Failure to achieve royal celebrity status is no cause for rage, because self-assured entitlement and privilege above and beyond what the rest of the world might hope for themselves is really just a matter of vocally proving the inability of progressing past the heliocentric inclinations of pubescence. Rather the mere existence of royal celebrity status, much less the falsehoods of customers anywhere ever being perceived as right by their extortionists, must be cause for kicking in chairs and knocking down tables. The small fact of reality not magically conforming to our wills or appeasing our most selfish comforts only shows us where the work is left to be done. By all means could we pursue better lives for ourselves and for those we purport to love, but if it amounts to costing the civil or basic human rights of others to their own life, liberty and pursuits of happiness, then perhaps the idle wishing for reality to remake itself in capitulation to our laundry list of demands, as opposed to ourselves working toward changing reality for the best, is itself no better than drama-queen primadonna horseshit. Our shared lexicon is not a structure of magic words, where simply voicing a thing makes it concrete and true. Sales pitches are stepping stones to mass-hallucination when needs inherent to survival themselves stop shy of being a control freak.
Apparent fetishist of backdoors Suzannah Lipscomb poses the question, why are more and more women becoming witches? Because a choose your own adventure of faith requires melodramatically less than the sacrifice of actual spirituality, and because fantasy football affords one the illusion of increased power over the broken promises of marketing which has sold them so completely. Pop culture is nothing but differing one’s sensory perceptions away from reality, and the pipe dreams of the most flattering masquerades could not be further from the natural world. Rather than engage in problem-solving, these witches prefer to feed Neil Gaiman’s ego and checking accounts, misidentifying the act as self-empowering instead of a more peculiar entrapping of one’s own best interests or better angels.
In the exact same sense, the Republican-led state government of Texas is currently promoting a bill to prevent public school teachers from providing racial context or subtext to the unfoldings of documented history. So that the abundance of minorities receiving government assistance would then be presumed as really lazy and ignorant and not long-standing victims of systemic circumstances outside their control. Refusal to reconcile one’s own faults and fallacies disrupts lives in accordance with the nature of egoism, but refusal to reconcile the faults and fallacies of the most egocentric disrupts all of civilization. While such a vaingloriously selfish effort to avoid accountability is underway in other states as well, the legislature passing is nothing new to Texas, where Creationism was being openly taught in schools a decade ago, mandating the non-religious and persons of competing faiths to ignore their constitutional freedom of religion so as to absorb the dichotomy of a selective series of unfounded power fantasies. And that was just a symptom. As Leslie Marshall observed in 2014,
“There are more than 300 printed and electronic items up for approval by the Texas State Board of Education in November. If adopted by the board, children would be learning a range of questionable assertions. These include: how Moses and King Solomon actually helped inspire American democracy; negative information about Muslims and Islam; downplaying how Christianity was spread through conquest; how Jews believe Jesus is a significant prophet; and how climate change is a hoax.”
None of which is so simplistic as merely politicizing education, but propelling needlessly imaginary counterarguments to reality as compelling replacements for or valid alternatives to reality. Politicization was a factor, but only in ways which obliged the greater desire to rewrite reality in a self-congratulating manner, freeing culpable powers from responsibility. Efforts by Texan politicos persisted, but when downplaying the losses and reasoning behind matters ranging from the American civil war to the battle of the Alamo, students are left with making sense of the contradictory world of evidence outside the confines of their gated community. Just as conservatives are showing themselves to be not remotely opposed to the concept of cancel culture they charge liberals of weaponizing, as well are they entirely open to the liberal mass-suicide that is the collegiate safe space, where students might be confronted only by wishes granted, what they already know or by what most reassures them, and never by any objective truth beyond their personal experience or conflicting with their self-perceptions. Time and again the one and only difference between the two parties is their bank routing numbers.
Enabling such convictions favoring a less incriminating alternative to reality would make it impossible to discuss or to understand the recent headline concerning the blatant and unprovoked murder of Ronald Greene, whom police reports assert died in a car accident two years ago, yet their own bodycam footage only now released confirm was actually the victim of prolonged beating and torture until his death by their hands, and their booted heels, their pepper sprays and their tasers. Even that White House official condemning actions by those police officers overlooks the small detail of his place of employment holding the necessary authority to make the societal changes warranted to depower the many fiefdoms of badges escaping all semblances of realistic accountability, as evidently he himself prefers the fantasy where such unjustifiably endless travesty is always the exception to the rule and not the status quo, where the big business of human enslavement is what ultimately signs his own fucking paycheck.
Likewise, and to the detriment of the livelihoods of her own constituents, congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene continues to erroneously conflate any concern for the well-being of others as being the same thing as marking anybody anywhere for death. Yet even those persons calling her out for her obvious nonsense refuse to say explicitly why she is so clearly in the wrong, because addressing how the anti-maskers are openly disregarding and thus endangering the life and liberty of fellow Americans and everybody else under the sun might upset potential voters who have yet to realize that same correlation in their own Facebook and Twitter prattling. Apparently it runs counter to everything this culture represents, to suggest dreams may not come true no matter how enthusiastically they indulge rents and taxes, or that what the more self-centered subsets want is directly detrimental to the health and safety of those around them, and that their pride may not in fact be representative of anything greater than their own fragile ego. Those persons applauding her approach life with the exact same logic as those witches from a few paragraphs back. As well as the subjects of this study commissioned by a mattress company, declaring that the average American believes they could last two weeks in the wild, when all of reality suggests they lose their freaking shit should they ever suffer 24 hours without access to the politically correct segregation comprising the online socials. It’s like the average American honestly can no longer tell the difference between the real world, and make-believe, or the universe from what they selfishly wish the universe to be. The liberals praising Liz Cheney for verbally opposing Trump’s big lie indulge a fantasy where she is not a conservative nonetheless, just as she herself indulges the fantasy that other tactics toward the same end is kosher. Contrary to reality, dreamily accepting the one-sided marketing that happy endings await, that hard work pays off, that the good guy always gets the girl, that you are an action hero waiting to happen or that my dick surely belongs up the tight asshole of actress/model Hermione Corfield repeatedly but with consternation.