The basic premise to commerce involves the manufacturing of goods and services explicitly to meet existing demand, which theoretically entails some degree of problem-solving rather than focus given entirely toward enrichment. The customer has their immediate voids met and the producer gains means to then procure what they themselves lack be it monies for food, housing, etc. But this is not at all what creative industries are on about, luring creatives with promises of fame and fortune, and luring customers with promises of climactic appeasement. When Capitalism goes over the hill is when it transposes the process, manufacturing demand to meet preordained goods and services, which limits numbers of profiteers as much as it limits options for consumers. And this is what creative industries are tasked with from the get-go, artists expressing themselves or conveying the wills of their masters and if consumers are not struck then they are declared haters by the artists and brand loyalists who exchange their own thoughts and feelings and experiences for the real cost of marketing. Trends produced for people to be informed of what they themselves should want or need, when the reality is that people already knowing for themselves what they would want or need makes all advertising as unnecessary as any other variety of ulterior motivation. In years long past I interviewed a few hundred creators and reviewed a few thousand of their works, and it is my sincere belief today that any and every artist who finds cause to not do what they do anonymously and for free, is suspect. The goal of such artists is absolutely not to produce a work of art or to solve any problem in the life of the fan-base, but rather the pursuit of personal esteem and/or riches. For there is considerably nothing about “ego-driven” which concerns itself with meeting existing demands of others.
Just as stars of celestial firmament invariably grow too big for their britches, turning supernova and thus imploding, every form of government collapses and devours itself whenever and wherever its leaders begin behaving as Capitalists, granting more emphasis toward satiating their own wish-fulfillment of declaring ownership over esteem and riches than to resolving the needs of others. And this is inevitable, for power corrupts irrefutably. A government which could endure should be one where none have control over life and death, as nobody is actually helped by handing out power and authority over their own lives or by being condemned to death. Absolutism is left a derogative denoting someone disagreeable about leaving back-doors open for principles or convictions to be negated, as though hands are ever clean following white-washing, ethnic-cleansing or money-laundering. In a functionally free society where self-determination is recognized as the most fundamental of human rights, there can be no obligation whatsoever for anybody to indulge the fantasies of others, particularly any origin or nexus for herrenvolk which begins by the feeding of ego. To say otherwise is fascism. Non-believers being penalized by establishment forces occurs while there is no separation between church and state, no division between power and escapism from consequence.
If you’d care to abide by a religious sacrament, a political pledge of allegiance or corporate loyalty oath, there is generally safety in numbers, but if you share only in the label’s luxury and never its burdens, what exactly are you contributing to it, this grouping which your belief and your faith say is definitive? Indeed, if your icons can do no wrong you are a nincompoop, and if every bad potentiality is the fault of the non-believing, nay-saying competition, then what you prize is evidently ill-equipped for actualizing its self-styled superiority. Self-dependence does not necessitate the inferiority of others, though every illusion of independence thrives on nothing else. Neither a gun or a badge is necessary for performing good deeds. Neither power or wealth or authority is needed for helping people. Aside from rapes and health concerns, if an unwelcome fetus is an inconvenient reminder of your bad decisions, that’s really your problem and yours alone to own, because to only allow for complimentary living things is to be the fascist for those that don’t make the grade. And even in regards to rapes and health concerns, why is the emphasis always to kill, and never to attempt removing the living embryo faster, safer and cheaper than a dead one, so that perish the thought some other might recognize its value? Simply put, because that would undermine the fantasy of it being unreal.
Why anyone would allow contradictions to their own principles or convictions just so that others may die for their convenience is beyond me. We don’t have to embrace flattery or iconography if we are opposed to empowering or enabling what harms to come of it. But if somebody sincerely thinks or feels that lying, cheating or stealing is justifiably necessary to their own survival they could consider whether their survival is truly worth the trouble, or else they should acknowledge their preferences for adding to the ever-growing miseries of the world, because as far as such personalities are concerned I can’t make heads or tails of any other contribution on their parts. Charisma has never managed to serve as adequate replacement for accountability. Politicians can sell hope eternally without any follow-through, but non-theists at least should know better, how no movie is so fulfilling as to be the last one you ever need to partake. Every choice on every ballot requires more from you than you will ever see returned, yet the unwashed unremittingly instill demagogues and celebrities with more resource than they afford for the people who are actual elements of their lives.
