If a pep rally is most appropriate in spite of the state of current affairs regionally, nationally and internationally, masturbate into a mirror. Maybe patriots the world over aren’t traditionally dumb, rather is their auto-erotic asphyxiation limiting oxygen to the brain. It really is so perverse that education and healthcare both cost anything at all, and everybody just goes along with it. America is such a free country that the originators of the bikini were wiped out by decades of nuclear testing for the sake of national security. The enemy will always be the elusive other, the justification sold for every policy foreign and domestic a masquerade for safeguarding the most supreme egos from the self-determination of everyone else by falsifying grounds to diminish rights, resources and opportunities.
And every nationalist who has not yet died for their country is no better than a groupie hoping their icon might ever pause for a handy. Terrorists not attacking the power-grid are always just temp workers turned performance artists hopped up on that fancy coke the alphabet agencies hand out by the bucket. I’d say pitchforks and torches only come out after day’s end because those entitling themselves to the world can afford the panic room and drugs to never experience St John’s dark night of the soul.
Joseph Campbell wrote the first algorithm, manifesting so many derivatives ten lifetimes aren’t enough to see half of it, but if we didn’t float an entertainment industry we’d have to do something solid with time and money like solve all society’s problems that prompt escapism. Engaging UBI or raising minimum wages either one does nothing to stop rises to the cost of living, while capping maximums directly cuts off the gluttony. It’d take bloody revolution for that to happen though, because suicidal politicians are not a thing. Raising minimum wages justifies a zillion bucks for a dozen eggs, whereas capping maximums would prevent them from costing more than cents. We could work 10 hours per week at 10 bucks per hour as the new norm, free education/free healthcare for all, affording ourselves a hundred times more options and more leisure than we do now, if we cut the backwards logic of the hero-worshiped requiring everyone else to sacrifice. The only reason 20 or 30 bucks can’t comfortably feed a family’s household great meals for a month, is because we allow the economy to constantly over-inflate itself to keep abreast with the most selfish the world has ever endured. The only rationalization for exorbitant pricing to the goods and services all around us whether life-saving or inconsequential, is that some people expect applause for insisting a debt-free million total in holdings and assets is not enough for a worthwhile life.
How do we tie our shoes if we’ve never overworked underpaid skeleton crews for purposes of providing as little as possible while price-gouging as much as possible, dodging taxes with cheaper campaign contributions to deregulate unsafe products from unsafe working conditions. What miserable lives we would have led, if not for waking time exhaustively spent selling ourselves short conniving pocket change for baubles and immediate gratifications, so that the very worst of humanity might know a heavenly salvation denied them by intelligent design. Why would any whiff of accountability from the people, places and things we believe in terrify us? If we sincerely think or feel that our icons and institutions can do no wrong, we are idiots, because if power or wealth or authority come by way of good intentions, our friends and family must all be horrible people for lacking control over their life. Stop working. If anyone can possess a value or a purpose, it is decidedly not to support those with wealth, or power, or authority. Let them fend for themselves.
The Eldritch thing in sub-basement level 13 of the White House, arriving in the meteor resulting in Chesapeake Bay and prompting DC being built across its surface, would not lie about its intentions only as the strange, many-angled abyss is where vocal chords ought be.