Every hell is someone’s heaven and every heaven is somebody’s hell, but the easiest way to convert a traditional brownie mix into blondies is to trade the baking cocoa for equal proportions of powdered milk. Next week I’ll discuss how to do this by campfire while hiding from morlocks.
When others must sacrifice for our insecurities, we are not actually helping anyone up to and including our lofty selves. Experience for overcoming challenges comes from tested self-dependence, not from the fearful arguments against it. Her twitter feed was a sort of Nietzsche you could dance to, but Lady Liberty herself struck more poses than chords. As power corrupts then none must have it, with humanity allowing one another to experience a true democracy, but that requires personal responsibility, a matter defined by self-sacrifice and no American being willing to entertain such a thing is how every problem grows, grows into a human centipede of human shields.
Modern conservatives put faith in guns to avoid self-sacrifice and modern liberals put faith in governance to avoid self-sacrifice. As the purpose of guns and government alike is to sacrifice anyone and everyone but those who wield them, the meek are inheriting the Earth alright. I know violence is the only universal language and the only language too many are capable of understanding, and so does it have its place, but lethal force gives horrible people an easy way out from consequence. Nobody gets to avoid suffering in this world. Thrones of bayonets are not designed to get sat on for long because nature always has the final say, but every big sack thinks their ego or their marketing is the magic exception. If someone cannot be a hero for the people in their neighborhood who need food in the here and now, they will never be an action hero, because they lack the heroic instinct. Every part of the fantasy must come down.
Philosophy is really just how we respond to the world. To not have a philosophy would be embracing chaos, and honestly that’s why life feels so fucking impossible. Because most people do not have a personal philosophy. Some may have heard of moral codes from movies or church, but few really take the time to sort out what they themselves believe and how that relates to the world at large around them. People can take any ideology to extremes, from political partisanship to religious zealotry to brand loyalty, it’s all the same, but those extremists being extreme don’t make religion all bad, or politics all bad, or even commerce all bad. The search for meaning in life always ends in the stalemate of settling for what works best for us individually and personally. But it is the ego that insists the views inside their head must be replicated in the heads of others. That’s why it’s so dangerous to let centerpieces of any politic, any religion or any branding iron do our thinking for us, as our places in the world have to be give and take or we go crazy. Hence, everyone’s state of being bat-shit.
And so does favoring fantasy to reality actualize the source of every problem in this country, every problem in your life or mine. Egos insisting their alternative to reality must be dominant over the life and liberty of others. Innocents are dying because gun-owners are paranoid over how many people out there are crazy enough to own guns. Justifying which lives we can do without is literal tyranny. The government is always in the wrong and if guns are the solution, why aren’t gun-owners taking theirs to DC for a meet and greet? Because no gun-owner really cares about defending America or freedom or whatever, only protecting their own fat ass from real sacrifice. Ego only bows to greater egos, but no competing brand given the controls is ever the solution when the machinery itself is all about sacrificing the rest of us.
Actually saving lives is inherently anti-American; she’s all about pinpointing scapegoats for covering her costs.