It’s not the oppressed doing the oppressing in Gaza, just as it’s not the persons protesting lethal force in the streets of the USA who are enacting lethal force. It’s not the Hamas imposing restrictions on the Palestinian power-grid or denying Palestinians healthcare or demolishing dozens of homes every month going back years and years. Palestine is not barred from having its own airport or seaport by any group ever to have been listed on the US State Department’s terror watch-list.
It’s Israel’s governance, and it’s symptomatic of the psychopathy to invariably result when there’s no separation of Church and State, allowing violations of human rights such as the IDF throwing flash-bangs inside a crowded mosque during Ramadan while outlawing self-defensive measures. Israelis suffered not one or two or three but four elections with Netanyahu never garnering enough votes to legally maintain his administration, because ongoing bribery investigations concerning himself and members of his family have persisted no matter if the UN and the ICC all habitually look the other way. Netanyahu’s regime flunked the final deadline for establishing a coalition government and now is instigating expansion of his rightwing pathology’s mission creep to retain authority over what their imaginary friend promised them. It’s all smoke, from persons scared shitless of seeing who they really are in the mirror. The line between lobbying and bribery is indistinguishable for anybody with a moral fibre, especially while the USA government’s own emoluments clauses are no less laughable than the non-binding resolutions of the UN, with the majority of state governments in the USA quietly criminalizing boycotts, divestment and sanctions against vested financial interests of a particular foreign government for their own constituents, whose taxes pay for federal aid to fund indulgent extravagances such as Israeli citizens enjoying free healthcare while most American citizens are dead on their feet. Just as the US Department of Defense does considerably nothing but orchestrate war, it’s the perpetually on the offensive IDF to repeatedly and flagrantly waive any obligations to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons mandated for every other nation on Earth possessing the wealth for such technologies.
What exactly have the people of Palestine ever done to warrant the scrutiny denied Israelis? Why are Israeli military bases not allowed on USA soil? How is a two-state solution any different from telling your spouse they have no rights to retaliate against their rapists?
For all the general public knows, rockets from Hamas into Tel Aviv could be deep fakes handily packaged for digital media by the original Silicon Valley, or if real could have been launched by Netanyahu faithfuls within the Mossad. We are to believe the news complex in Gaza leveled by Israeli missiles was completely vacated prior only because Israeli officials say so, as though they’ve nothing to lose were they to abide by international laws. The government sharing blame with the Americans for rendering the first malware in world history to end in actual human fatalities would never in a zillion lifetimes find reason to connive any truth, my ass. But sure, it’s not kosher to ask questions about the one nation affording both a nuclear arms program and a space program yet requires constant foreign donations nonetheless, and when they pass laws permitting their soldiers to shoot kids suspected of tossing stones, let’s rationalize the holy fuck out of that too because failure to discern any logic in murdering unarmed children is clearly an antisemitic hate-crime unto itself.
When the common factor to all your failed relationships is you yourself, there lay the insinuation that failure rests on your shoulders alone, as opposed to you naively letting in ne’er-do-well after ne’er-do-well after ne’er-do-well. And by the same logic the only nation of the Middle East to have warred with every other nation of the Middle East is probably not the victim its billions in marketing and foreign lobbying would have the rest of the world believe.
Especially when belief only gets you so far.
Contrary to all the stenography of all of paid punditry the situation in Gaza is not complicated. Nothing in the world is complicated, except where egomania gets rationalized.