Not to defend Jon Stewart per se, for as an entertainer his job description has never been anything but to say and do whatever necessary to garner attention for the purposes of moving products for sponsors, but if all the bad committed by the government past and present is the exclusive fault of the bad guys, then the quote unquote good guys have proven themselves utterly powerless from preventing all the bad things from happening, or they are complicit or both. In which case they are hardly worth supporting, especially as they grant themselves more rights, resources and opportunities than is possessed by the masses they are tasked with representing. If foreign criminals are sneaking into the country, it’s because the whole world can see how generously this culture rewards the most self-serving. The half of the population not voting encompasses all those capable of remembering 10 minutes ago. I say, it is the grossly irresponsible daddy complexes of the American voter wanting someone, anyone to qualm their inconveniences for them, which manifests the painfully real problems that make life impossible for the people who actually are holding things together in this society, the ones who never get hero-worshiped because asking for applause is a matter they simply have no time or space or inclination for. Like Trump wanting NATO nation-states to pay him directly, if you only do good when there is something in it for you, then you yourself are not good, you are an extortionist.
Simply surviving in this culture and society is impossible unless one destroys others, just as those bearers of inherited wealth assert that persons struggling simply need gumption and by gumption they mean blood-lust. Most persons, especially those voices of the establishment, deny the reality of this and their followers are eager to believe otherwise, because while most can only manage a destruction in death by degrees, people justify lying and cheating and stealing as necessary to their own survival. They rationalize using and abusing others as preemptive strikes against being used and abused themselves, not by happenstance similar to the marketing underlying all of America’s foreign policies. If today’s homeless were as criminal as the public would like to believe, they likely would not be homeless. Closer to reality is that most homeless are unable or unwilling to play the game of musical chairs with America’s updating the rules to life or death extents. A sane person would understand that persons possessing more rights, resources and opportunities than themselves are never the ones to genuinely need assistance or support, not by any measure. But if you fail to indulge ego no matter how great or small, the shame of their codependency compels them, to demonize and ostracize you for the sinful crime of capacity for living without a daddy complex. Every artist is a con-artist for convincing others to forfeit their own dreams for those of the artist. When they allow themselves time to create, it is up to everyone else to compensate for them not contributing anything visceral to society with that time wasted on illusion. But if you lack the money or time or interest in giving to them your resources, you must be a hater, you must be ignorant or arrogant, to not prioritize their fantasies above and beyond your livelihood or the livelihood of someone who by fate earnestly cannot fend for themselves. No matter how much time they spend on their throwaway, dime-per-dozen works of fiction, and no matter the side jobs they downplay for fear of being taken for failures, every single artist lazily sees themselves as too good to scrub toilets for a living, while expecting scrubbers of toilets to bankroll their fetishes. If someone has more than you, you owe them nothing whatsoever. It does not matter the religion or politics or branding irons at play, your favorite celebrity is just as much of a sociopath as you are for giving more to streaming services than to those starving to fucking death. If you refrain from devastating others, you are not allowed to live, whether you are homeless or otherwise impoverished, a conscientious objector or even unborn. If you are cruel with your public persona the more clicks and likes you gather. Contrarily, the more means you accumulate for destroying others the more others will hero-worship you, as though the definition of heroism were sacrificing others as opposed to sacrificing for others. Although if you sacrifice of yourself for those already experiencing greater rights, resources or opportunities, you are no hero, but an expendable joke.
People rather sincerely though insanely believe that their own idols are forever flawless, incapable of error or maliciousness, but without those idols selfishly milking everything the people can’t afford to lose, the people might be that much more capable of surviving the beds they’ve made for their own comfort, on the coat-tails of anyone by choice or by design less able or willing to see this life as a matter worth fighting for. Which it surely is not, for god is clearly just as senile as our terrestrial leaders, no power willingly relinquishing itself prior to invariably burning itself out from the weight of its ego, constantly trying to devalue all life whilst constantly forgetting what constitutes life.
