As supply chain issues persist throughout the USA, articles are popping up proclaiming how dangerous breastfeeding is even for lack of formula. The mass of human history says otherwise. I imagine the causation of such articles stem from pharma bucks always determined to do one better than the god of your preference, but more so does the mentality they present arise from the abject refusal by anyone in America today to allow the needs of others to take priority over one’s own convenience, comfort or ego. Me me me what is self-sacrifice. Kids are animals today explicitly because most parents are too preoccupied with feeling good about themselves. The folks agreeing with the articles do not want a family, they want the image of a family because they cannot think beyond 2 dimensions. Probably have dogs they love so much they force ’em to spend most of their lives on a chain or in a cage. It’s the same pathology behind abortionists- the actual number of cases that pose grave medical risk to the mothers, even in a shit healthcare system such as this, is a small fraction of the whole. Which all the rest cower behind because their own egos have no legs to stand on.
The right to lifer politicians who insist theirs is not a war on women unanimously and repeatedly voted to defund and dismantle the Violence Against Women Act. We could have a society where none are allowed to dictate which life may hold value, but nobody wants equality, they want backdoor action. Lots of Americans are offended by the precepts of “America first!” but cannot fathom any circumstances where their private self-perceptions should not come first, because most Americans neither read or indulge in anything which does not appease their self-interest. Meanwhile, I am such the man-splaining edge-lord bunghole that I refuse to believe anyone anywhere under any circumstances whatsoever should deserve less resources or opportunities than myself. No exceptions for brown people or trans or fetuses or whomever you love to hate.
I spent these last years trying and failing to keep my mom alive, as virtually all her family and friends abandoned her for inconvenience or in case tragedy were somehow contagious. NOBODY gets to determine the life of another holds no value or is not worth fighting for, you sick fools. I don’t believe in capital punishment either, but I do believe prisons should only exist for rapists, murderers and bankers, those persons proven incapable of being around other people without enacting the perversions widely accepted as might making right or ends justifying means.
I wrote just last essay how unwanted fetuses are viewed with the exact same disdain as IDF goons view mourners of assassinated journalists, or how patriots view minorities. As though the life you are least willing to address as equal is always a parasite. Fascists never ever see themselves as fascists. If either side of the abortion debate cared for anything other than lethally imposing its will upon others, they’d push for science to make extraction of living embryos as safe, fast and casual as donating blood. Redistribute THAT wealth to those in need. Fertilized eggs can be frozen even were there not already millions of people desperate for kids but biologically unable. In all other respects are people overeager for others to take away their problems, but both sides of the abortion debate prefer blood on their own hands. One side pretends healthcare and rape are inconsequential issues, and the other side pretends their own bad decisions make them equal to those victims actually suffering uncontrollable circumstances. Both sides too busy pretending, to ever even vaguely consider how to save all lives. Meeting a murderer halfway never ends well. And misses the point of morality being the absence of immorality and immorality being the absence of morality. You can’t blend good and evil, it doesn’t turn grey it turns bloody.
If art for example, actually saved lives, artists would find something else to do instead, because if they could handle responsibility they’d never have become artists. The people who believe the world needs more art would rather paint over the world than repair it. We all need to be a lot less entertained, because if you take an honest look around there is jack and shit in this world worth celebrating. Wanting our thoughts and feelings to be important for others is the exact same mental place fascists come from. If your dreams cannot be realized unless others give their time, and energy, attentions and money and even life to you, then your dreams involve others making all the real sacrifices. We accept our cruelty as somehow necessary to survival, when it absolutely is not.
I wrote somewhere else how news media should be an extension of the education system, so this applies across the board. Neither schools or news should be tasked with presenting to the public only that which we already know or what we feel most comfortable with. Left to their own devices most people can and will make that mistake on their own, as with social media where they only follow what they are familiar with or what they like, and where none are educated for it. I don’t believe it’s enough to preach outside of choirs, echo chambers, gated communities, safe spaces or comfort zones, which nobody actually tries anyway. We need to exist outside, or we are limiting our own access to the mass of reality. In economics the opposite of diversity is monopoly, and in genetics the opposite of diversity is inbreeding. So what then would be the opposite of diversity in thought? It’s your personal comfort level. When the entire population is convinced that any person, place or thing not existing solely to appeal to their ego just has to be a fake or malicious or irrelevant, any endeavor bent towards objective truth is futile.
All it really takes for evil to prevail is for everyone to think of themselves as good people.
We allow governments to exist because on some level, we all do realize that the majority of persons we encounter in life lack the morality necessary to govern themselves. But there is continuous shock when the same majority of self-inclined persons vote into power total nightmares in each and every election. The root function of the celebrity is to lie. The root function of the politician is to cheat. The root function of the executive is to steal. You are under no obligation to give anything to celebrities or politicians or executives. You already allow for those with nothing to fend for themselves, so why must you fend for those serving themselves? It’s not just that they are the most self-serving among us, they are the most codependent. What is fascism, but mandating what the thoughts and feelings of others need be? There are no fascists without that motif, so why on earth would anyone want to replicate the mentality? If nobody is getting hurt then clean your own dishes, minding how no fantasy is worth anyone undergoing entrapment or extortion or exploitation, or worse. In their hearts and minds, everybody in the USA is a supremacist. 330 million flavors of my thoughts and feelings must be prioritized and catered and indulged and suffered or fucking else. It’s all for stockpiling pain, because everything else we may know is self-defeating illusion.
The solution to power corrupting is simply for none to have it, so I will never support your political antiheroes, religious slave-masters or celebrity icons, as the very lives of others depend on that space and time you give freely to anyone more self-serving than yourself. Ditko for that matter could have applied his talents and skills toward actually helping people, but chose instead to physically hide from others for most of his adult life, hoping his symbology would do all the heavy lifting.
The last will be first and the first will be last and the Americans will be given bad directions, and so the last and the first will share a laugh and finally work things out from there. Maybe creativity is like free speech, just having it does not guarantee an audience or acceptance for what’s produced. And maybe there’s nothing wrong with that, as there are more than enough fantasies to indulge either way already. Feeding egos grows nothing life-sustaining.
Nobody wants to cite ego as the ultimate root of every problem we may ever possibly face, because everyone wants to pardon the comforts of their own. The voices insisting we love everyone no matter what, they cheapen love, and reveal themselves ignorant to the sacrifice love requires to function. Forgiveness is enabling, robbing egocentrics from chances to challenge their inferiority complexes. Love must have some conditions, or else it becomes a one-way dialogue at best and at worst, a psychosis. The destruction to come of expecting others to make the real sacrifices is difficult to convey in real time to those issuing ultimatums. When the idea of words having meaning and actions having consequences is deemed impossible, and in fact when the most offensive concept in western civilization is any call for participants themselves to accept accountability wherever and whenever their own words and actions lead to harmful effects for themselves or for others, when any responsibility is required, every piece of shit person in the USA and the world beyond reveal themselves still waiting to grow the fuck up.