Rightwing media is insisting that systemic prejudice is the big lie. Literally the one and only democratic government in world history to have codified slavery into its constitution, but alright, let’s upset the flat-earthers. It’s not like freedom is a finite resource in danger of depletion. I mean there’s enough to go around. Maybe thieving power-mongers claim ownership because in their hearts they know how property is theft.
Yeah, it’s bad enough such paid punditry does not inform their audience, misconstruing opinions as fact, but talking heads like Laura Ingraham, Glenn Beck and Tucker Carlson actually depend on their audiences being uninformed. It doesn’t matter how many people prefer ego-appeasement to reality, when catering egos is kind of the source for all our societal issues while the function of truth is something other than flattery.
The whole concept of Q grew from that place of not knowing. There’s no satanic cult of partisan politicians and Hollywood celebrities eating babies. The parties may as well be Burger King and McDonald’s, robbing people blind with poison, but neither have done what the other has not done. Brand loyalists know to be outraged with the competition, but they generally have no understanding of current events, civics or recorded history, so they play fantasy football. Obama deported more immigrants than any prior President, gave Wall Street billions as apparent reward for losing billions, and expanded the militarization of domestic law enforcement, all of which rapidly resulted in diverse troubles for the American people. Republicans could not condemn him for those failures stemming from his doing expressly what their own platform has sought, so they say he was born in Kenya, or that his wife is a transsexual. Q is an expansion of that in every regard. As partisan media has no interest informing its audiences, the audiences remain uninformed. There are reasons for conservatives to take issue with Democrats and for liberals to take issue with Republicans, but that would require actually following politics to know, so blanks are filled by nonsense. Unable to name actual achievements of their leaders, they instead assert for them Second Coming status, bravely leading cloak and dagger shadow-wars against concerns which all wealth has been culpable of throughout history, partisanship be damned but pushed as partisan problems nonetheless, while each side’s preferred demagogue doing far more to empower than to confront.
Gated communities are every bit as ideological as they are physical, designed either way to block out the bulk of reality. We love our news bubbles, echo chambers, safe spaces and comfort zones as we preach to the choirs, without ever addressing how social media is just DIY segregation. In economics, the opposite of diversity is monopoly, and in genetics the opposite of diversity is inbreeding. I used to have an account on vk, and there were Neo-Nazi pages there that did not shy away from that goal at all. The closest they come to admitting it here is banning abortion in cases of incest.
I think the recent case of a police officer sentenced for lethal force was a token, so that throughout the next thousand cases of unarmed people being killed by the police, establishment pundits can just say “Oh, but remember Chauvin? The system works!” It’s Bernie Madoff for a different social ill. Public servants will be getting uppity again in response to such a small sacrifice, readdressing the reality that checks and balances are American only on paper. There was a leak a few years back from the handbook of the national union of police chiefs, outright admitting the earliest policing groups north of the Mason-Dixon were established to extort taxes from the poor, while the earliest policing groups in the south were setup to reprimand slaves. Eventually the two merged but their focus never changed. Now, they are fiefdoms unto themselves and laws do not apply.
And again, the notion that skin color is any less than a prefabricated issue of partisanship is itself a falsehood. Patriotism today is measured by the eagerness to see fellow Americans suffer. To the vocal patriots, you oppose any war, you’re not a real patriot no matter how many Americans suffer. Oppose private gun ownership, you’re not a real patriot no matter how many Americans suffer. Were you to support traditional welfare, then you cannot be a patriot because fewer Americans would be suffering. Oppose pandemic masks specifically and universal free healthcare generally because endangering others is somehow an inalienable right. Maybe it comes down to giving more regard to symbols, whether god and country or capital, means less regard to give for the people themselves. The purpose of NRA marketing is to sell guns, not to convey any truths. Sundown towns were a thing, for decades, as were forced vasectomies at mental hospitals for minorities explicitly and for the poor generally.