So in coming times when I devise a reverse Tesla coil incorporating the zero point energy drive for the false purposes of transporting the world’s most powerful away from nearing end to a bygone era where Earth’s resources were rich and untouched, affording them the chance to formulate all of civilization to suit the whims of their egos, but for the actual purposes of transporting them one and all close enough in proximity to the sun that for the rest of their lives they will be too blinded to ever again gaze upon their own reflection in any mirror, it gets fucked sideways. As nobody accepts guilt for anything anymore, I may as well lay claim to all of it, and so maybe I accidentally succeeded in sending the most selfish away from us back to pre-history, where they did indeed found every civilization to cater fundamentally to whichever biggest ego willing to nullify the basic human rights of others while laying full claims of ownership over resources and opportunities of everybody else; establishing the foundations for the world they want at cost to all of life. And so when the world does end shortly as inevitable effect to all their causes, none of us will be able to hear them cry, being removed uncountable lifetimes from where they deserve to be. I have never and will never speak for others, and nobody can or will ever speak on my behalf, so this is the one and only thing I can apologize for myself. This is no less crazy than the drivel spilling forth regularly from your religious icons, your political heroes or your champions of industry.
But why do fans of these decorated icons, heroes and champions relentlessly prove themselves unprepared to trust that said icons, heroes and champions fend for themselves? Most of the folks I’ve encountered in my time take issue with providing any assistance to non-icon, non-hero, non-champion others, whether they themselves have been helped before, or whether those seeking help now have helped them before or not. And yet these same, slavish personae have no qualms when it comes to hurting others whether they themselves have been hurt before or not and whether those taking the hits have actually hurt them before or not. Kill or be killed, eat or be eaten, fuck or get fucked being the reason for every season. They would rather hurt others than help others, whomever said others happen to be. Better the other guy than you, right? The thing about the world’s problems or society’s problems is that there is no big evil bad guy, no venomous folding circle hellbent on destroying all that you explicitly love. Each and every ego on the world’s crooked stage plays a part in contributing to our reality being kept at arm’s length from sorting out its kinks. There is no such thing as any evil outside the vanities of ego. As I’ve asserted before, all it takes for “evil” to prevail is for everyone to go on seeing themselves as decent people. Everyone everywhere pardoning their own ego, or the ego they aspire after.
Americans, hell the entirety of the English-speaking world, would rather stay oblivious toward all things outside their immediate gratification, than be decent people who accept accountability for anything under the sun pertaining to their own words and actions. Like millions of toddlers who can’t stop playing with their junk, all the while shouting for more chicken nuggets right here right now wah wah wah. The unreal, virtual sphere of online social-networking websites showed them how conveniently DIY segregation can block out all things unfamiliar or uncomfortable, a system now openly replicated by bipartisan demands upon schools and news platforms, with the natural result of a peoples grown fat and inane, unable to physically dig their own graves so they compel it of all competing self-interests. I would never kill anyone, not anywhere under any circumstances fathomable. But there is a universe of possibility outside the confines of indulging whichever fantasy as alternative. Staring wholeheartedly into the more flattering of screens is not how one finds that reality. When escapism is categorically the avoidance of problem-solving, then indulging fantasies is the lone, socially-acceptable form of eventual suicide. I cannot and would not myself destroy this country, but I would rather die than defend any aspect of it. And eventually I know that I will, because refusing to oblige any fantasy, refusing to recognize any self-styled authority bending towards whichever imaginary supremacy, leaves no other path. The more things in life you are willing to go without, the more everyone else feels entitled to leech the marrow from your bones, as though any value to your life can only be determined by the usefulness others find in you.
And all of you sick fucks just go with that, evidently everyone alive today. I don’t require anyone to suffer and die, which confounds conservatives, and I don’t need anyone to love me, which confounds liberals. I don’t write about this shit as thought-exercises, I live it and I am dying by it, my abject refusal to recruit servants for my own fucking contentedness. True nihilism lacks your co-dependencies, so naturally nothing is considered more evil than failure or refusal to believe whatever bupkiss to sell you on you being a decent person.. No matter who you are reading this, you are no exception. It’s always the self-affirmed gods who require competing brands and non-believers to know a damning in this life and whatever pipe-dream that follows; no matter who you are I’d rather leave you all to your own devices, and I forego all rights, resources and opportunities within my reach if it means helping others reach their own inevitable end. In this world away from dreams, hope and faith are as unrecognizable as any authority, just different allusions to nonsense.