What if, under-looked by paid pundits across the nation, the weaponization of the postal service prompting its partisans to shoot their business in the foot figuratively and non-figuratively, served the additional purpose of putting said business the rest of the way onto the chopping block, so that Amazon or Facebook or Wal-Mart or some other tycoon’s plaything might swoop in with its fleet of drones only too happy to pick up a new government contract from its ashes? What if, following the inauguration, there is abruptly a bipartisan effort to replace the disastrous and calamitous postal service altogether with strictly digital conveyance?
If crop circles are made predominately by people, regardless of intentions, why are unfinished crop circles unheard of? Wouldn’t the majority be in-progress but abandoned?
Why do we still not know who these witchy women pictured actually were, how they became centerpieces to the weirdo Vril society or what became of them after world war two? American television programming is overflowing with propaganda that the war was singularly about the USA bravely saving Europe from socialists, as a bizarre love/hate cover for each and every facet of Nazism fetished openly by pop culture from comic books to fashion, yet what exactly these women were up to, how they engendered such trust among the Nazi hierarchy, remains altogether unobserved. I’m not suggesting anything, just acknowledging how even the Nazi experiments with UFO technology have received better documentation. The CIA was explicitly patterned after the SS, NASA engineering was founded largely by German rocket scientists granted clemency, but the long-haired, sapphic snake-charmers vanished from the face of the Earth, when the corporate machinery of Hollywood’s core thread has always been to cast the evils of the world as worthwhile temptations. Even modern witches have failed epicly from manifesting themselves as anything but fatty girls with hairy armpits who learned everything they know from the mall’s bookstore. If there were any cause to perpetuate anything to do with the Nazis, any wonder whatsoever at lingering fascination, these ladies were very much alone in that, but the social discourse knows absolutely nothing about them. Were they common harlots, fortuitous in photo-bombing the inner sanctums of Nazi high command? Were they secretly responsible for the whole shebang? Did they use real magick to inadvertently or not destroy the Nazis from the inside, perhaps unleashing something which no army could control? Flee to America, where they were granted new identities in exchange for birthing the beach blanket bingo sub-genre of films? Maybe they met a quieter end from a gang-war with Crowley’s scarlet women in some nondescript back-alley of Argentina, Brazil or Chile, hair pulled to such extent not one of the bodies was left recognizable. Even the producers of anal porn videos are strangely reluctant about the obvious appeal. Suffice to say, only true power is capable of anonymity, in today’s climate especially. How many of the hundreds of members to the multi-billionaire Saudi royal family can you name?
What if the people willing and able to violate the privacy rights of underage family members, by harmlessly sharing pictures of them across social media, are one and all closet pedophiles? Are they not providing food for thought to pedophiles? No matter how benign the intent publicly, how is sharing personal info of others, particularly photographs, not doxxing? Why was the wide-scale impulse not to protect minors until they themselves are old enough to decide what to share of themselves, if anything at all? The concept of protecting data so as to safeguard against nefariousness even well and beyond pedos isn’t exactly a breaking story.
If news media were to be regarded as the adult extension of education, like if the Department of Education were to absorb the FCC, it would be subjected to the fancies of the literati with no less damaging effects than from the eventual automation of news media being subjected to the fancies of whomever programs the algorithms. As this would invariably be the case, money endlessly doing all the talking, then shouldn’t a free media necessitate an unpaid media? What’s ultimately of greater importance, the spreading of pivotal information, or the pursuant rewards? Could the ego-appealing nature of Hunter Thompson’s gonzo journalism be partially to blame, for cracking the proverbial door open to subjectivity from news presenters? With news media bias, is being paid to give a fuck not prostitution?
How many of society’s ailments would still exist if society were to anonymize artists, and political candidates? For that matter, and most importantly, if merits mean anything at all, then why does this society collectively permit commercials and advertisements, or political parties? How fucking disingenuous, and lazy, is cosmetic surgery? If terror groups ever were truly serious about destabilizing the west, why have they never chosen to obliterate whichever celebrity awards gala? As with the 2016 Presidential election, wealth holding no national loyalty does not automatically imply it holds loyalties to some other nation-state. By definition hoarders of pillaged goods hold loyalty only to themselves regardless of where they were born or where they claim citizenship. In this case specifically, with no self-awareness xenophobic voices accuse foreign business interests of exploring free market Capitalism, where no loyalties conflicting with self-entitlement might afford to play. Instead of targeting accusations at those eager to sell, they insist that proponents of Communism have an interest in purchasing what’s American, which is kind of not at all how Communism works. And not to defend Communists, as with any political ideology it brings no more to the table than different tactics entirely for the few to reap the fruits of the many laboring others; all governments eventually devouring themselves and their citizens to fulfill the wanton purposes of unregulated ego. Even down to regional politics, it is never a matter of political ideologies waging war with one another, but rather the ongoing struggle of who reaps the profits at everyone else’s expense. Any country practicing Capitalism is leaving its political ideologies at the door, as Capital insists on the final word in all matters, to the point of abject failure to coexist with any other ideology, as observed by the populists vs prosperity indoctrinates civil-warring within the Catholic church internationally. Instead of asking every election season which billionaire-backed millionaire best represents your interests, why not ask why you should be made to represent theirs your every waking moment?
What if the United States of America both as a place and as an idea, will be dead and buried in 5 years, and the blunt certainty of this is why moguls are buying future compounds in every remote part of the planet and beyond? How absurd is any of this, when such an established con-artist can so easily take control of the most expensive government in world history and dominate the most egocentric population in world history? Should that government or that population get any credit after the fact, or is the biggest and baddest incorporated entirely of bullshitting victims?