Cervantes the three-legged dog sniffs out no use for the faith-healing.
No consideration for their Earthly entitlement towards fame and fortune whilst those who helped you the most, who ever gave unto you actual help in life were never rich or famous. Personages most insistent upon themselves deserving considerations never have an iota to spare. But make demands of nobody, and doing so without lying or cheating or stealing and without justifying lying or cheating or stealing, indulge no fantasies regardless if they might otherwise enrich you or enrich fellow members to whatever gaggle of like-minded though competing financial interests, and the world they contribute to has no place for you. If you exist without their esteem, why can they not survive without yours? Why would any person or persons possessing more rights, more resources and more opportunities than you, require sacrifices by you, require sacrifices of you?
If unearned respect is not your cup of tea, there is nothing about failure to compliment, or failure to live and die in unapologetic servitude, that is disrespectful. Whether the demand for involuntary support is as small as expecting special identifiers be used by strangers in adoration, or as big as nobody anywhere being allowed to critique the Israeli government’s instigating military campaigns against Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan. Why must we market on the behalf of self-aggrandizing asses or be made subservient to such agendas meeting nobody halfway in terms of life and death, as if acceptance somehow translated into becoming the passion of noncombatants? What might possibly be more at threat than one’s thoughts and feelings? I’d never say that all the spheres of arts and entertainment are debauchery, but perhaps all the spheres of arts and entertainment are definitely juvenilia, for so long as they indulge the creator and audience both with selfish fictions that problems could and should be carried by anyone but them. It’s certainly easy to consider the more obvious examples of self-serving idolatry on the world stage, like were Trump actually a billionaire and were Americans to actually need Christianity, then what prevents the man from just giving away his silly patriotic bibles? It’s a bit more troubling to consider however, that whatever harms to stem from betting on the wrong horse and thus accepting the thoughts and feelings of others as your own is indeed your own damn fault, as the diverse conflicts we face in our day to day lives one and all come down to allowing ego absolute influence, and that handing away self-control does not hand away responsibility for what we say and do with ourselves.
There is no time or place in which sacrificing for those who cannot is evil. Expectations for one’s own responsibilities to be carried and dreams fulfilled by others however, is the operating system for every megalomaniac to exist the world round. From the self-important entrepreneur refusing to pay his or her own bills to the neighborhood ass refusing to make room for immigrants down to the spoiled brat refusing to do their household chore because it would mean taking a break from games. From the bulk of abortions enacted so purveyors might continue refusing to live with consequences of their own bad decisions, to the millions of sadists refusing to accept that gun-owners saving lives was never anything but a perversion. Pardons in a functional society should really only be granted to persons horrified by their very own worst, but most people view their very own apologies as essentially just crying mulligan with no obligatory follow-through. Everybody I have ever known devoutly recognized agreeable authority wielding power over them, as though anyone not succeeding must have chosen to either get transformed into a victim by those same powers or face rightful condemnation for refusing to grant the control. But if anyone were seriously just “trying to get by” they would not need to divert from that pathway to instead play master or servant either one. Starving ego, especially your very own, saves lives whether directly or indirectly, whereas feeding ego of any stripe invariably fills its toilet with blood, sweat and tears of those very lives consumed.
Maybe, the only authority that can ever be real and true is self-control, and the blunt reality of so many being so willing to shun their own for anything to please the self, anything to pamper or entertain or justify their lazy lack of virtue or principles or convictions, is also the very source of all the troubles they seek to flee from, at once contributing nothing but further troubles for bystanders of any path they meet in life. Really, arrogance and ignorance have become entirely indistinguishable today. Neither you or your icons would be so desperate for other parties to do your bidding, if you were not so accustomed to gambling beyond the means of your merit or mettle. There’s no difference between indulging fantasy and feeding ego.
Individuals can change from the inside out, but never institutions because remorse is very much a personal experience, arguably the most personal. So alongside the mythology of good people changing the system from the inside must go the silliness of there being safety in numbers regardless of the group’s appeals, for where it stands is simply a bigger target comprised of human capital and human shields. People can grow, they can learn and evolve, but never by means of comfort and joy, for the banners they look to will forever be dependent on being held aloft, as they cannot move of their own accord. Myself, I do not ask anything of anyone, as I was born understanding the uselessness of it. In this respect suicide is forever the alternative to lethal force, although unironically, to declare that no life is worth less than my comfort is welcomed no differently than renouncing USA citizenship. Will should only ever be exerted to save a life, or problems are created. This explicitly is ^how^ problems are created. Each and every last one of the “isms” are simply persuasions of this, forms for the will to masquerade about town. No matter how much ambition gets gussied up and idealized, ambition is entitlement.
If your idea of denying the Nuremberg principle through contributing to western societies means sharing entitlements and luxuries but rarely or never burdens and blame, then said sharing comes across as highway robbery. But by sharing no group with you or yours, be it based in church or state or industry, then I need not share in your burdens or blame, for I certainly have no aims of sharing in the codependency of your successes, and all the forms of entrapment and exploitation and extortion on which any and every variety of supremacy fundamentally depends. Any collective has more resource and opportunity than me, but they tend to look at every situation fathomable in terms of what they can get out of it, because all parties of humanity act in self-interest ultimately. Nobody actually requires membership to anything in order to voluntarily be of assistance to less fortunate others, but membership to anything absolutely means members are responsible for crimes and sins of the whole. And as that responsibility falls dramatically short into the deepest of voids humanly possible, I would rather help those worse off than myself, I would rather not empower or enable what causes their torments, avoid creating problems for other people, than be anyone’s goddamn friend. I’m not favoring some ego or fantasy over others, I have none of my own by fact and by tremendous self-sacrifice. But if others promote whichever ego or fantasy, this life has given me no choice but to see them as far more self-destructive than I could ever be.
Understanding my limitations of arrogance and ignorance called for trials by fire, but unlike most everyone else the destruction wrought from it was only ever upon myself. Some of those looking to the stars, even as kindred spirits, will meet with unsure footing for themselves, yet most never will pause to ponder why the marketing they’ve opted to guide and inspire them does not express the downsides. No matter the glory carried aloft, those unable or unwilling to extend their own reach in participation of the groupthink hysteria are ground under booted heel and fastly forgotten. But ignorantly/arrogantly allowing others to suffer for the sake of you playing servant, to greater egos or your own, is and always was the American way. Failing to live up to someone’s expectations is really just a socially acceptable spin on failing to abide by the bias, desire, fetish, quirk, whim or wish formulating their presumptions; all decidedly egocentric. This is what I mean when I say that the only thing anybody can say against my character is that I would not indulge their fantasy. If making people feel goad was truly the most important element to the human experience, then prostitutes would be held in highest regard. Neither prisoners or their captors have any business feeling good about their respective lot. And, existing in the ruins grown of your churches and states and industries I have never felt at home, never felt senses of longing or belonging, never for a moment cared to be alive in a world where everybody is encouraged to believe that their love and happiness and their love and happiness alone matter more than the well-being or livelihood of everybody else. By varying degrees all whom I have ever crossed paths with exhausted me and disgusted me, but without exception, without a second thought would I end my own life if it meant prolonging the life of even the very worst among them. Not because I need or want anything from them, but because the very lack of self-sacrifice is what demolishes any precept of civilization put into action.
I leave you all to your masturbation.