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Everybody wants the entertaining life, but deep down some know more value in dignity, and lament it. All of the conflict over civil and basic human rights continuously going unmet has dignity as crux, people given no control over what they themselves are expected to deal with. But even in the narratives for or against civil and basic human rights going unmet for anyone, dignity itself is rarely mentioned by corporate media or official government stats or the hippest alternative pundits, as if it’s supposed to be a given that dignity is the one thing absolutely nobody is welcome to here. The only equality ever to exist in the USA is that absolutely nobody is welcome to their dignity.

The biggest assurance of global inequality being the USA military, the antonym of USA military deployment is to pull out because what they do is categorical rape. Military presence foreign or domestic is terroristic threatening, friendly fire and all. License to arbitrarily kill is the ultimate example of corrupting power, and when power inevitably corrupts then nobody honestly needs it in their life except those who insanely entitle themselves to it. I’d insist supremacists are *the* terrorists, because if supremacists are not pulling the triggers themselves they are recruiting, training, arming and funding and providing legal defenses for those who do, here and abroad. But it’s sad how the Hague has no real authority anymore. Post-Nuremberg, all the world leaders the ICC have cracked down on are Africans left hanging by western beneficiaries. They’ve looked at the USA several times over the years, where most evils of the world originate, but with all the solemn weight of a school hall monitor. Leniency towards military spending is quietly admitting that the rest of the world has a long-standing bounty of reasons to be upset with the USA. It’s not defending our liberties, it’s defending our Libertines.

Most presume the antithesis to self-pleasuring Christians are self-pleasuring Satanists, but as Satanists rely on the same IP, technically they are a far from center denomination of Christianity. So in reality the opposite of Christians are independents, the nihilists, the persons who can exist without the structure mandated by said IP. Likewise, the opposite of bad Capitalism is not some theoretical good Capitalism, because it’s still a Capitalism and Capitalism simply does not exist without the structure mandated by its core IP components of exploitation and extortion. So in reality the opposite of Capitalists are as well the independents, the nihilists, the persons who can exist without the structure mandated by said IP. Not some competing brand or supremacy.

Christianity, the original NGO, lost the title of biggest-pants theology across western civilization to Capitalism as Prosperity Doctrines invaded all the denominations, noted by the civil war occurring within the Vatican and beyond between Francis and those who want private salvation without sacrifice. And as the foundational stones of Capitalism are exploitation and extortion, it cannot exist without workers and consumers, the exploited and the extorted. As such, Christians push pro-life to fulfill those requirements on behalf of whichever Capitalists and supremacists offering the most appealing reacharound. But as those requirements are burdensome then suicide is branded a mortal sin, and in keeping with that Christian politicos brand suicide a felony, so that salvation is rendered impossible. We are allowed to exist but only to work, consume, be taxed and to give our lives to the cause of whichever persons most adamantly entitling to themselves power and supremacy, wealth and privilege and your sister’s ass. Should we resist any of those requirements, Church and State show us our real value. Candidates get nominated for squat unless at least pretending to be Christian. Pro-lifers, perpetually mum when it comes to war and loss of livelihoods, as the bible’s not for reading between the lines. I’ve a further theory the Dark Ages were the biggest coverup in history, implying the arrangement goes back a full millennia or more. Those centuries began with the church wiping Roman bloodpools from its tunic and ended with every European royal dynasty indebted to it, but we are informed that historians somehow regardless saw nothing noteworthy.

Don’t wait for the crowd to challenge any of this. I haven’t filed taxes or kept a bank account in over a dozen years, I’ve held no credit cards or insurance of any kind in my life. I leave a job the second they pay late or less than agreed, or the moment they fail the promise of providing me mental and/or physical exercise. Don’t wait or you wait your life for strangers to part with their creature comforts. Anti-Capitalists, daydreaming about all the toys they’ll get when the white patriarchy falls and minimum wage increases, are not actually anti-capitalist. 23 posts about comic books and sports, fight the power. Ideological survival is not about fighting for the spoils, it’s about fighting to choose your own adventure in life rather than settling for a belittled existence of codependency for vicarious living. What will you do with yourself when escapism is no longer a “necessity”? If happiness or success is measured exclusively by products and services to be experienced, then it’s not just society you have to overcome but your own hangups concerning what exactly constitutes life itself.

