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ignis fatuus

In the sense that spirituality is definitively subjective because of its uselessness, so too does political agnosticism accomplish nothing but perpetuation of status quo. Third parties hopeful for an eleventh hour saving grace are instead getting a strong message from the presidential campaign of Kamala Harris currently, by its announcing an initial $370,000,000 in advertising.


The Harris campaign could make a big commotion about this however, issuing a statement declaring half of that budget is being immediately donated to Feeding America and half to Habitat For Humanity and with no strings attached. She could say she was unwilling to wait to begin helping the public, and that she realized the money would be better utilized in this manner than gone to advertising for an election with a snowball’s chance in hell of drawing new or ex-voters for her or against her either one. It would take less than a day for her to do more good than did Mother Teresa all her life.

Some will argue that marketeers have mouths to feed, and that the alternative would cost far more, but the reality is that every single red cent of this will go to persons already possessing more than you in this life, when nothing is preventing her campaign from instead giving every single red cent to those possessing less than you. Which would actually solve a few problems, rather than further inflate yet another personality cult’s centerpiece already held aloft. Imagine the message such an act would send, empowering livelihoods for millions without costing tax-payers anything more, were she to gift the money to an outside nonprofit agency such as Feeding America, or Habitat for Humanity. A measure of people who swore off voting would return on election day. But when people who will be voting Democrat anyway see the sum as a grand achievement, and when people who will vote Republican regardless are enviable of the finances, when every last American would dare blame anyone but themselves for the problems they face in life, I would rather die than know any of them. Why share in a society where anyone’s dreams coning true matters more than guaranteeing the survival of everyone?

The one and only way to stop inflation is by capping maximum pay, to block the most selfish among us from inflating costs of living indefinitely. Raising minimums does nothing to prevent that. UBI does nothing to prevent that, and giving people money to buy houses does not prevent that, not when most folks who cannot afford homes also cannot afford the mandatory property taxes or homeowners insurance. In my own life there were occasions where I would have afforded a vehicle, but could not rely on my employer to provide contractually-earned well-being for me to cover maintenance and insurance down the road, so I’d quietly find ways to help those around me who had more dire struggles. Saving to increase one’s chances for survival is a thing, but saving to purchase more products lets all the homeless and hungry remain as they are. I’m no longer in any position to bring income myself mentally or physically, but it has been decades since I last kept money for myself, and I’ve actually grown quite adept in finding ways to help others without requiring money from them or authority over them. God forbid purported liberals put their monies where their mouth is though. Universally capitalist politicos being cheaper than taxes or regulations means that the last thing one invariably has left to give icons of church and state and industry is the finger. For what terrorism could be more destabilizing of economics than sheltering untold wealth from circulating in the economy? Every acolyte of theirs should stop entertaining escapism from problem-solving, and give that consideration to the people they meet in life who actually are helping, or at least anyone not already welcoming themselves to ownership.