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In The Midst Of PR

I think the Q ordeal began as a private joke between Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos, in regards to the gullibility of confederate Breitbart/Gateway Pundit readers and impish 4chan/8chan message board users alike, and continues for no other reason but its ridiculous ease in funneling rationalizations for any fault or fallacy by Trump as somehow actually being good and beneficial. It rewards hero status to the most self-serving among us rather than the most self-sacrificing. Q’s one and only function is to defend anything and everything which Trump says and does. Trump is no idol. Those supportive pundits and their reactionary commenters sold on the marketing that he is by any definition Christian are a sad testament to the bipartisan destruction of the public school system across decades. 

QAnon is nothing more than a mindless distraction, a clutching of straws and pearls by persons who cannot bring themselves to confess something *might* be amiss with an administration so blatantly lax about economic collapse, a pandemic with 90% of the country untested and most of the world’s nations barring access by USA citizens for it, record-setting wildfires and riots in the streets over civil rights going unmet in the 21st freaking century. It’s like praying for the Power Rangers to clean up DC. They chase their bleach with Kool-Aid, as eager as their leader to deny and repress the painful reality all around us, as above so below.

If you sincerely believe that covid is a global hoax created by American liberals to cover for Tom Hanks or whomever being on house arrest over child porn, you need to cool it with the fantasy football because there are a wealth of problems here in the real world that are costing actual lives. If these problems make Trump look bad, then perhaps there is a causality there that Q followers just don’t want to see, and maybe their reluctance to participate in any legitimate problem-solving is only making matters worse.

Nobody needs to be a Gnostic to understand that salvation without sacrifice simply doesn’t exist, but Prosperity Doctrine has evaded all theologies from the Vatican’s book-keeping down to this nation’s limited range of political partisanships hungry to justify self-interest. Q fanatics ascribe fictitious victories to Trump while turning a blind eye to the devastation such an office as the Presidency is expressly purposed with providing. Like media pundits praising billionaires for exchanging a small percent of their holdings for charitable tax write-offs while paying no attention to how their hording is what grows the issues requiring assistance to begin with. Wanting civil and basic human rights observed for all, by all, is a lot less satanic than giving Trump a Second Coming status. And the voices eager to tag Hollywood elite as satanist pedophiles are so quick to forget how executive producer Steve Mnuchin was so successful with fundraising from his own Rolodex as Trump’s campaign finance chairman he was made Treasury Secretary, where he has fought for emoluments since day one. Kings have had their harems throughout history, with no regard for age or sex, and wealth today is no different. But purveyors of this Q core concept of a good upper class vs an evil upper class don’t understand how fundamentally systemic exploitation and extortion are to Capitalism. There’s no good form of exploitation, just as there is no pardonable ego.

Freemasonry is just typical cronyism but with aprons. Why do so many people on and off YouTube blame the Illuminati when the Bilderberg group and the Davos group actually exist? What the vloggers don’t get because it cannot be learned from other vloggers or 8chan or reddit, is that what separates American freemasonry from the Scottish Rite original is that Americans put a little “G” inside their compass symbol, standing for God, as American freemasonry incorporated elements of Christianity. Such as the 33 degrees to represent the years Christ walked the Earth. Here in the USA we had entire political parties in the 1800s serving no other purpose but exemplifying Freemasons vs Catholics every bit as loudly as republicans vs democrats today, as they were very much denominations of the same core beliefs vying for political dominance. Fast-forward to today where most if not all small town masons are indeed Christian. Or at least consider themselves to be Christian. So, Q’s claims of a shadow war between Christians and Freemasons has no grounding whatsoever in history or politics.

Also wholly overlooked is how the Christianity of the Founding Fathers was actually a starkly different beast of burden than any of the Baskin-Robbins flavors of vanilla regarded today, their belief that god was a sort of grand clock-maker who’d long-since moved on to other clocks. It’s why they were obsessed with self-divination and making independence a buzzword, because they did not believe that god could or would save them anymore. Historically, publicly and socially the age of enlightenment was the entanglement of ideologies which gave physical birth to supporting a conquest of the New World, as an opportunity to be born anew like the phoenix. Its movers and shakers were concerned with a learned mankind finally applying wide-scale usage of science and reason to humanities and the arts, and to social-politick, all to light a better tomorrow. Privately, it was about an aristocratic messiah complex, social-engineering the Christ-like transmogrification of malleable grey matter as symbolized by lead, into a thing of unified though singular purpose inherently lucrative for beneficiaries, as symbolized by gold. It was not the uplifting of spirit but the uplifting of ego, by commerce, by governance and by mass hysteria, to the extent of hand-picking which slave-girls they were gonna fuck. Egos empowered to withstand the absence of god.

Conquest of the new world devolved into a dominating new world order of checks without balance.

Every societal ill today boils down to competing financial interests, the desperation to have one’s ego waxed. Millionaire religious leaders are thoroughly hypocritical, but that doesn’t mean Q followers are by any stretch of the imagination stable. They are merely susceptible to the marketing of alternate interests. Their fast spread throughout what passes for American culture is perfectly understandable when we remember that over two-thirds of the population are rather faithfully if not fruitfully on mind-numbing prescription pharmaceuticals round the fucking clock. Meanwhile, in reality, Trump’s circle has done an awful lot to protect pedophiles, best noted by the direct connections of William Barr and Alan Dershowitz both to Epstein’s legal defenses across years. The Fraternal Order of Police Chiefs union’s own records state that over 350k police officers nationwide are masons, and the FBI has famously maintained the largest honey-traps online. Trump empowering the DoJ throughout bipartisan national headlines does not seem to jibe with how followers of Q perceive Q’s friends or enemies. It’s far, far more likely that Q is actor John De Lancie, venting his frustrations over being out of work by having fun with those eager to deny reality for fantasy, any fantasy will do. 

I don’t believe Q followers are terrorists per se, beyond the gun-crazy exceptions to the rule, but they are yet dangerous idiots, and their collective insistence that Trump’s daily, hourly, mispronunciations and misspellings are secretly coded language still warrants them tremendous side-eye. As does the preposterous meme that he favors Jesus to Mammon, as though there’s not enough gluttonous greed to go around. The basic premise of a good person pursuing whichever seat of authority is ideologically incongruent and just historically inaccurate the world over. Power by definition does not come by way of good intentions, not under any circumstances or from any variations of the theme. Contrary to the PR they can certainly afford there is no such earthly thing as a virtuous millionaire, billionaire or trillionaire, and by the same reasoning is there no such thing as a politician not driven predominately by ego. But some being so excessively blatant about being bad doesn’t unto itself mean others are not, or that others are somehow less bad. They fight one another so fiercely only ever for profit, not for the public or for anything the public believes in.

The only difference between the parties are the profiteers. But when patriotism is defined and measured only by how many of one’s fellow citizens one can live with dying, nuts to patriotism. Neither church, state or industry should ever come before the civil or basic human rights of any individual. It’s patriots who want wars to kill their own, patriots who want the economy to keep rolling no matter the exploitation and extortion it depends on outside of a goddamn pandemic. If you follow the teachings of Christ, why do you need anything else to follow, a personality cult’s centerpiece, a brand loyalty, a flag, a dollar sign or a human centipede selling itself as a conga line just to keep all parties from seeing the forest for its many, many trees.

Good people are not concerned with advancing themselves, or with flattering those who strive for nothing short of their own wish-fulfillment.