There is a small but glaring omission in this recent news article from Caitlin Dickson for Yahoo, warning of planned attacks on the home-front against state and federal governmental centers later this month. In fact it’s also what differentiates the Boogaloo Boys from the Proud Boys, that by all accounts the boogaloo movement consists predominately of past and present members of law enforcement and military.
Not by happenstance, the fields historically most prone to domestic abuse inside their own homes. But Dickson’s apparent hesitancy in acknowledging the devout militancy is at once overlooking and downplaying the actual severity of the threat; a grandly disrespectful and potentially lethal disservice to readers.
A point which bears incessant repeating is how those personalities most emphatic about their American patriotism are always those citizens most willing and able to belittle the preternatural deaths of their fellows, the more the merrier. From being inhumanely anti-welfare while favoring guns and war as healthy pastimes personally and nationally, to arrogantly ecstatic refusals to wear masks in a pandemic, to opposition against universal free healthcare, to insanely considering the flag of a Confederate nation which existed from start to finish at odds with America as somehow emblematic of American values, words and actions of patriots unveil themselves despite their best efforts at accusing others who find no logic supporting lethal force of doing precisely that which these patriots themselves have done, are doing and will pridefully continue to do, with not even the vaguest sense of irony in their corner. If their beseeching fallback of gumption does not actually entail self-sacrifice, then anybody free of the tunnel vision inherent to exploring a sniper scope must be vigilantly prepped to duck and cover.
What exactly do such droll personae believe physically constitutes this country which they purport to support and defend? Politick without choices is entrapment, business without competition is monopolism, mandated theology historically ends by genocide and genetics without diversity is inbreeding. Are they simply so divisively bought into the impersonal symbology of god and country, of capital economics, that they miss the small print of symbols functioning solely as avatars and proxies for matters which do not actually exist in the natural world? For if popular symbols were truly indicative or representative of anything real, then why would such valuable realness be unable to speak well enough on its own accordance without necessitating middlemen harbingers? If something of quantifiable authenticity pertaining to a society were wanted or needed, why would it require marketing at all? Symbols of Church, State and Industry are unarguably devised as masks, whether banners of religious firebrands, of political flags or of corporate branding, specifically to conceal what is unnatural and unnecessary, whatever marketing persons get paid to overlook or to downplay. And with that rather pointedly overlooked and downplayed abnormality universally being egos obsessive-compulsively deflecting attentions away from the shame of their own self-servitude, their biases and presumptions. Why do laws never seem to apply to authoritarians, to the monied or to celebrities? Because egos abide by egos, and not the law. Yet when the least empathic among us invariably prove the most devastating toward society time and time again, the masses refuse to believe their own sensory perceptions of the experience, crying into their pillows “But their overblown platforms clearly stated that they were the good guys.” If truth had any place in this culture, fantasy would never have become such a thing.
It’s why paid media persons collectively and individually omit from every exchange of information how evil simply does not exist in any form or by any measure free of ego.
The only grievances or disillusionment these killers and potential killers are acting upon comes from the lack of their own egos getting what they want, ever-increasing demands for entitlement and privilege going unmet even should life, liberty and pursuits of happiness for everyone else be damned. They fight only for ego, and this culture evidently was not thinking when granting such ego-cases authority to begin with.