There’s times where I thought, if #art is a hammer, why not just use the hammer? I felt how arrogant is art, to believe the universe doesn’t hold enough possibility on its own. But going without the passions of others means going without so many anchors, so many measuring posts. Indulging fantasy can be well and good, effectively venting a pot-pie to keep it from exploding. Art and religion probably came from the same place, introducing us to fantasy. But believing that fantasy will ever solve any actual problem in life is where the USA upchucks crow.
If we could make remote viewing accessible to all, we could finally close Tinseltown, and in exchange there would be an entryway to empathy that our species has never known before. Less invasive than city dwellers leaving windows open, but tuning into emotion-based experiences. I thought of this some 25 years ago, hearing college professors of philosophy refer to their trade as the dead science. That is my own fantasy, but I have always accepted that the phenomena, if it exists at all, has never been experienced by more than 5 people in all of history, tops. The world needs a metaphysical awakening however. We need a reverse-Tower of Babel pulling each and every ego back down to Earth. But that won’t come from daddy, not by divine intervention or by systemic frameworks which have pointedly refrained from doing the just thing.
I’ve over half a million words on a website I own and operate solo, hosted on foreign servers. None can take blame or credit for any of it. Every essay questioning the fallacies of our times that endanger life, any life. Written largely over the last 5 years while I tried and failed to keep my mom alive. It was my only outlet and likely my only legacy, as I have pursued nothing for myself, no property, no wife, no kids. Not even debt. I say these things because I want nothing to do with this culture or society. I say these things here, because this is what preaching outside the choir actually reads as. Self-determination does not have to be an illusion. Truth does not have to be flattering. Nobody has to love anybody to avoid turning a blind eye. Until DC and Wall Street and Hollywood are shut down, we welcome entrapment, exploitation and extortion by the most codependent among us. I don’t deserve netflix and chilling more than others deserve to not have piss bottles or suicide nets in their lives.
Personally boycott, divest from and sanction every politician across the country. No more campaign contributions, pull your money out of banks, cut up your credit cards. Stop voting, stop paying taxes, because for a long while now, persons who play along in such ways are accessories to chaos and self-destruction. Codependent egocentrics should maybe learn how worthless we all truly are. We do not require any authority’s permission to save lives. Imagine a year with *nobody* voting or *nobody* paying taxes, you know we would all see in real time what is actually represented in DC. And as we do know the predictable, why continue such lethal masquerades?
When the machinery is dependent on entrapment, extortion and exploitation, we don’t need someone different at the levers, we need to destroy the machinery. The half of the population that doesn’t vote encompasses all those who can remember 10 minutes ago. Sensible minds know how nationalism is a bane no matter the flag being waved. But by and large those sensible minds are either unwilling or unable to understand what its alternative requires of them. It’s personal responsibility, it’s not about delegating your burdens onto others, but rather you yourself helping the burdens of others for lack of existing moral authority. View governments as the same as guns. No matter if a bad or a good person is wielding them, they are sacrificing anyone but themselves, just by utilizing its intended function.
The dominance of the mentalities favoring guns, their wet-dreaming is not about some mere greed thing, but the imposition of will upon others. Ending life is the stop sign for demanding one’s thoughts, feelings and insecurities be prioritized by others. There is a huge difference between asking consideration of others, and demanding prioritization of them. Unregulated ego insists on rewriting reality as it happens and making all others subservient to their copy-edits. Nobody will say how ego is the root of all evil, because everybody wants to pardon their own. Are you still a good person when piss bottles make your creature comforts possible? There’s no such thing as “personal truth” when the function of truth is something other than flattery. The land and sky exist whether we like it or not. But we welcome that, and the idea “everyone’s special” while wondering what gateway drugs lead to everyone abandoning reality. The people on facebook insisting the Texan school shooting never even happened were told all their lives that dreams come true.
By all means must everyone sort their own thoughts and feelings and insecurities, for everyone is defined by their thoughts and feelings and insecurities. But nobody can be permitted to define the world for others by their own thoughts and feelings and insecurities, as that disregards the thoughts and feelings and insecurities of everyone else. This is an over-simplification of nothing, as all complications in life arrive from you yourself or somebody somewhere else justifying biases, desires, fetishes, quirks, whims and wishes no matter who must suffer the costs. Even with our renowned artists, if their dreams are unobtainable unless others grant them time and energy, resources and monies, then their dreams require others to make the actual sacrifices. When each and everyone is a snowflake, life becomes an insufferable blizzard. None should be so eager to follow, and none should be so insistent on being followed.
The world intelligently-designed or not being such the dumpster fire is no justification for the yellow-bellied escapism of indulging fantasies, for rather the habit of indulging fantasy itself is what lights the fires. Existing beyond your means guarantees that others will never know the chance to explore their own. Nobody morally or ethically gets to decide that any life anywhere holds less value than their very own. And so in a truly democratic society, none should possess means to carry that line of thinking to its end. Sure, people will still kill each other with knives, coat hangers and their bloody hands, but when the one necessity to civilization is the mutual agreement not to kill one another, no authority should make it any easier for the least among us to carry out their ego-trips, or else it holds too much authority. Whether it’s a government taking liberties or your local nutjob taking liberties.
Being the largest arms dealer in world history, the largest portion of the USA government’s revenue comes from selling arms abroad. A substantial number of domestic gun-owners are past and present members of law enforcement and military, meaning that any official junta on behalf of saving life runs counter to the documented history of those institutions. Far-right militias such as the Boogaloo Boys, the Proud Boys, the 3-percenters and the Oath-keepers take pride in counting among their own vets and those wearing badges by day. Even Disney, still one of the more powerful corporations, allowed them to walk away with the Punisher emblem. And Marvel was like, you know what? They can keep it. We’ll just replace ours with a squid shitting out its conjoined twin, a thing not even a meth-head would care to trace. The system is not going to take any guns away from its in-house fanboys. That is a fantasy entertained by the biggest idiots on both sides of the aisle. Recent months have shown how easy it is for sadomasochists to undo even decades-long legislation, but go on and protest for the half-assed peanuts of gun sale restrictions. Talk to your local gun owners, talk them back down to reality face to face. There are hundreds of millions of guns already in circulation domestically. Catch these people away from their memes, remind them how much scrap metal is going for currently. Let them know insecurities are universal if not thoughts or feelings. We can lazily white flag arguments online thanks to blocking and canceling, but IRL is life or death, and we have to see the dialogue through, not hide behind the next witticism and move on.
A population incapable of talking with their crazy uncle Dave at the holidays because of politics, is going to have to talk with their neighbors about dismantling and trashing gun collections, that is the one and only way out and everything else is bullshit.