Liberal politicians like Nancy Pelosi, Nick Fetterman and Joe Biden endorse DEI because anyone is capable of anything on the one hand, but on the other hand Palestinians are apparently incapable one and all of being anything but terrorists and Israeli Jews are incapable one and all of being anything but victims. Centrist pundits such as Bill Maher and Dan Abrams take issue with cancel culture, unless the targets are persons repulsed by the indiscriminate bombings by the IDF across Palestine which, in all likelihood, killed the Jewish hostages months ago. And color me among the cranks who wonder at the legitimacy of the October attacks, as the chief rabbi of the IDF has said that their soldiers should be encouraged to rape, so as to keep up their spirits (and famously doubled down after the fact). And there would be no Hamas if not for Netanyahu, not in the sense that he personally founded the group but he has channeled monies their way since their inception, evidently in hopes of stirring the pot to incriminate all the other Palestinians. Pushing 5 elections inside of a four-year window must have been aggravating for Netanyahu’s blatant hunger for maintaining power and influence, and the initiating assault by Hamas last year could well have been a flawed attempt orchestrated by the man to get more support from his own people. Although he looks to have more supporters among the Americans, who justify the IDF conducting strikes against tenement buildings and hospitals and refugee camps, murdering aid workers and journalists and children, altogether tens of thousands more people than the most vile Hamas have ever hoped to achieve.
Maybe if the USA federal and most of its state governments were not granting astronomical sums in assistance to Israel every year they could afford the Universal Free Healthcare which Israeli Jews somehow can afford. Perhaps a dirty baker’s dozen of the almost 200 nation-states on the planet can afford both a nuke program and a space program, but only one of those necessitates foreign aid every year, because we are to take them for being the plucky underdogs of the world stage. Too many who laugh off granting African-Americans ongoing exorbitant reparations, or who fail to see logic in compensation from persons who were never enslavers toward persons who were not themselves bound in actual chains, magically never run into irony while defending the Israelis calling dibs for nothing less. Though voiceless where regarded the leagues of domestic homeless made to vanish off the Earth during the heatwave last year, the USA Department of Justice warns of increased antisemitic threats domestically, but from where I stand it’s the people defending the verifiable victims of the conflict who are losing their jobs and facing constant attack online and on campuses. Many of the voices angered by Musk firing loads of twitter employees for simply not being rightwing enough present themselves as dandy with Google firing loads of its employees for wondering how purportedly on the ropes Israel can be propelling so many multinational business dealings in unison with fearing for its life. Meanwhile among the right-wingers in America are voices actually proposing nukes be used against Palestine, with no objections from the supposedly more sensible voices in their party. But Americans by and large have always been more willing to proliferate trafficking of weapons over food or medicine no matter the conflict of the day to extents of producing whole-cloth threats where none previously existed. And Israel, the lone nation of the world whose boundaries expand year after year after year, certainly would object to centuries of radiation where it eyeballs property redevelopment, spotlighting how gentrification and colonization are synonymous forms of Zionism regardless the tight pants of the defensive entitlements asserting otherwise.
To be sure, there are unfortunately naive neoliberal antiwar protesters who in fact are idiots as well for proposing lethal force as an option to provoke an indefinite ceasefire, but the majority of antiwar protesters wanting a stop to the killing of anyone by anyone are painted as being in league with terrorists, or as being paid by Soros which I always take as a projection by people who cannot wrap their heads around concern for their fellow humanity unless paid to fake it. Every fascist the world over was just following their dreams, for there is no earthly difference between feeding ego and indulging fantasy. I for one have never and would never make the claim that Israelis should suffer lesser rights or resources or opportunities than anyone else, but I cannot find reason to cosign Israelis or their enablers abroad finding reason in anyone anywhere warranting lesser rights or resources or opportunities than the Jews themselves. Where there is no separation between church and state, any objectivity towards nationalism is branded heretical. Away from the dogmatics of self-indulgence however, failing to take a knee for whichever superiority complex absolutely does not make one prejudiced, and Uncle Sam really, really should sit on its arms deals and rotate.
Maybe, it’s easy to imagine such a place as the biblical Hell actually existing as a thing is possible for so many, because on some primal level at least, most know damn well that no killing is ever honestly justifiable. And so maybe they want the eventual reprimanding, because they just can’t help themselves.