Regarding the man’s insistence that killing immigrants would be erroneously branded by federal agencies as murder, I felt obliged to reach out through the contact form at his official website to share this message word for word.
I see that Abbott won’t stand for the self-determination of others, which is the most fundamental of basic human rights. All it takes for evil to prevail in this society is for egos such as his to go on with the fantasy of justifying themselves as being good people. Every single act of evil throughout history no matter how big or how small, boils down to some asshole exerting their will upon others, prioritizing their own biases, desires, fetishes, quirks, whims and wishes over the well-being of hapless others. You either sacrifice of yourself in this life, or you compel it of others, but the two options are not synonymous and one of them is not remotely what good people do.
It’s not immigrants or migrants or refugees who are building meth labs in your backyard. And if so many of them working is so offensive for the people incapable of a hard day’s labor, maybe consider the bigger concern is in domestic job creators being so unwilling to pay legal wages or employment taxes. No matter how hard up these people may have it, foolishly or desperately believing America’s marketing, they are nowhere near the beggars that fundraising politicians are. But power is the absence of self-awareness just as authority is the absence of good intent. Hell is plenty big enough for the governor’s ego.
The great Mark Twain once wrote that a man cannot be adequately judged by the clothes he wears but by the company he keeps. In that regard it is absolute projection on the governor’s part to see so many broken others as threats to life. They are not the ones indulging the fantasy that gun-owners save lives, and they are not the ones who enable corporate deregulation to result with American citizens paying the ultimate piper. Predictably, Abbott will never read this or have it read to him, because gated communities exist only to block out the mass of reality daring to have functions other than to make the denizens therein feel alright about themselves.