Gone back to Voice of America appointing a Silicon Valley bureau chief a full year before the shock and awe of Windows ’95, the joke’s been these online message boards were the wettest dream of the CIA, the most lithe and lissome outright volunteering each thought, feeling and selfie.
It’s funny as it’s true. But sudden surprise over the notion these social media networks maintain any contact with alphabets of the Intelligence Community and law enforcement is braindead. Google had closed door weekly meetings throughout the Obama admin, continuing what was established by W signing the Patriot Act. Come into my parlor said the spider to the fly. Amazon was paid half a billion to build an encrypted private cloud for the CIA and nobody wonders why those roles weren’t reversed. It’s the trade-off for the corporate welfare. When the East India Tea Co dissolved, all its players became the first NGOs. I’ve a cannonball in my chest cavity still.
Presuming law enforcement are ever legitimate (hahaha), how do these pundits think crime prevention works? Do they sincerely believe “lib” tech moguls have reach failing to exceed the long arm of Uncle Sam’s in all matters but anything so liberal as the one-uppance of social reforms in betrayal of the marketing for their own platforms, just helpless bystanders within their own fiefdoms? Can they appreciate that calls for defunding the police are largely to prohibit this sort of overreach? And what of Neocon Robert Mercer, whose subsidiary companies made his billions across decades by publicly using military-grade psychology to influence digital components to dozens of elections worldwide. Manipulation was cool with Trump, Cruz before and Romney before him? The only destructive nihilists are the ones who deny it.
The only divide in DC throughout my lifetime isn’t the choreographed capitalism vs populism where both sides being millionaires fruit-looping to billionaires means no side is honestly left. It’s old-fashioned fossil fuel spooks vs spooks who grew up playing video games. Peter Thiel is the next Henry Kissinger just as Mark Zuckerberg was the next Edward Bernays. Same context, the Bilderberg group was for NATO the way the Davos group seems to be against it. Capitalism is a downward spiral depleting us all and users will never abandon their avatars and proxies, so the irresistible force meeting the immovable object is when all the eggs in this one basket pays off for metaversal business partners of authority.
Sovereign citizens are crackpots picking/choosing which laws to abide by, without entitlements of legal diplomatic immunity or qualified immunity safeguarding from law enforcement picking/choosing which laws to abide by and if, when and where enforced in service to said entitled. The only threat to the establishment is reading comprehension. Speech is free provided that someone’s ideal member finds use in the opening. The most effective branding irons are the megalithic, because then its mass suffocates you before you can feel most of your burning.
The ratio in this part of Dallas is approximately one police siren for every 200 gunshots. In the last few hours alone they came from North and East and West and South, but news it does not spell. I came last December, after my lil sister begged for months. She and her husband lack health/finances to leave, but really there’s nowhere to go. Here feels like the eye of a tornado spin-doctoring from sea to shining sea, the nation flushing its perceived worst for not being cruel enough. There were fewer people in the bluegrass town I left than in all the homeless tent-cities of the DFW combined, made to shuffle regularly for upwards mobility is confined to private clubs and private schools and private lawns falling shy of the stars at night so big and bright. More guns than adults in the USA and easily half are here in the friendship state, due to all the blithering cowards who see the homeless surviving with nothing, and just cannot for the life of them get their heads around the strength necessary to not be entertained.
Pride for this country is the most heartless, mindless thing of all the things, and nothing but senseless marketing to prompt it. Deny our own experiences, sensory perception and critical thinking skills just because the advert said to and that lady was toasted as a lucky strike.