Supply meeting demand is not what currency does. Equality can’t be the sharing of luxury as that still requires entrapment, extortion and exploitation to make manifest, so only pushes sacrifice onto others. This government is a gun, sacrificing the lives of everyone else no matter if good or bad people are manipulating it. Evolution is a thing that can happen but it’s rarely casual. Fuck anymore chances. Real equality is the sharing of burdens. Meanwhile we have millionaires promising returns to billionaires, marketing their marketing as will of the people populism. Zinn would roll in his grave.
Manufacturing demand to appease preordained profiteering is the opposite to how a healthy market should function, going all the way back to the Gulf of Tonkin at least. Instead of the unwashed informing culture, they are so dependent on culture informing their identity they can no longer distinguish their thoughts and feelings from marketing.
Maybe real heroes are never left alive to suffer their followers. What we sacrifice and who we sacrifice for in this life says more about what and who we ourselves truly are, than does anything else we may ever say or do. Who we do not appreciate is what tends to save the day, and what we do not know tends to be the tools they employ.
Rather than joining a personality cult for attributes you choose to ascribe to its centerpiece, who in turn requires your merits to be carried on high, those values could be brought forth within you and by you, thus enabling neither the demands or fulfillment of codependency. Nobody’s comfort actually means more than the life of another. If we can be heroes, then why should we hero-worship others just for wanting our sacrifices? My grandparents were better problem-solvers than any politician, better teachers than any industrialist and better counselors than any preacher and all they wanted was fair weather. People doing none of those want the world. The masses have too much trust in labels.