Read in a political news webzine’s comment thread: “A vote for Biden is a vote for pedophilia”.
The reality:
Newsweek 4/5/22- Tennessee GOP Proposes Bill Eliminating Age Requirements for Marriage
HuffPost 3/9/23- Bill To Ban Child Marriage In West Virginia Defeated By Republicans
So a vote for Biden is a vote for pedophilia only in the sense he’s not even trying to prevent Republicans from legalizing it.
In the same vein, if Texas governor Abbott and Florida governor DeSantis, both conservatives, are so eager to attack California’s liberal governor Newsom, why would their purported concern for the well-being of children neglect entirely California’s absence of age requirements for marriage? Because, per Wikipedia,
“In Texas from 2000 to 2014, almost 40,000 children were married. In Florida, 16,400 children, some as young as 13, were married from 2000 to 2017, which is the second highest incidence of child marriage after Texas.“
So, as Abbott and DeSantis try to vilify books, trannies and drag-queens, they are in fact being total fucking hypocrites projecting projecting projecting. Right now, a full 25 states, half the USA, have no age requirements for legal marriage. Most of the others have side-steps, like parental approval, etc. Only 5% of states say 18 is minimum, when most folks would presume that’s the rule across the board. It’s really weird because every state has separate guidelines for age of consent laws in terms of sexual activity itself, every state declaring either 16, 17, or 18 as minimum without exception. But across most of the nation an ego can impregnate their preteen victim and legally get away with it. There was another link I tried and failed to find, of a recent battle in the Midwest, maybe Michigan or Minnesota, from earlier this year I remember reading about. Their state GOP fought off a ban on age requirements for marriage, saying it would violate the religious liberties of their Amish or Quaker community, which presents all of perhaps .01% of the state’s actual population. Conservative media never attacks “blue” states over this for the same reason Liberal media never attacks “red” states over this, allowing most of the country to never realize it.
The reality again is that “red” and “blue” states are a mythology. While the DNC and GOP both are simply wealth-accumulating enterprises, means and methods altogether interchangeable, the only difference is who cashes the checks, from private interests for whom politicians are far cheaper than logical taxation. As power corrupts, then all those within its reach are corrupted, with prized exceptions proving under even the most lackadaisical of scrutiny nothing more than marketing ploys for the gullible. Technically, pedophilia is still illegal in the USA, but in more states than not it is perfectly legal to rape someone not old enough for a drivers license, under the guise of marriage. Which Democrats are pointedly failing to prevent Republicans from empowering. Americans are for the most part ignorant of the shear vastness of their government’s Military Industrial Complex outside its borders, where only about one-fifth of all nations are not suffering ongoing occupation, just as they are largely ignorant about how open their own state’s laws are here in the 21st century towards child marriage and child pregnancy. Token good guys from whichever of the two parties have failed dramatically to fight.
For to say that child endangerment is a crime perpetrated and perpetuated exclusively by your opposition is to turn a blind eye in defense of when your heroes do no better. Chalk it up as yet another reason to keep from power all those who pursue it, because all those to have succeeded to date are either incompetent or complicit or both.