The saddest song lasts the rest of your life. I want you all to live, to suffer this world for as long as possible, because everyone plays a part.
“But… if the thing I like most is not praised by all others as superior to all the things then it means my choices are irrelevant in life! Mom said I was special dammit! Only what I like can kick ass! I’m oppressed for not being idolized! Mulligan! I’m entitled to hate everything about you but how fucking dare you not love me.” – the Christians, both sides of comicsgate, republicans and democrats and every special interest group, police, NFT enthusiasts, etc. A writer faced with a third party script-doctor is how the gods feel about America. Satan was never loved by the majority of peoples and you don’t see him crying across the virtual socials about his rights being endangered.
The mentality of “let go and let god” is the absence of personal responsibility, and that is the worst possible messaging to instill in the keepers of tomorrow. With most Americans itching to go civil war on anyone outside their twitter circle, why not just rebrand the student loan debt forgiveness as a GI Bill? There’s nothing left of the dead horse to beat. Giving things which are not human life more gravitas than human life is how we got here, be they flags or dollars or costuming. When we limit experiences we limit what we may grow from.
Why take pride in a country that cannot replace elections with a lottery system? I never understood how attempted suicide is a felony but a government of the people entitled to kill its own is otherwise judicious. If this was ever a government of the people, I’d like to trade my 2 cents’ worth for a reason to continue. You yourself hashtag world peace but stiff the pizza delivery guy on a tip with no irony. Giving consideration does not necessarily mean liking a thing; it can but there’s no need for it. Consideration is about giving thought to your feelings as opposed to giving feeling to your thoughts, but so many are licensed to get that wrong today in all the worst ways. Our national culture has always been every man for himself though, uplifting and celebrating only the most self-inclined. God-fearing people are never asked to demonstrate.
When people say they are searching for meaning in life what they mean is searching for a reason to stay alive. Only reasons education costs anyone anything are greed and entitlements. Maybe return our foreign military bases and installations at clearance-sale prices to cover it, as an educated nation undoubtedly does more peacekeeping than a smokestack of death. Billionaires have more than enough. Enabling and empowering the means to end life, liberty and pursuits of happiness runs counter to life, liberty and pursuits of happiness. When the masses can no longer afford entertainment, is when and where they finally strangle the last king with entrails of the last priest and you can take that all the way to the bank.
I despise the whole concept of those without being somehow incapable of poise or even self-respect, whereas those with opportunity/resource must outsource their cooking, cleaning and child-rearing. Like Shakespeare was a poor so he couldn’t possibly have coughed up wisdom or wit. Nothing is more offensive in all of western civilization than not indulging a fantasy. No matter how much you feel pissed on or shat upon, death is the creation god hates the most, because then he has to face us.
The reticence of any trickle-down but ego is proof positive gumption’s easier said than done. Maybe hands across America was an unbeknownst self-binding spell and all of this in the time since is the fever dream of our shared purgatory. Lower taxes on those who can afford it, it always becomes the duty of those who cannot to pay the difference. Tax forgiveness doesn’t really exist here, it only gets redirected. The only thing that trickles down is ego. And why the masses are never paid enough to settle the nation’s bills is why the USA is further in debt than any nation in the history of the world. Gods among men sit on whatever wealth we had. Villains are always the ones expecting others to make sacrifices. If it terrifies you, what power can do when crossed, all the more reason to stand it down.
Being barred from control over others is neither a crime or a sin, and being unappreciated for successfully diminishing the life and/or liberty of others is not evil. Oppression is a bit more than just failing to be idolized. Love is the one and only thing to do with our species that can never be owed. Eventually everybody dies and the killer responsible is god. He’s going to kill everyone you love. If we mandate what others must like or mandate what others must dislike, we do away with self-determination and free speech both. No matter how ugly the fruits. Your thoughts and feelings are not mine to control and mine are not yours.
The thing uniting all Americans, especially the worst among us but all indeed, is the conviction by each that they are entitled to share in whatever rewards of their society but absolutely never any of its blame or burdens. Doesn’t matter the personality cult. Especially in modern warfare but across western civilization today there is no such fucking thing as good vs evil when all are compelled to say and do as the most self-serving among them wishes. Anyone who justifies lethal force is a fascist and any government of the people enlivened to kill people is ouroboros in widescreen. Virtue of the largest seller of arms in world history, actively profiting off killing, is mass-hallucination. Education and healthcare should be covered before arming of foreign actors anywhere or we provoke self-destruction on multiple fronts. As is the case. There is no other definition for fascism but that thoughts and feelings of one matter more than the life of another, any other. Nobody deserves lesser resources or opportunities than you, but every goddamn American has their list of exceptions for that. When we refrain from killing we have more workers to choose from, more audiences and customers, and more possibilities for friends and lovers. Killing is establishing a world where shame and remorse may not exist. And lethargically allowing others to be killed is no less demanding on you than allowing others to find value in any life you’d rather not.
