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Christians and conservatives interpret free market economics by way of the satanic Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law. Too big to fail games born free of any and all consequence, as though the devil may only tempt them with what they already don’t care for. For their modern sigil-bearers life is to be nothing but what conveniences the ego’s sloth, pride, greed, envy and gluttony; rather plainly and absolutely never originators themselves of apologies or gratitude.

If I knew a superiority complex, I too would be desperate for others to have less than me, for how else might they learn of my natural supremacy. Apparently. liberty’s a finite and depleting resource and we must all conserve what little’s left for those who will not cook or clean for themselves or their families, their liberty the only liberty because god told them so and if you demean yourself hard enough and steadfastly enough someday they will claim your life too.

Maybe sacrifice was the first maths, a life for a life the earliest bartering system. The fractals, the decimals filling and fulfilling every cranny’s nook and nook’s cranny from what is offered to what gets taken, but the grounded zero of zero itself; ABRAXAS with the abacus, Oh as in orgasms and origins as with yin and yang intermingling and integrating like a Pisces within ouroboros’ full bowels destroying the foundational couch of hexagram prime 23; akin to a zero issue to 33-plots of the Fighting American comix and all degrees of freemasonry covered by mortar and blood but the zero of the knife and fork degree, where the jams we gotta kick them out before pop chokes on pop ravenously consumed by both the number ones and their opposing zeroes competing for the hearts and minds of the heartless and mindless, albeit economically and conservatively; Skulls in vices the hermetic if not mercurial way of conceptualizing mass and gravity no less than the synonymous geometry of monopoly and inbreeding; as Might never making right and ends never justifying means no matter how direct-marketed the algebraic expressions of commerce. By quantum semantics the towers, we built to the heavens but the dungeons, what graves have we dug below hell.