While mankind produces neither land, air or water then all claims pertaining to their ownership no matter how legal are rightly subjective. At best it overstates custodianship, how a groundskeeper also has keys, but conveniently without so much as inferring the scrubbing of toilets. It’s altogether at the far end ideologically away from responsibility, for what is the lacking of responsibility but a clemency for indulgence. There is no consensus reality when all participants claim authorship, yet most folks are giving more thought and action to how others must address them than to unnecessary deaths around the globe. Consider the right-wingers making light of how Muslims view unflattering renditions of their prophet while themselves feeling no differently in regards to unflattering portrayals of Trump. The Muslims taking their disgruntlement to lethal extremes apparently define the rest, but the good Christian extremists of America actually killing people for not sharing the obsession of making Trump smell like a rose are magically just fake news.
Superiority itself is wholly subjective. For all the commonalities shared by humanity whether they like it or not, when no two psyches are enduring the one and same life’s experiences, then there is simply no such measurable thing as a superior brand. There is no superior religion, or superior politick, because when nothing can be more subjective than love, then there is no metaphysical reckoning for love to be shared. Failure to meet with adoration is not an attack. How you feel about a sports franchise holds no influence over my considerable disinterest for all sports generally and disdain for competition spiritually. Declaring superiority of a given thing means only to turn a blind eye to its own faults and fallacies, and considerably nothing exists without faults and fallacies. That’s the meaning for the little black teardrops inside the white spinning halves of the chiaroscuro sixty-nine which pop culture knows as the yin-yang symbol. The duality of all conscious things coming together when and where the world serpent of the garden devours its own end. Turnabout is definitely fair play, but there really is no circumstance where a supremacy is warranted by the greater whole, or for a greater good. Unbeknownst to much of the world much of the world somehow survives without fame or fortune or even substandard sexual gratification even while living in full worship of pursuits thereof. The real infrequency is the objectively firsthand perspective. The conscientious impartiality. Superior to you never means superior hands down.
God forbid misfortune ever be accepted as punitive though, socially or antisocially. Even the least rigid members of personality cults are focused too much on their respective centerpieces to take note of how said centerpieces affect those around them. You cannot even know the back of your own head from obliging, from indulging, your bias and fetishes, quirks and whims through a mirror, not without another reflection to counter your POV reflected back toward you. Serpentine or not, and no matter if you’re coming or going, ego is tunnel-vision. As reality never favors a supremacy, in fact laughing last at the supremacist’s cries that his or her bias and fetishes, quirks and whims go unrewarded, then invariably supremacy strives to work against reality to predictable extents of manufacturing and masquerading the fantasies of its own artificial variation whenever and wherever there is just no contest. No country on Earth has tested a smaller percentage of its own population for coronavirus than has the USA, yet the majority rule here in the states insist on believing that more positive cases being observed means only that testing is excessive, because “out of sight, out of mind” is how this culture approaches problem-solving generally. Don’t ask, don’t tell; and see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. The first of any 12-step program is just acknowledging the problem itself, which is the most important of steps as no problem can be resolved if it goes unacknowledged. Where regards the pandemic, if the reality is unflattering to your presidential administration or to your political party or to your religious denomination or to your government or to your nation, then so be it, as more cases discovered is all the more damning for all of these groupings because of the monopoly of these constructs granted by you and yours. Concealing imperfection like so with whichever banner most appealing does not actually make the problem go away, it’s the battered spouse applying makeup over a bruised eyelid while telling their circle the partner really is a good person. Exactly whose life or livelihood benefits from that? And benefits how?
So you had a nice wet-dream. Good on you. But this is reality, where self-indulgent dreams shared among whichever segments of the populace indistinguishably face twilight as mass hallucination, conflicting with the here and now of people who haven’t the time for dreaming but are inspired to do so nonetheless, by the burdensome many prior dreams piped forth from petty egocentrics selfish enough to believe that your only value in this society is whatever you can do for them or their own. As dreams make for poor sustenance, the masses invariably consume themselves in the doing of replacing reality with anything more forgiving of their own private vices, more forgetful of their own imperfections, faults and fallacies. More becoming toward themselves, as if the world around them served no other purpose.
No matter the basis for a proponent’s supremacism, whether prejudices concerning skin-tone or fetished brand loyalty of economics, the peculiarity of preference regarding cultural or political or religious beliefs as publicized as nationalism or as personalized as ego, supremacy/superiority is dependent upon others changing and conforming their own to align with such bias or fetishes, quirks or whims. Requiring others to abide or die altogether isn’t very supreme at all. It actually reads as excruciatingly needy. And despite the habitual dick-measuring humanity is needfully united one and all alright, in continuously obsessive-compulsive resistance to personal responsibility, self-sacrifice and critical thinking as though such attributes were hopelessly unreasonable as opposed to universal origination. Nowhere in all of time and space is there such thing as a superiority claim unattached to some bucket-list of excuses entitling itself to avoid these attributes explicitly, and for demonizing those attributes when exhibited by others. That’s literally all that a perceived supremacy amounts to, the active avoidance of personal responsibility, the active avoidance of self-sacrifice and the active avoidance of critical thinking.
If not for their codependency upon others they would make no noise at all.
A theory I keep coming back to, is how comfort is the birthplace of all fear. By this lighting, fantasy is actually for the cowards of the world, made by cowards and distributed by cowards and collected by cowards who one and all are intimidated by the stakes of life. Whenever I see people fervently hiding themselves behind banners, loyalties to branding irons prompting arguments over who is the best entertainer or obsessively stockpiling collections of useless distractions and the like in direct opposition to mentally or physically resolving any real problems. Or flags to shield them from natural consequences of their own actions or inactions, waiting for the gods to clean up after them and voting for whomever offers the choicest listing of scapegoats to receive all blame and workload of all burden. Symbology inserted between themselves and their own humanity. It all makes me think of kids hiding under blankets.