Fully half the population, of the country or of the greater world outside its pearly gates, is food insecure or homeless or both, denied free will by materialistic spiritualists insisting that sacrifice must be made by others or be made of others or else it is somehow enabling temptations of self-awareness, denied adequate education by plastic political polarities equally terrified by anything unfamiliar or uncomfortable toward their personalized prejudicial proclivities, denied adequate healthcare by industrialists whose privilege and entitlement rests altogether on broken masses working for salvation. Fellating yourself or someone else will not make you the stronger person that adversity will. I always preferred the bad acid trips to the good, because nightmares teach us more about ourselves and the universe beyond than does fleeing from those chances to learn. Gated communities whether gerrymandered and colonized physical, or metaphysical by way of echo chambers or safe spaces or comfort levels or news bubbles, circle jerks of choirs preached, are purposed fundamentally with protecting the quote unquote supremacy of self from all of reality by happenstance not conducive to the self’s selfishly self-serving biases, desires, fetishes, quirks, whims or wishes. It won’t matter if it belongs to you or to somebody else, the finest dream will always leave you still exhausted, hungry or thirsty, for the time and space rewarded to dreaming is time and space not spent on solving the problems which obliged the forever cowardly escapist lore to begin with.
If the homeless, those most let down and dejected by every institution you support, were as capable of criminality as popularly charged, perhaps they would not be homeless. Maybe lying, cheating and stealing do not come so easily for them as for everyone else. There are junkies and felons among their lot to be sure, as there are junkies and felons among the respected corners of every community, but to say either is any majority with the unhoused is a sick caricature. The predominance I have known were neither, more commonly were they people who simply no longer felt obliged to continue their appointed parts in the game. To not compliment the fantasies of others is apparently the most offensive thing in western culture, but to not compliment the most selfish drives participants of the mass hysteria to justify demonizing those unable or unwilling to consume the world around them in service to ego. Made to suffer and die needlessly, society will collapse, and as everyone races to empty their medicine cabinets it will be just another night for the rough sleepers. People fantasize about how they’d get along in a zombie apocalypse, when for all intents and purposes, domestic refugees already exist there. But instead of recognizing that, contributors to society are repulsed by it, sensing on some level how they themselves lack such survival instincts where persons might endure despite deprivation by choice or by fate of all the many comforts all the many souls feel are vital to their own continuance. It is socially acceptable to condemn all homeless as lazy, ignorantly drug-addled beggars refusing a life of responsibility, but it is the opposite which is the truth, that they are the strongest of the population, unperturbed with foregoing daddy complexes while possessing no means for escaping into comfort zones from the big, bad world. As nothing is more subjective than love, nothing can be more useless.
I solemnly refuse to accept that evil exists by any form outside the ego. Mindless chaos can destroy lives, but what people knowingly and regularly do unto one another encompasses all things worse. This is why I also refuse to pretend that anyone is anything other than what they are. Persons most insistent about receiving consideration are always the least likely to ever give it, just as those persons most willing to condone lethal force are always the least likely to exhaust every alternative short of it. Liberals hate cultural appropriation and Conservatives hate traitors to their race, each arguing on behalf of a differentiation, which whether advertently or inadvertently condones a monopolistic inbreeding. People for the most part refuse to accept that they are by no means special, and will become as infuriated by the prospects as they are insulted by getting no audience. Individually, hate crimes are by definition unprovoked attacks. Simply ignoring the aggressor will not give them pause, as minding one’s own business did not prevent them from initiating conflict. But in dealing with persons already on their way to claiming control over others, granting them no audience whatsoever is more devastating to them than any peaceful protestation, in the sense that even bad publicity is still publicity.
The alternative, enthusiasm for anything imaginable, is the surest sign of feeble-mindedness.