Gumption is the formal synonym for blood-lust, and blood-lust is the singular form of nationalism. Nobody “needs” more resources or opportunities than you for their life or liberty, but nobody deserves less. If we don’t need Trump’s help to masturbate, why does he need ours?
To be rich or famous is to place demands on others. Why not be self-reliant instead?
I’ve a graphic novel out this year, a masterpiece 10 years in the making by the artist. But if I pass someone with lesser resource or opportunity than myself, I’m not arrogant enough to think that book can help them. When anybody can dream, fantasy has no real value, only a cost. This drives the rare folks like Mike Nasser silly, how creative people justify not reapplying their ingenuity toward actual concerns in this world. Alan Moore’s Ozzy had all the best thinkers and artists at work on a global solution, but that was too far-fetched for the film. If anyone’s survival actually depended on a dream, its future has a shite foundation. I scrubbed toilets and dug graves for years without presuming others should sacrifice for mine. Nick Myers, the artist of the book was its originator, and he has a family, so we discussed ages back that should anything above cost come of it, it’s his. I got what I needed when I finished writing it a decade ago. What I want means nothing to the sun, the moon and stars.
If you don’t share in the burdens and blame of a society then you aren’t sharing, you’re taking. And if a societal problem persists, what makes you think you’re done with it, princess? Work so hard for self-appointed higher powers who entertain illusions of survival without us, so of course we deserve to stream games with leftover pocket change even while others go unfed and/or unhoused. Our lacked responsibility generally, and misplaced priority of giving unto high and mighty Caesar rather than those omitted from every opportunity or resource claimed by Caesar sight unseen, is what allows said powers to anoint themselves with authority.
Your church, your political party and favorite branding irons all completely failed at preventing the other party, the traitorous competition from doing all the bad things. But you invest in the fulfillment of their wishes to spare you the trouble of solving problems yourself. Nobody needs a new social media platform, a new faith or new political party or new product/service, but everyone needs to accept that if all the world’s a stage, no one of us is the audience. Authority cries for more and more slack in the ropes holding them down to reality, but when problems carry on it is that lifeline we afford them which binds us, which hangs us. We refute the harm of our own wish-fulfillment because all that trickles down is ego. If you refuse to follow or to be followed, how do you know who you are?
Buy my dung sell me dung products products fill my hole with products occasional shit post praise and replicate the marketing wot sold me or I am oppressed I win the biggest victim award products products products buy my shit sell me shit Trump was the most american president ever the same way everyone on twitter is musk what’s in it for me what’s in it for me what’s in it for me when will god/the gubmint/billionaires/daddy/strangers fix my problems I ignore cause products products products such a bloody struggle having a favorite person or place or thing you have no idea the sacrifices we need others to make to validate where we direct our esteem we are saints but when the esteem is not a boomerang we are as powerless as the devils who carry our cross
all we have to give is love and cruelty and we give it all away for nothing why is the world broken we filled the tank with love and cruelty why won’t it go where our bias and desire and fetish and quirk and wish and want say why are we so inconvenienced by consequences cause and effect are mutually exclusive for the other people you know the ones the ones who dare have a whim of their own besides telling me how pretty important I must be to’ve traded all my love and cruelty for advertising whose dream has the biggest cock like and subscribe to the ego needing the most of you OR FUCKING ELSE.
This is what the people who say “I gave at the office” or “As long as I get mine” actually contribute to society. If personal responsibility were ever widespread of a thing no authority figure or their functions would be. I somehow survived the worst years of my life thus far with the esteem of everyone I knew kept at safe distance. If anyone believes that they cannot survive theirs without mine, they give me far too much credit. I think what feeble success I’ve had battling my ego has been by avoiding choirs, for myself or for those claiming to need from me what is not mine to give.
Gated communities metaphysical or physical, choirs of echo chambers, news bubbles, safe spaces and comfort zones are all purposed to block out the mass of reality, but evolution’s impossible without facing the uncomfortable or unfamiliar. Neither news or schools or social media should be concerned about making us feel right about ourselves by way of catering to DIY segregation, because all the rest of the universe exists and functions free of false hopes and confirmation bias.