Generally, those who feel respect should be given out freely are unwilling or incapable of actually earning it. Like Presidents and other tycoons. I find, that more often than not legalities are just a public cruelty for the sake of whichever control freak’s whim of the moment. And if you give more steam to rationalizing the inhuman actions of sadomasochists rather than the human reactions to sadomasochism, you share in the sadomasochisming. And likely any number of its derivatives whether ageism, racism, sexism, homophobia or Capitalism. If outgrowing the taste for yummy pablum were the standard of adulthood Americans especially are in need of a changing.
Superman could and should be the least violent superhero in the noosphere, because “might makes right” and “ends justify means” are idioms for rapists, murderers and bankers. Biased truth or justice is neither.
Heroes aren’t down to sacrifice the other guy, they’re up for sacrificing of themselves. Strength of character real or not would be why folks look up to him throughout these decades, and it’s bad enough we lack that in the real world. Fictional or non, heroes are not defined as heroic because of how they look or what they say being agreeable, not for their personal convictions but rather the allowances they are strong enough to afford those differing from their own, for whichever greater good. Liberty given is not synonymous for liberties taken. Don’t reflect how great any subset thinks they are as an audience, show us how great we all could be, how great we all should be. Elsewise authors sell another superiority complex, which none should aspire after. Nobody is owed love or respect, and Trump is a fine example for how far one might go with free respect.
The world not existing merely to suit any one of us shouldn’t be the most offensive concept anybody meets with in their lifetime, but there it is. Wikileaks never should’ve released Santa’s list with his vulgar nicknames for every child on Earth, things will just never be the same.
I’ve never in recorded history suggested I know better than others, rather that nobody knows anything but the branding which most flatters their self-interest, that they have yet been exposed to. My life has made me such the nihilist I don’t even believe in the word’s tenacity. With good reason I do believe that Hermione Corfield is easily one of the hottest actresses in the English-speaking world, but I also recognize how useless that belief is to me, her or anyone else. We learn so much more about ourselves from our desires than from anything achieved by them. Unless a life is on the line, I think in most instances of our existence not getting what we want is more rewarding for us than success. Otherwise we may know nothing but weaknesses. The highest authorities are always cream-puffs compared to what any homeless person endures. And that is a strong point were it to come from me or anybody, but as it doesn’t explicitly flatter most people then most people would regard it as inconsequential word salad. Irony being life has us all eating our words sooner or later, like it or not. If you are sacrificing only for yourself, or for persons possessing more than you have access to yourself, then people are wrong to trust you for the exact same reasons you’re an idiot for trusting your leaders and employers. The more trust that anyone is afforded, the more entitled they are to use it. It’s not the bad guys or the other party or strangers who make your life hell, it’s you refusing accountability over your own choices in life.
And respect shouldn’t come of creating tragedy or fleeing from it, or from passing the buck downwind.
Tragedy is no less of a tragedy even when welcomed with a kiss at the door. All the more perhaps. God laughs til he whets himself at the idea of avoidable death, loved or unloved. When my sister was murdered, I was such a mess for a bad 5 years or so, til I began digging graves for a living. I worked on roughly a thousand burials and attended hundreds of them, sometimes as fill-in pall-bearer for most people do not leave behind many loved ones willing or able to do any heavy-lifting. People are forgotten so easily, the best and worst of them. Each and every one who leaves this world takes some of its potential with them, doesn’t matter who the hell they were. Your leaders may feel differently regardless of politics or theology, but the lives of others are not there simply to benefit us, to instill us with esteem or to hand over their resources or opportunity. Capitalism’s ego infects how society’s denizens act and react toward one another way more intrinsically than mere buying and selling. Outrageously impossible to acknowledge layers and degrees to a culture where variant covers are a thing. Picking whichever alternate reality you like most leads to a shite countenance when this is the one where you live and die.