Everyone, fighting for a place on Apple’s suicide nets.
So, over a week after my sister’s home and not 1 or 2 but 3 other homes on her block were all robbed in a single night, the cops finally bothered to return calls. They never came by to talk with anyone. We said the perps could have walked out of state from Dallas in that time. I guess the cops are too busy jacking over who they’ll murder by drone next, while harassing homeless people and maintaining stats of law enforcement as the trade most prone to domestic violence after military. Hide a lot of sins behind those tiny badges. Most of the unsolved murders around the country (KY all by itself has over 500) come down to persons trained in the use of firearms who possess direct means for evading arrest. Precincts are fiefdoms, picking and choosing when and where to enforce laws and which laws to abide by. Anybody believing help is ever on the way, no matter the context in this society, is in for a world of disappointment. Persons who earnestly care about helping others do not pursue positions of authority or power over them.
Positions of authority and power manifest troubles.
The lone thing across western civilization privately and collectively more offensive than ageism, racism, sexism, etc, is the inability or unwillingness to have someone’s fantasy catered. Picking up trash from my sister’s street does a lot more for the world than does being an audience for anyone’s ego-waxing. It does more for her neighbors than Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, George Soros and the remaining Koch brother combined every will, or the politicos who answer to them. Being confronted by the rankest whiff of insensitivity or disparagement is a fucking cakewalk contrasted with the lot of those who don’t know how they will eat tomorrow, or where they might next sleep. The folks most eager to claim the world always have the least to offer in trade.
None of this will vanish until god wakes up, and god won’t wake up unless we keep banging the pots and pans.
Cows never themselves raised anyone’s cost of living but still we are informed that it’s impolite to eat the rich. To be fair though eating criminals sounds disgusting, we should only eat the most beautiful people. Do this, in memory of me. Working in or otherwise supporting industry for decades which from its origins to today is so reliant upon exploiting and extorting that it openly creates the need for charities to repair its damages, but somehow the real harm comes from trolls and outliers. By the same logic, the third of the population voting regularly encompasses all those citizens who can’t remember 5 minutes ago. As though one’s party always being powerless in stopping all the bad things from the other party somehow makes them still a thing to believe in. Everyone into establishment, mainstream-anything is pussy-whipped by daddy issues and marketing. That devil is such an ass because the omnipotent being fucked up and made him so or because the omnipotent being is too much of a coward to take on any blame for all his other fuck-ups. Anyone with more resources/opportunities than you ever requiring yours, they’re not helping you. Job creators entitling themselves to your time and energy, politicos desiring your monies or celebrities declaring ownership of your attentions, they all have more because of suckers, just like divorce attorneys do infinitely more harm to the sanctity of marriage than does anybody in love.
Sir I am going to need to ask you to leave the Titanic, you’re being obnoxious toward the screaming passengers.