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Death comes, without provocation or fanfare, so its provokers and fandom are the most useless of us all

Off and on today I tried reinforcing the fence-line, because one of our neighbors is the sort to leave cats cut up into a LOT of pieces all deposited in a convenience store plastic baggy in the alley. I also did what I could to help my sister’s latest rescue in his recovery from a gnarly case of mange, along with whatever else he encountered on these alleyways across his half-year or so of life thus far, cigar burns and all. Our own futures have never been more uncertain but we do not abandon others to fates worse than our own.

Then I signed a petition. Which is useless, but a fair trade for the lack of bullets magical or otherwise to eat in my vicinity. The 20 or so from among the 200 or so nations on Earth that possess means for both nukes and rockets are not the nations who need any kind of support from anyone. Deaf ears for all the sorts who give more to millionaire/billionaire owners of IP than to food scarcity relief in their own communities. The objects of affection promulgating foreign and domestic arms sales could all be magically replaced with mood-rings and pet rocks, and people would still find ways to permit death all around them. I don’t believe love is ever owed anybody, it’s certainly not necessary for a society to function, as all those praying and preying to the contrary tend to be the destabilizing agents provocateur.

Nobody needs employ the threat of death to help with doing horrible things to others, and nobody needs employ the threat of death to help others endure horrible things, yet Americans view themselves deprived if they get no sympathy for the hell they introduce upon anyone with better things to do than graciously shovel more and more esteem..