If we’re not as open to sharing in a society’s burdens as we are its rewards, we are not contributing to society but taking away from it. Your hero-worshiped are no exceptions, as life’s no competition when we are all afforded expiry dates. Even kindness and gratitude can be dramatically misplaced. Give of them freely enough and like liberty they lose all value. Anyone’s esteem is nobody’s priority or responsibility or self-determination means nothing. Earning respect leads to fewer monsters. Villains can come from horrible circumstances, but just as easily are they grown from positive reinforcement. Feeding trolls can empower name-calling which as the nursery rhyme states cannot actually hurt you like sticks and stones, but feeding egos is how the world got Trump. I see as the one and only step forward not only for the USA but civilization at large, is the understanding that our thoughts and feelings really are not as weighty as we wish them to be, and in fact cause more harm when mandated upon others suffering their own. We do not have to be cruel to anyone and we do not have to love anyone to have a functioning society, and only egocentrics declare otherwise. And when we save either our cruelty or our love only for those who truly earn it, as opposed to what’s flattering or not this moment or the next, do they in turn carry the weight they deserve. In this sense especially is honesty taboo. It takes 5 eyes to see moderate rebels are always on the payroll. Nothing’s more predictable than ego. Like god blaming everything on the devil, no sense of personal responsibility or accountability or of who actually death-grips the reins.
Failing to influence the numbers we’d wish, to subjugate them to our most desired thoughts and feelings, is not itself subjugation. It’s freely disavowing the free will of others. Every societal ill comes from mandating or prioritizing one set of thought and feeling at cost to the rest, but negation of differing free will altogether advances not society or culture but bias, fetish, quirk, whim and wish, none of which creates life but unchained destroys it. But absolutely nobody wants even rhetorical answers, they want to be assured relentlessly that they have no power themselves over the problems in their life.
The machinery has worn out its welcome. What if there’s no right to privately own over a million in total assets and holdings. As long as money’s granted more importance than god/country and survival’s unobtainable without it, monopolizing it liquidates humanity as human capital and human shields. We shouldn’t have to work so much for manufactured demands, while the numbers of currency kept from circulation can already afford us better lives and more free time to experience it. The only thing compelling over-production is the lacked logic and ethic of the most codependent. The one and only thing the most codependent among us can truly afford, is marketing to say they are not responsible for what their egos wrought, which in turn is the one and only thing to trickle down. We only have governance because nobody is capable of personal responsibility. How about instead of working ten-hour shifts for ten bucks an hour and grossing a hundred, we work 2-hour shifts for 100 per hour. The money for it already exists in havens and shelters, until we cap maximum wages. Like how long-term gains in the stock market are magically nontaxable, wherein folks ranging from Musk to Congress hide most of what they enjoy. I’m proposing it begin by we the people taking back anything over a mil per individual. It’s federal currency belonging in circulation. As with the insider trading, the ones with authority to make such a decision profit from not doing so, and suckers enable regardless. All currency should be self-destructing, so that if a calendar year passes without a dollar reentering the economy, it vanishes back to the reserve. No more inflation, ever. As long as we give money supreme importance, its pursuit will refuse all bounds. When the intent of governance is managing resources for life and liberty of all constituents, separation of State and Industry is no less important than separation of Church and State, but that won’t hit the noosphere until half the country is self-nuked. And if one thinks equality means a sharing of luxury, they ignore the entrapment, exploitation and extortion necessary for its aggregation, allowing inequality to merely be redirected onto other shoulders. Real equality is the sharing of burdens. If you’re only sharing in a nation’s rewards but never its blame or burdens, you are not contributing to society you are taking away from it. Share in a society and share in its blame.
I’m not saying anyone deserves free money, but that nobody should have to pay for something their life depends upon, and when all things have been made to depend on money itself, those who Bogart it prohibit all pursuits to happiness outside of violent revolution. I would sacrifice anything to help keep anyone alive sight unseen, but never to help someone maintain a fantasy or to have their dreams come true, because the esteem of anyone is nobody else’s responsibility or priority, not in a free society and not in a worthwhile existence.
Absolute equanimity is the one true cost to liberty, but oh so many believe not being entertained is fascism.