Blaming foreign influence for domestic issues is the belief that buyers exist in a vacuum without sellers. It’s like saying free market Capitalism is positive but only when we’re not serving {those} people. It’s a hypocrisy.
The notion that some soldiers are better people than other soldiers or some cops are better people than other cops denies their own value systems. Guns don’t stop killing people when someone different pulls the trigger. Catering some egos won’t end differently than catering other egos. The accumulation of wealth or power in this society is contingent upon avoiding the 7 virtues entirely. If there is no ethical way to exploit or to extort, then there is no good form of Capitalism, contrary to every penny in every wishing well and the marketing it flourishes. The concept of ideological inconsistency being so over the heads of Americans is *why* societal ills fester. By all means shoe Trump out the door, but realize the rot seeps so deep the dilapidated house absolutely must be demolished, exterior and interior walls alike, as another paint job alone won’t pass inspection by our shunned better angels. Leading us to this vital need to fuck a blue wave, fucking it back and to the left because oh so desperately do we need Scorched Earth or we all continue to drown in the golden showers and mud-baths trickling down from the most gluttonous.
Prosperity Doctrines are the original Ponzi schemes and participation in United States of America citizenship, its culture and its economy is resistance to shame and nothing else. All Americans know deep down inside that they cannot handle the responsibilities that freedom necessitates, so they sign off all decision-making to the loudest of their number, hungry for anything to overpower their most personal sensory perceptions of the consequences to their very own inactions and indulgences. This is no independent nation but a nation of codependency. And what defines junkies is not their addictions, but their abject refusals to see anyone or anything else in the universe as being of equal or greater importance as that which best hides their own inferiority.
I applaud the end.