I’m thinking instead of raising money for whomever, giving to venmos and cashapps and gofundmes, we all just stop paying bills across the board. Car payments, medical bills, student loans, everything inessential to our immediately continued existence. Freeze the whole game. Treat it the same as voting. You don’t settle for the lesser of evils until everybody else grows wise, you defend your better angels in the here and now by withholding your vote altogether. Presuming you’ve better than short-term memory recall. But no Capitalism means no more Hollywood, and nobody is willing to stomach that negligible sacrifice. We don’t honestly need distractions now, we really won’t need them once there’s nothing to escape from. People favor vicarious living to the real thing though, hence social networks. Too many of these hundreds of thousands of words at my website boil down to the dire need for ideological reconditioning hand in hand with bloody revolution, or the revolution won’t stick. Competing brands decide everything from what we feel like for supper to our foreign policy.

Ending the fervency of Capitalism will require something along the lines of drug abuse counseling and cult deprogramming all in one, which we know from YEARS of soul-searching and survival. Each individual making that choice, or enough so that a new majority prevails. Instead we’ve 50 different kinds of mountain dew and folks think that’s some kind of freedom, one which benefits them personally by a severe stretch of the imagination. Don’t fight for them, fight for their kids. Fight for freedom, not a competing brand. Conquest not domination. Abolish the proverbial whip, don’t wet-dream about what you’re gonna do with it because no ego is anymore justifiable than the next.

There’s always going to be a thing of more importance than how we feel. My own personal, incessant moments in humility always seem to boil down to my ideal/ideals being lessened by me. It’s why I cannot and will not join any team, because strangers have as much claim to my blame or credit as I do theirs, which is none. Some persons (oh Savannah) helplessly proving themselves to be lighthouses make matters insufferable. For better or for worse all forms of union grow into one-sided relationships, and the improbabilities of my lifetime are not fair to anyone save me. Consolamentum, equal parts maddening and divine.

People who want unity are people who want to get lost in crowds. That can be a positive when it’s protecting subsets from subjugation or worse, but the idea of a leftist unity is really coming from folks looking for others to do the heavy lifting. What do YOU do. If you wait to repair a wrong until you have backup, the wrong will never get fixed. If you wait for some self-important pundit or celeb to give the thumb’s up, you’re still bowing to the unelected power of ego’s final say. In armies at war, each soldier pulls the trigger, and that is the extent of the consensus. It’s not about uniting for some ridiculous season finale victory. Evil will always have the upper hand because humanity is predominately self-serving. Opposing the system means existing outside of it and all the deprivation which that entails, to your dying day.

There’s no reason to wait for self-serving iconoclasts to direct their respective personality cults, just start boycotting, divesting and sanctioning everything under the sun. It starts with each of us, not the celebrities. Real culture comes from the streets, not the boardroom. Getting leftists to shutoff their gaming platforms long enough to take pitchforks and torches to the streets against the biggest and costliest military in recorded history is to futility as is taking up guns against that same force backed by trillions in weaponry. It’s not about fetishing some utopia to follow where you can then play your games in peace. The fight has no end. Revolution is about not participating, not contributing, not window-shopping for after the ticker-tape parade. Change means welcoming with open arms a far more difficult life, for the remaining duration of your life, to deprive the system of another being to exploit and extort and drain to fucking ash. Everyone reading this gives more time to entertainment, sold on the tooth rot. Burn all money, burn all ego, or subjugation prevails. There is no going back to normal when normal has never fucking existed inside horse blinders. Everyone I’ve ever encountered online or off who claims they want unity, equal rights and solidarity, world peace, etc, has a price for personal appeasement they are actually looking for, so that they can go back to their brain-dead sports and sitcoms and forget everyone still suffering elsewhere. When they are left from the foundation, truth and justice are ongoing processes. These are not finite matters to be signed for upon delivery. As long as money is given any weight and any ego is taken at face value, there will perpetually be persons lessened by default. Confronting that is not a matter of waiting for backup. You are in fact guaranteed to die in the effort, but the one and only alternative is living with it. But you can’t teach empathy in a culture that uplifts and hero-worships its most self-serving. No actual revolution will ever occur. As the rest of the world is too chickenshit to be anything but a wannabe USA, virtues must wait in archaic stasis for this country, this planet, to implode. I find that anyone and everyone, when cornered privately, is less bothered by whatever prejudice wielded by Church, State or Industry unflattering to themselves than they are by strangers merely existing with principles and conviction intact.