“Judge me not for my merit or mettle, or my lacking thereof as merit and mettle require personal responsibility and personal sacrifice, but judge me instead for the flattering illusions of my impersonal costuming which can be worn by anybody else foolish enough to believe that a book’s mere cover could or should more adequately convey the character of one’s individuality, than would one’s very own words and actions stemming directly from the contents of one’s very own thoughts and feelings.”
That is what Uncles Sam and Tom and Agony Aunt spoke to their respective mirrors and what is repeated ad nauseum by all their illegitimate offspring who were left with no food for thought, beyond what spites the reality begrudgingly shared by all. A reality accidentally summarized with surprising clarity in a rare moment of sobriety by the noted Christian fantasist below.
The only democratic government in global history to have codified slavery into its constitution, the inequalities of catered ego familiar to the USA have been long-standing as the lone consistency to a psychopathic mass-hallucination, with the mass of things the USA has contributed to the world detailed in full by the embarrassingly short list of
The comic books, to appease what were deemed by Wall Street as feeble minds, the earliest decades of strips literally created for milking pocket change from children, from shunned migrants considered too illiterate to read the rest of the newspaper’s contents and from all those either too poor to afford sanctioned forms of entertainment or otherwise unwelcome in public places of proper society where sanctioned forms of entertainment might be sought. Employed to craft them were the minorities, women, homosexuals and foreign-born talents denied opportunities in traditional creative fields, denied for no other reason but their being minorities, women, homosexuals and foreign-born.
The blues music, reappropriated steadfastly from the death rattles of the working poor, its progenitors used and abused by the biases, fetishes, quirks and whims comprising the self-defeating doublespeak that is creative industry, to the finite extent of no ingenuity coming from the genre since the last of the field hands learned new ways to suffer as starving artists. Drained into depletion straight from the souls of those enduring improbable misfortunes to derivative fucking background noise for places of commerce and idolatry, elevators rising arrogantly above the salts of the Earth, and all the way to the bank. If not for the brutally oppressive environments of desperation manifested by the inferiority complexes of slave-masters and their family trees, the blues-men of old might not have had anything to wail about.
And weapons of mass destruction, to proliferate genocidal masking of militarized conquest and domination by the most self-serving as serving something greater than private gratifications, be they Anglo-Saxons or Christians or inherited wealth or right-wingers, with minorities, women, homosexuals and foreign-born talents entrapped and exploited by servitude into livelihoods devoid of self-determination and upwards mobility. The best and the brightest scientists pointedly seeing research funded for dividing and conquering foremost, it was exclusively the profiteering which came about by their self-serving employers. Disrespecting human life beyond their fantasies, no differently did they entrap and exploit black American slaves and their descendants, Chinese immigrants and the inmates of debtors prisons to build their national roads and railways physically uniting the country. And none of that has changed across these exhausted generations. The domestic law enforcement, executing laws which do not apply to themselves, have never served any other purpose but to extort tithes for self-affirmed owners of property obtained directly by pillage or inherited from pillagers of bygone eras, and to reprimand the disgruntled workers producing for those same self-entitled looters declaring ownership of the sun, the moon and the stars. Edward Bernays, who introduced psychology into the closed circuit codependency of advertising, would later work for the federal government, where his invention of market demographics was adapted by nationwide law enforcement into what is known today as profiling, thus manufacturing a contrived demand to meet with preordained goods and services for appeasing the self-fulfilling prophecies of egomania, life-threatening drugs and life-threatening weapons all produced by corporate America, with which the masses are enabled to exert influence over each other’s pursuits of happiness by further segregating themselves. Truth, abandoned openly and culturally for lack of flattering predispositions.
Pride does not exist without ignorance, with the most self-obsessed always proving the most ignorant, for they can never look away from what appeals to them, leaving much unobserved. Less than a fifth of the nations of the world are free from American military installations, due only to their possessing nothing left for plundering. This, a matter which did not unfold overnight, or over the course of a Presidential administration or throughout a generation, but across the blemished history of a national identity. These are incontrovertible facts, shamelessly omitted from public school curriculum near and far, as the America First Caucus is merely the latest rhinoplasty for a widespread psychosis dating all the way back to smallpox blankets.
The only achievements its governance can claim concern the gradual undoing of unethical legislation which never should have existed to begin with, legal restrictions on liberties by limiting who might own a home and who might vote and who might join together in holy matrimony. American greatness past, present and future is wholly a marketing endeavor, afforded by the wealth which has lied and cheated and stolen its way into gated communities both physical and metaphysical, obsessive-compulsively comforting itself that equity nor the bulk of reality need ever intrude between itself and its collection of full-length mirrors. Wealth granted by a media made dependent on its advertising and investments with good publicity, for donating an infinitesimal percentage of its pilfered hoardings to charity, charity which would have no cause to exist were it not for the effects rendered by the means and the methods of the hoarding itself. And with each tokenized undoing of legalized immorality, the masses are divided in all-new and all-different ways, witlessly accepting of the insulting artificiality decorating the walls confining their lifelong indentured servitude all the more. Even the act of self-termination, the very apex of self-determination, has long been made illegal, simply because the Powers That Be claim ownership of that which nature decries invariably must end as well.
The root of the problem is not even about white supremacy, an accusation which assumes impoverished white people and enriched black people are all magical exceptions to the stereotypical rulings, with white people needing to be extraordinarily lazy and stupid to not effectively engage the three spells for Capitalistic success: entrapment, extortion and exploitation, and black people needing to be extraordinarily lucky to entrap, extort and exploit anyone by the standards of American exceptionalism. Every time I encounter mention of such a thing I am reminded of the occasion where a uniformed patrolman urinated on me back in my homeless years, when I was working consistently despite employers paying late and/or less than contractual minimums or simply reneging on payment altogether (“times are tough but we’ll pray for you brother”). Or the other occasion sometime later where the deputy I was renting a small house from abruptly and forcefully evicted me, so that her latest girlfriend might enjoy a rent-free home. I could not call the cops because 5 of them were already carrying my boxes to the alley out back. Or the time in which I foolishly realized I could not simultaneously pay both my own utilities and the utilities for the struggling mother of a girl I was seeing, so after settling mine, paid in full and disconnected for the winter to then cover their expenses, the sheriff at season’s end evicted me, as evidently it was illegal to reside within city limits in the state of Kentucky without being a perpetual customer to utility companies. I am reminded of these and comparable ordeals especially now when a co-founder to the Black Lives Matter non-profit has been outed for owning millions in real estate yet reconciles herself as somehow meeting the definition of Marxist nonetheless. The root of the problem is ego supremacy, with all egos only ever bowing to greater egos. Pinning the true nature of the problem upon anything but ego is merely excusing one’s own, and Americans of all stripes thrive wholeheartedly on fantasies inherent toward ego-appeasements explicitly because, individually or collectively, they cannot face their fears and they will not confront their problems, not when the convenience of scapegoats might so easily be rendered and entertained.
In fact, Democracy was begat by the Greeks, so that’s one thing the egocentric caucus won’t be pursuing or promoting with their self-obsessed political traditions. As though they could ever possibly be considerate of anything outside their pants. I ache to leave the USA, indefinitely. But the egotistical financial interests of this serial-killing, mass-murdering government’s response to my composing hundreds of thousands of words condemning lethal force prohibits all flights.