Both proving themselves as wealth-accumulating enterprises, I used to think the only actual difference between Neocons and Neolibs was that Neocons suppressed their shame where Neolibs projected their own, but centrists have really blurred the lines in recent years. We either put the needs of others before personal bias, fetishes, quirks and whims, or we put personal bias, fetishes, quirks and whims before the needs of others. I used to think it was a left versus right thing, but everyone in DC is self-inclined. Or they would be too busy helping people to run for any office. I really want to throw out there that I believe the postal service is intended to collapse, so that drones from Amazon or Wal-Mart or wherever can swoop in for a nifty governmental contract and replace it altogether. There was a common thread to that trio of international trade treaties from a few years back, established on Obama’s watch, forbidding any participating government from doing for their own what any multinational corporation might find profit in. The treaties are dead in name only, with every one of Trump’s cabinet appointments tasked with privatizing and profiteering their respective offices, in ways that will take years to undo. I think it’s an ongoing, gradual push from all first world nations, partisanships be darned, to hand over more power and authority to corporations. Like Pelosi admitted, at day’s end they are all just Capitalists, with capitalism trumping all ideologies whether political or religious. Even the civil warring of the Vatican comes down to the matter of self-inclined Prosperity Doctrines vs the well-being of others. Governance is about managing resources, not generating profits, and so many of our infrastructure concerns and social conflicts come from rationalizations to the contrary. When power inherently corrupts, I’d say marketing to cast any authoritative powers in a beneficial light is the big lie. Depriving others of life, liberty and pursuits of happiness is not a constitutional right, whether it’s refusal to abide by quarantine restrictions or a corporation fully aware that its chemical additives are harmful. Endangering anyone is no inalienable right. Being prevented from endangering others violates no civil or basic human right, however, while protesting abuses of power *is* absolutely a democratic right.
When the fiefdoms of cops can go beyond their job descriptions to play judge, jury and executioner, and subservient bystanders accept it as any degree of ethical or moral victory, then nobody is safe. As cops seem to be the largest traffickers of drugs, guns and sex, I’d love to see their complete and total shutdown in my lifetime. Unfortunately the defund the police movement is not about that, but rather about reallocating funding away from them to orgs better trained to deal with issues that cops only make worse. With civil asset forfeiture stealing billions more every year than do actual burglars, going by federal studies, departments would not exactly be hurting. When I was still on twitter, I saw far more vids of unprovoked police attacking unarmed protestors and journalists than anything shown on commercial news to the contrary. Comments for news platforms online have clearly become a guided equivalence to social media, but as Alan Watts long ago wrote in regards to the differences between faith and belief, people are overeager to suckle the finger pointing the way, as opposed to objectively looking to where it leads them.
Where the Occupy Wall Street melodrama sputtered over too many cooks in the kitchen, antifa masks itself, even before the pandemic, publicly to avoid recrimination but privately, to avoid the invariable side-effects of demagoguery. The idea that observing basic human rights is a political platform or partisan issue, should be accepted as deeply and tragically offensive. Most of the descriptions of antifa burning cities were swiped from the Wikipedia entries for the Black Wall Street massacre by militia in 1921 or the 1985 police napalm assault on a houseful of MOVE organizers in Philly. It’s victim-blaming to grandiose levels. But what’s really freaky is how few will even think to get a second opinion. Justifying killing is what makes sociopaths sociopaths. The difference between an antifa demonstration and what happened at the Capitol back in January, is that antifa was fighting for what others need, as measured by their own experiences and their own senses, while the patriots fought for what they themselves wanted. Which wasn’t even a matter that would serve themselves or the livelihoods or well-being of anyone else, but rather which serviced to further the power-mongering of their chosen masters. They were informed by partisan media outlets owned by affiliates of those masters not of facts, not of their own needs and certainly not of the needs of others, but of what their own thoughts and feelings should be.
I would imagine it rare for an unwilling sacrifice leading to anything positive, but apparently most Americans just cannot live without being fucked.