shared comfort rather than an objectively shared burden. The act of everyone wanting the riches does not seem to be lessening poverty.
Unlike humanity, nature neither defines or refines itself by being entertained, nor by its fantasies of success or other wish fulfillment placation, but by what it sacrifices, by what it loses and endures and somehow survives. Instead of merely declaring ownership over space and time as though time and space had no finer purpose but to serve its whim, histories rewritten and futures denied, nature welcomes with devout humility all of space and time, so as to grow perpetually beyond itself, lest it suffer the natural consequences of ego.